A poll for every human being :)
By taran_2005
@taran_2005 (122)
13 responses
@Vaddiba (190)
21 Feb 09
Mankind has always created gods over the centuries. And these gods always change their characteristics over the span of time or disappear altogether, because human beings are always making progress about what is true and acceptable and what isn't.
Christians and the world in general used to believe that the sun revolved around the earth. We now know that the truth is exactly the opposite: the earth revolves around the sun.
If god created the universe, why didn't he/her/it tell christians that the earth revolved around the sun? Instead, the church called Galileo an heretic and threw him in jail because he revealed this truth based on his own mathematical calculations.
If god is real and humanlike, wouldn't that mean that he/her is more complicated than the universe itself? So, who or what created god?
Life or nature is a complicated phenomenon/process that doesn't have a personality. Look at nature and you will recognise disgusting things: I wonder why "god" didn't invent the toilet when he/she/it created man. "God" must have a twisted "mind" to come up with the idea of that brown disgusting stuff. How sick is it to have tons of it deposited everyday by humans. What a mess. Couldn't "god" have come up with a cleaner and better idea?
The truth is that nature is a process that doesn't care about human values.
Religious beliefs are based on nothing more than unsubstantiated biased claims that give rise to ignorance. By contrast, science seeks to discover the truth so that humanity can be better informed about the realities of existence.
@jofeli (502)
• Indonesia
22 Feb 09
I think I believe in God. That's why I have a religion, Catholic. In my opinion, all religions believe in one same thing, a super power beyond universe (call it a God if you may). If not, then how are all our planet with all on it created? I can never think of any other answer than God. There must be a super power that can manage all those things, right? So for me, God is one great superpower, because if He's not here, then what am I? 

@au_dawn (76)
• Philippines
22 Feb 09
Of course I do!!
I believe that there really is a HIGHEST BEING behind everything that's happening here on earth. It is like someone,say for example your boss at work, who's the reason why you can't actually do what you really wanted to do. There's always this limitation and with positive, negative or maybe no reason at all(cuz you can't seem to find an explanation), there must be someone behind it all. It's like a chain and in the end,a HIGHEST Being is really leading such chain of events.
@KaniaHara2010 (250)
• United States
22 Feb 09
I'm the sort that believes that you can't prove it either way. Atheists can't prove there isn't one because you can't a negative. The other side can't really prove their assertion either, and it's tried very often, but wouldn't work on skeptical people.
I'm skeptical either way, but I do sometimes believe in a "cosmic force" or "cosmic significance", so maybe that's the same thing.
@Vaddiba (190)
22 Feb 09
Nature is that "superpower", not a "god" that has human characteristics like the ability to speak, see, hear, taste, and touch. If a "god" has human characteristics, then that "god" must have also been created, right?
Most religious people describe their "god" as "he". Is "god" male or female? And how would anyone know the answer unless he/she actually saw such a "god"?
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
21 Feb 09
^_^ Howdy!.... taran_2005!....
I'm faithfully, believing and trusting the Living Almighty God. No matter what have happened, what is happening, and what will happen. And the Almighty God is the truth of truth of the highest and powerful wisdom can human being can have. And all of these wisdom that is greater and more powerful than knowledge and we human beings can have it all just first is to seek, search, find, believe, trust and always be with Almighty God and all of His righteousness.
^_^ God Bless Us!.... Peace!.... Thanks!.... and Enjoy!.... myLot!....
@lissettica (6)
• Dominican Republic
21 Feb 09
Yes, absolutely!!! I know about him in the Bible, but I had felt his sweet presence y prayer and worship, even physically I've felt a warm hug from God about 5 times in 3 or 4 years! It is the most shocking and beautiful experience that makes you literally disconnect from every little thing in the world. In those moments you forget about you, your family, sons, everything, just feeling His glory.
@SangsTurks (1444)
• India
21 Feb 09
Yes i believe in GOD. Although i dont follow the set standards by the society, like going to church on sundays, fasting etc but i believe in GOD.
@Corgiiscute (315)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Yeah, I do :) I don't see how there could not be. It doesn't make sense that everything would just happen without anyone (not to me, anyway). Even if for arguments sake, the universe did just form on its own, all of the elements and everything that make up space, people, animals, plants, etc. had to have come from somewhere. If no one created them, I don't understand where they came from.
@Vaddiba (190)
21 Feb 09
In essence, the word "belief" means accepting something which could turn out to be a lie. That's why people who are religious constantly describe themselves as "believers". They never describe themselves as "knowers" because they don't have any facts to prove the existence of a "god". Such people can only use vague words to describe some feelings of apparent elation. Well, many people feel a great sense of joy in their lives, but they don't need to attribute it to some invisible "god" that never shows itself in physical form. If such a god existed, there wouldn't be viruses and diseases.
@b0ndgirl007 (56)
• United States
20 Feb 09
yes i do believe in God. I always have. ever since i can remember. i know he's always around even if people dont think he is.