How can everyone work together to bring about world peace?
@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
Janesville, Wisconsin
19 responses
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
10 Nov 06
It seems contradictory but peace can only be acheived by the peaceful countries each having a strong military. Why? Because the war-like countries do not care what countries without strong militaries say or do or what diplomatic methods they might attempt. Countries intent on invading another can not be talked out of it. Diplomacy will not deter an aggressor. What will? The sure knowledge that if one country invades another, the other many peaceful nations of the world will invade it, hunt down its leaders, and execute them as war criminals.
Now, we can see why the UNITED NATIONS is such a failure. Aggressor nations of the world know the UNITED NATIONS will do nothing except talk.
@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
10 Nov 06
It does not even have to be a military, a strong group in powers which upholds and teachs strong rules for respect and tolerance can hold their ground. I used to run such a group 275 teenagers in a town of 4,444 ... We mad a difference so much so we ran three hate groups out of town, and caused 2 major gangs to do a peace truce... all with non violance and strength of value. We gave the rest of the townspeople the strength and courage of not to give in... Strength in all forms is a good deterent, and any group of people who are together and show this strength can make a difference. Best thing is our group never resorted to violance in anything we did.
@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
14 Nov 06
Most violance stems out of people being and feeling insecure and unsafe.. Most Gangs do not even want to be violantly killing eachother or fighting.. they would rather have peace... and just wish their rules to be respected and honors. If you instill high values or respect and honor for everyone. and if you see something no one is getting hurt by it but it's differently and pay no mind to it you'll be fine. But if everyone bands together and speaks out again violance being wrong, disrespect being wrong there is quote I do not know who had originally said it but it says "If the People Lead, the Leaders will follow" and that is exactly what we saw going on in our town for the time our group ran... I would restart that group but for now, I am busy trying to get on my own to feet so my activism is limited to the internet for now. Yes, I agree the UN is not doing its job as well is could be doing... I think the other thing Johnson was trying to start and push through would have been better... Take care!
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
1 Dec 06
" Most violence stems out of people being and feeling insecure and unsafe."
This simply is not a true statement. Most violence stems from a criminal predator feeling secure, safe, and sure he can get away with his criminal act.
You need to meet some actual people who have been and/or are violent. However, do not do so without someone who can provide you some protection. I promise you are in sincere danger of becoming some criminal's victim. Do you really think most victim's of violence made their perpetrators feel insecure and unsafe? Are you blaming the victim? You may think you are not, but you are when you relieve the violent criminal of responsibility by saying he has a problem of being insecure and unsafe.
I have no problem believing violent people tell naive people the reason they are violent is because they feel insecure and unsafe, but it is BS.
Here is the quote I cut and pasted from your response again," Most violance stems out of people being and feeling insecure and unsafe."
Your statement is true only when applied to society as a whole as a response to violent criminals. Check out the figures on how many people society harms through its police compared to how many people criminals harm. You will find the criminals who harm people when they feel they are secure and safe to do so cause much more violence than the police who are protecting a society that rightly does feel insecure and unsafe.
In short, you are confusing the decent people of society as a whole who have good reason to feel insecure and unsafe with the violent criminals who cause the insecurity and lack of safety.
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@vbembot (747)
• Philippines
10 Nov 06
first let us start it from ourselves. Let us have peace of mind. be compassionate, understanding, trust and respect. I believe that building on these values we will be assured of world peace.
@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
10 Nov 06
Yes, Yes, Yes.. Values is a major key.. and Self healing, and healing others as well... Helping build security and peace within oneself and others... I agree... Peace, and thanks for responding!
@FireHorse (293)
• United States
29 Apr 07
BY GEORGE I THINK THIS ONE'S ACTUALLY GOT IT! lmao But all the responces I've seen here are great :) and thanks for hipping me to this site Dna :)
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@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
3 May 07
Thanks for joining us Firehorse! These people are absolutely wonderful, and It is nice to see so many responces to this thread. It gives us all hope to help improve the lives if the world and our future, and our childrens future. - DNatureofDTrain
@lauczi (962)
• Poland
10 Dec 06
if everyone takes care about peace in his clostes neighbourhood, among his friends or family then automaticly there would be world peace. but people want to say bog words like make peace in one country or continent, they should think about their enviroment. im sure that people wishng in public world peace do nothing to make peace among their freinds. we should start from ourselves. im not wishing world peace becuz many times i argue and fight with others, so i cant demand something that i personaly dont do.
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@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
4 May 07
There is always going to be arguements, and disagreements, but everyone can work hard to keep it from escalation back to fighting... Learn to step back, disagree, and give another space... Agree to revisit the issue after both sides have calmed down... There is also many types of intermediation programs... out there to help people peacefully resolve conflicts.
- DNatureofDTrain
@bilalalikhan1 (270)
• India
10 Dec 06
we need to improve ourselves in that we shud not disparage others, we shudnt show racism....etc
we shud know what r the aftereffects of big events such as that in Iraq.
We shud protest against discriminations and brutality in our own way and domain.
if each individual minds himself, this world can have doubt.
@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
5 Apr 07
Yes, and another good way is doing RAK... Random Acts of Kindness also help... and educating eachother - DNatureofDTrain
@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
4 May 07
Yes, Not only signing pacts, Agreements, and Treaties.. But Keeping this pacts. :) - DNatureofDTrain
@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
3 May 07
Well, I disagree with the do nothing part,
I feel if we want to be saved we need to work hard to try to save ourselves, as then the others will take noticed and see that we are not happy in our misery, and some may come save us! Thanks for your opinion and responce! - DNatureofDTrain
@akumei1269 (1749)
• India
10 Nov 06
World peace seems to be a big concept, too big for an individual like you and I . But it is not so . Peace is endengered through the national policies . National policies in turn can be moulded by dint of public opinion.And ther comes our role.
One person can influence the opinion of his or her close people .This can be done through interpersonal interactions or through forums .Hopefully, this is easier now a days by the grace of technology .This process can be proliferated to any width.
However at the root each of us must have a broad mind . That can be achieved through exploration into oneself .This also seems to be tough task . But ,if we sincerely want to give a livable world to our offsprings we have to meditative. This can be fortified if one sees the plight of the victims of extremism in whatever form,war and genocides .
Let us hope for a peaceful world.
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@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
11 Nov 06
Things can and will change but it is up to people if they want to do so. In the past history there has been cycles of Peace and War. There will always be the cycles.. But we can learn to Bring Balance to both.... And for those who feel they can not make a difference... I love the Mosquitos quotes... here is one version."If you think you are to small to make a difference, you have never slept in the same room as a mosquito" - African Proverb"If you think you're too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito." -Bette Reese
Be the Mosquito! lol ...
Peace :) .
@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
10 Nov 06
I agree, Allow it to spread.. feeds fuel to the fire! :) ..
Thank you for responding! - Peace!
@melody1011 (1663)
• India
10 Nov 06
I think we should try to change the way we think. Cuase only when we make changes in our selves can we expect others to change. We need to be more open to people and think more about others rather than only concentrating on our selfish needs.
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@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
10 Nov 06
I totally agree, but there needs to be a proper balance too. You do not want to flip to the other side of the coin, and be giving to much either and neglecting yourself.. It is hard to find that balance of taking care of yourself and taking care of the world.. Society in my eyes.. as least US society appears to be out balance.. Bring back the Good and the Bad News.. Instead of being Bad News all the time. Take care and Peace! - Thanks for responding :).
@bfa731 (409)
• United States
10 Nov 06
No matter what you do you can not have world peace. I mean we can try and put on a false hope that we can achieve world peace but it wont happen. Even if we have peace now, inevitably when populations grow and resources run short. People's survival traits will kick in and people will begin fighting over whether they live or die. As of current situations, people are to different to combine them into one kind of community. We are so diverse that its extremely difficult to try and combine cultures into one giant one to create world peace.
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@jaijairam (18)
• India
17 Nov 06
Well, now I am sure that I am diverting instead of sharing. Peace depends on life style, compare literature, music, fashion, family/relations, behaviours, gestures/respect you name it…. Ultimately peace depends on change. Let us change.
@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
18 Nov 06
Hello, And no you are not diverting at all... One reason I started this post was I was hoping people would post their suggestions of how to bring about this great change of world peace :) . Start in the family, then in the commnunity, then in the next community, and allow it to grow like a little ripple in the pond, to expand into ripples of peace, it has to be the small things, that everyone everywhere can do... :) . - Thanks for responding!
@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
10 Nov 06
I agree, I agree.
Many may want to search or look up.
"Peace Action" or go to I have a "RipplesofPeace" group there. I also run "RipplesofPeace" as a yahoogroup as well..... There is all kinds of neat projects going on...
One of the neatest World Peace projects I found is this...
@shelonewolf1969 (486)
• United States
1 Dec 06
to me world peace can be brought about by tolerance and respect .Respect for others is also lacking today with out respect there is no tolorance nor well there ever be .Respect does not mean agreeing but it does mean seeing that both sides can be equal .I myself don't believe in spiritual levels I believe all paths are roads no road is better or on a lower or higher level then another .The same is true for non religous view points .
I believe Ethics is also missing today is this world .We all need to go back to the 6 pillars of charector .These are not religous morals and can be part of every ones life no matter thier religion or lack there of .If we all practiced these it would help in all things .you can see them here
@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
29 Dec 06
Another thing is to be very active in a pro peace groups.
Does not matter which ones. I know there is a very large politcally active one here in the USA....
And also if you had a choice between a very neat peaceful Graphic and very violant neat one. What would you choose? If you really want to spread the word peace, help make peace sell. Part of the problem is Everyone buys violant games, violant music, watch Violant movies. Now this is not to say to put anything that sells Movies, Games, or music with violance in it out of business.. Cause I would seriously Miss Listening to Ozzy Osbourne! and Miss my action movies. I am saying to help bring Peace into the fads, make it popular, and fun, and Active.... Part of our problem is all our media makes all the Bad guys look better and more awesome then the Good guys.. hmm... I think We should probably bring out some movies and Media to show there really is awesome good, fun, active, and interesting Peace Leaders out there.... :) .. We need more based on Balance.. Where the message of peace in a violant movie over all speaks stronger than the violance and fighting.
- DNatureofDTrain
@Sheila_Abram (1908)
• United States
10 Nov 06
World peace: satan is the ruler over the earth for this time but, we must make the choice to follow God no matter what. Prayer and seeking and being obedient to what God has for us to do while we are here on earth. God Bless
@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
10 Nov 06
Satan also known as Spiritual Impediment..
Is playing a large part in this. As It is Spiritual impediments, that are stunting peoples growth from growing towards loving one another and they are being seperated by FEARs = False Evidence Appearing Real ....
I Agree whether following God is Following Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Allah, or Universal Love, or Knowledge and greatness, or One self... Being True to yourself, and others, and doing what you can do and are meant to do in this, will make a difference for all of us.
Peace to you as well,
and as my Tradition says:..
Mother of Mothers, Father of Fathers, Spirit of All Ascended Masters.. Keep and Bless you always. (Means God. :) )
Thank you for responding and Peace!
@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
10 Nov 06
I agree and feel working together and learning to function together, is a major key to this.
Thanks for responding! - Peace!
@sweetpea_216 (1470)
• United States
15 Dec 06
Everyone has shared some valuable opinions!
Here's mine. I think, that people around the world, need to have manners. Please and thank you's. Yes sir, yes ma'am. Just to begin. I think that with better manners we will learn to appreciate kindness.
I know that I appreciate kindness when I see it!
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