The third Winchester brother

United States
February 20, 2009 2:51am CST first my reaction was much like everyone else's, " this true? WHAT is Kripke thinking? That's! And probably a bad idea! Is it a demon trick?" ...but since I've been following the tidbits, thinking about the show's past history for turning something that sounds a little cliche and stupid into something awesome...and especially since I read a statement Kripke officially made on the subject (and his "joking" about Sam marrying Ruby)...I've decided that I'm gonna with-hold judgement until the actual episode. Especially looking at that cute picture here (NOT a promotion, mylot mods, just giving an example): For those of you this is news to, I'll explain. OK, so for a month now, there's been this rumor floating around that there's an episode with a third Winchester brother named Adam who is the result of a trist between Papa Winchester and a lady he met on a hunt (long after the boys we know and love were born and after ary's death...since he was NOT a hunter before that point, I don't think). People keep referring to Cousin Oliver on the Brady Bunch, for an example of that and interview with the writer of Supernatural on this subject (again, I'm not promoting, I have nothing to gain from this link): My first bit in this topic's in reference to this last article. Sooooo. What's your guy's opinion on this third Winchester brother? Are you with-holding judgement like I am for the episode (which I think comes after the next one that airs March 12th?)? Do you have fath in Kripke that it'll be awesome? Or do you think it's probably the worst idea they've had yet? Do you think that maybe the third Winchester brother's not completely out of the loop on all things supernatural? And if he isn' you think his character's to play a more sinister role on the show? What do you guys think?
3 responses
@ayenacsi (910)
• Philippines
25 Mar 09
Seems I am missing a lot of things that have been going on in the series. Hmmmm a third Winchester ? Must have aired by now, it's been a month? Is he just as hot ?
• United States
25 Mar 09
It airs next week, actually, I believe! People tend to think he's as good lookin' as our main boys. =)
@leeloo (1492)
• Portugal
20 Feb 09
I will definitely wait before passing judgement, I think that the series has been able to avoid most of the cliche pitfalls quite well the episode with Dean's son was really well done and the one with the day that repeats with Sam over and over again could have gone really badly, but they are brilliant and well achieved. What is funny is that the episode is called Jump the shark, which is a term used when when a show does it's most outrageous episode just before the decline, which shows they can laugh at themselves. I mean this is the show that had an episode dedicated to fairy tales, which when I read in the preview gave me a 'What!?' feeling. I just can't wait for the 6th show to air here.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
20 Feb 09
I live in Australia and we are waaaay behind the States. A friend has downloaded all the episodes to date but I haven't had time to watch them yet. I love The Supernatural and as far as I am concerned it has improved from season 1. It's hard to say how I feel about a third Winchester; it would be weird; it's been Sam and Dean all this time. I suppose it will depend on the character the third brother will portray. They may make it only look as though he is sinister at first perhaps or he could be a likable evil man, just plain evil or out to do good in the world, the possibilities are endless. I guess we'll have to wait and see!