do you think todays children are loosing their childhood?

February 20, 2009 10:37am CST
Hi, 'Pressure' from every corner,expectations from parents reaching sky,burden of extra-cirricular activities,homework,extra class,notes,competition,rat-race......what not?Do you think children are loosing their Childhood?compare with ur those childhood memorable days and come forward!Ultimately who is responsible?? =Lahiri,Kolkata,India.
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2 responses
• United States
21 Feb 09
I think that the days we spent in childhood are gone forever. I believe that in today's society children are pressured to be the best. Whether it is in school, in sports, or any other hobbies. I think that many children are pushed to their limits. Their days are filled with more stucture, and less play time. Eventually, I think that they will have serious emotional problems because of this. Much of play during childhood is essential to develop properly. We may not think of play as important, but it helps children to develop social skills as well as communication skills. Children today are also being put under more pressure which leads to more stress. Stress it not healthy for any individual,but especially not for children. I think parents need to take a time out. Step back and give their kids some time to play. In the end, I think we will all be better off.
• India
21 Feb 09
Hi, I too agree with U,100%. Thanks for responding! =Lahiri,Kolkata,India.
@TnWoman (1895)
• United States
20 Feb 09
hello forslahiri there might be a whole lot of children that do not have a childhood like that. and it breaks my heart to hear about children who do not have that. i have two sons that are still curently living with myself and my hubby at home. one is ten, fixing to be eleven this coming Saturday and the other son is eight years old. my hubby and myself try to spoil the boys to a certain extent, and their grandparents do as well. i always spend time with each of the boys everyday of the week. one on one time, seeing what's going on with them and so forth. the eight year old as soon as he gets home everyday, he likes to go play with whatever friend that is available that can play for the afternoon, and the ten year old comes on in the house and goes directly into his room for awhile, he calls it re-cooperating from being at school all day. so yeah, i have tried my best to give my sons the childhood that they deserve and need. (hugs) take care and have a beautiful day today!
• India
21 Feb 09
Hi, Glad to listen that from a responsible mother. Thanks, to Ur sensible Hubby. Happy Birthday,to Ur SON. =Lahiri,Kolkata,India.