Which do you listen first, head or heart?
By zandi458
@zandi458 (28102)
February 21, 2009 1:09pm CST
Often we hear or say it ourselves, "cant make up my mind". now when you make a decision, do you follow your head or your heart? Your brains or your feelings? Logic or emotions? Maybe that depends on the kind of decision it is. What's important is to know that you can use both. Some people think that decision based on feelings aren't good. They will encourage you to use your head and ignore your feelings. They might say, "Don't be so emotional" But your emotions matter. "The heart has reasons that the mind has no knowledge of"
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39 responses
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
21 Feb 09
Hi Zandi! Before answering responding to your topic I must settle myself first where lies the heart and where does the mind. So far I know even the scientists have not been successful to determine where these two concepts lie? Are they one single concept or entity or really have separate existence?
I am still confused when I wrote you back the reply what was working at tat time? Was it my ming ( Brain) or the heart ( the organ ) a feeling that builds pressure on the chest, and virtually on the heart. And heart is emotion? Now even emotion is controlled by the mind. If I get too carried away no mind or logic would say no I should not. Then? Have not the both mingled here? Then where is my heart and where is my mind? For me emotion and logic both are controlled by the control panel - the mind, the wit, the brain as we do not feel the pressure of this on the head there fore it is felt in the heart.
So I listen to both as both are same for me.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
23 Feb 09
Hi krajibg, It is only right that you make use of both facilities available to come a sound judgement, The heart feels for you, provide you with emotion while the mind gives reasoning and logic. But the mind is no good doctor if the heart is sick, even the medically trained doctor can't heal an emotionally sick heart. It paralyses the whole control panel system. The mind become hey-wire when emotion run high, it does not receive signal from the heart, the antenna that receive and send messages does not function if the mind is not parallel with the heart. Both should be equally important in their usage.
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
23 Feb 09
Hi Zandi, well placed. I appreciate your endeavour to split one entity into two different aspects. What we call mind hurts your mind only though you feel you have taken it to your heart. Say for example I called your name and said you are a worthless girl/woman ( sorry, I am not sure of your status ) here @ mylot. where will the signal go first? It is to the control panel - the mind(brain) and as your brain would perceive the message in more detail you feel as if you are having a heavy chest and unnecessarily drag the poor heart ( the organ ) to brood on 'how come Rajib could say me such things?'
I hope I could clear my stand as to why I call both the mind and heart as a single entity.
Have a great Day.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
23 Feb 09
Rajib, words as such will definitely pierce through my heart and the effect will of course hurtmy feelings but then would use my brain to think why such remarks be made. I feel the hurt before I think of how to reason out with my feelings. Definitely these two faculties are on one control panel.
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@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
22 Feb 09
Hello zandi,basically I am a level headed and practical person and use my head and act rationally and logically in my every day situations.But I am a mother too and a wife and a daughter and a sister and a cousin and an aunt and a friend,and a human being with a heart too....In some situations especially those involving my loved ones,I just throw caution to the wind,and listen to my heart,for yielding to their happiness makes me happy,and I have no qualms about turning a deaf ear to the NO that I keep hearing from my head.....
........So you see dear ,on some occasions I let my heart take complete control of my actions and lew\t it get away scot free......

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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
23 Feb 09
Smart women. Certain decisions that concerns emotion is best left to the heart to rule while the head look after the more important matters but both can sometimes work well. Either one it is to your judgement. Whichever you think make you come up with comfortable answers.
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
23 Feb 09
I guess it is a combination of both that makes the best decision.
There must be a balance drawn between listening to your heart and listening to your head.
That is why people who can strike that balance are more successful that people who cannot.
Most of the time, the head will be thinking about logic. Practicality of looking at a situation. But the heart, will look at a situation based on feelings.
And when your head tells you to go ahead cos all the factors are there. But your heart tells you not to as there is an element of fear, what would you do then?
Given that most people will listen to only one side of their thoughts, that is why there are so many wrong decisions made. If they can strike that balance of listening to their heart and their head, the world would be a much better place to live in.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
24 Feb 09
There is good reason to believe that good decisions derived from the use of both the head and the heart. Sometimes we based our judgement from what we feel is correct and the head confirm the logic before coming to a conclusive answer. You are right in saying that there must be a balance.
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@derek_a (10873)
22 Feb 09
I think there really has to be a balance. Some people I have found listen more to their brains and lead a very uneventful life, always doing the "safe" thing. I tend to do that most of the time, but sometimes, even though it seems crazy, I listen to my heart and intuition and just go with it. Surprisingly, it is often the best path to take. So our hearts can often know something our brain's do not!
- Derek

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@echowon2008 (106)
22 Feb 09
It is a complex choice .when we have to make decision ,there are many factors to influence us such as the inner factor ,the outer factor.We must think about a lot .but one important to me is that I will finally be loyalt to my heart when this decision will not harm anyone .It is right that dicision made based on feeling is not smart .but i think feeling comes from my self .it is the oringal .when i chose ,i can't regret any more .I will try my best to finish it even if i have to pay more .it is difficult to say which one win .Perhaps ,everyone have different answer .No matter which one has victored ,what we have to do next is to prove that we chose a right way and reach the goal with all our effort .That is my opinion .Maybe my EQ is higher than IQ ,therefore ,I chose feeling .thanks ,zandi458,a good discussion .
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@echowon2008 (106)
24 Feb 09
yes ,you are very right .when i was in high stress or in grief and i couldn't find anyone to share it ,I would cry in a secret place . After that ,I would feel better and I would have more gut to face tomorrow .Now ,I am pleased to be remember of mylot which I can make friends and share feelings in .Be happy ,mylottings .
@savak03 (6684)
• United States
22 Feb 09
I listen to my head unless my gut is screaming to be heard. Then I listen to my feelings. Like you I believe we were given both for a reason. A good friend of mine who was also my spiritual leader once asked my what my intuition was telling me about a certain person. When I told him he asked me why I was ignoring those feelings then. He told me that mothers have a special gift of intuition to protect their children and they should listen to it.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
22 Feb 09
Thats so true.
adn most times I have my own reasons fo rdoing what I do ,,,do.
Likewehn I went to my mom in 204 and stayed in the hospital with her 24/7 no one else did and they didnt think I could! But I had done it with so many of my hubbies family I just knew I could stay with her.
Even wehn I asked hubby about it I already knew I was going!
All he could do weas agree. Even if my brother and Sister didnt want me up there I found out later I think If I hadnt gone she would have ended up usin that damn walker and not drive again. I think when I got there she came out of her funk.
And put in alot of time with her therapy that she didnt want to do till I go there and sort of gave her that push ya know what I mean I stayed 17 days got her home got her walking iwth out walker and she drove again after I left I just told hr she could do it.
no I have had almost 5 more years on account of it but this time I cant go and she isnt at home so I cant stay with her.
So I have to let them do the doing.
That time I let my heart lead my head but then I think of it I let my head run my heart
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@imaginearea (363)
22 Feb 09
This is a good question. I believe it depends on the kind of decision...some situations require you to use your heart and some situations require you to use your head. I have a propensity to use my heart to make many decisions if not most, but when I am not sure which decision to make I try to strike a balance between heart and head.
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
23 Feb 09
It actually depends on the situation. Sometimes I use my heart when the decision concerns my loved ones but I also don't let the heart overrules. If my head dictates that using much of my heart will result to something not really good then I change decision. It is better to always use both most of the time but there really are circumstances when either my heart or my heard is very powerful and would dominate my decision.
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@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
21 Feb 09
i use my head first then heart,but as you said depends on it but most i have is using brain then heart.i dont care if it hurts as long as its reasonable.like falling inlove online
i use my brain that i will not carry on even it hurts because i know i am marriage
,thats only example zandi

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@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
23 Feb 09

@singlemommy (2955)
• United States
22 Feb 09
I think I tend to make more decisions with my heart than I do my head. Sometimes I tell myself, don't do this, don't do that, but my heart overrides my decision. Sometimes it can be a good thing, sometimes it turns out to be a bad thing. I wish I was more head-strong though, maybe I would make such a fool of myself at times if I was.
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@Dday50627 (359)
• United States
21 Feb 09
Your writing and the things you think about draw me in, both emotionally and intellectually. If they did not, I would not be here. A simple question asked here and yet not simple to answer. Yes, the event or the situation we are trying to decide for does make a huge difference. You would not need nor would you try to listen to your heart concerning wall-paper or a new couch. Things are things that are decided on with your head. Will it match the furniture? Is it going to be in my budget? Answers that will come from logical deduction and personal likes.
Other issues, such as love or moving away or moving on... they are much harder. Listen to your head when you are falling in love? That is like quitting smoking, cold turkey. When you sit and dissect feelings of love, you cut away sometimes the most important things. Perhaps you have fallen in love or feel yourself falling for someone on-line. People will for sure say "Please, think about it. You have no idea who this person really is. Use your head!" LOVE rarely allows us that luxury. Maybe we can use our heads {gentlemen, that is the one on your shoulders lol} sometimes when we are loving someone. We can cut and slice and make a list of all the why we shoulds and why we should nots. I think if one needs to do that, perhaps they really should use their head. But emotions take over our hearts often without any help from our heads. We only know that we feel emotions for this person. A desire and need to be with them and feel one with them. We may say, using our heads "They are so far away " or "they are so different" "It can never work", but our hearts tell us to follow a path that in all likelyhood will end in hurt or loss. And for me, I am a forever romantic and follow my heart into places that my head KNOWS I should not go.
Why? I think because the feeling of falling in love, the very essence of being loved back in that way are too beautiful to pass by. As Garth Brookes so wonderfully croons to us... "I could have missed the pain... but then i would have missed the Dance." Decisions based on emotions can be tornadic and intense, but they can also be the beautiful experience you will ever share with someone.
Brains for yard work... Your Heart for Love.
I believe I will use this as my writing today in my blog. It truly is a subject that touches us all sooner or later. Always, Darrel
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
23 Feb 09
I see logic in what you say here. I cannot deny that it happens to many people online. They are being attracted, hypnotized and magnetized by the power of words they read on the screen. This is quite dangerous to fall in love online as we really never know the real person on the other end of the line as writing alone does not guarantee the real person's true character. Loving a person online for what you believe is the best you ever find on the net turns out to be a tragic relationship and may only be a shortlived wonderful entertainment, as when it becomes a reality in your own life, you're sure to get your heart broken But as matured individuals we need to use the brain to make a thorough analytic assessment of our true feelings. Often we fail to use our brains when the feelings of love overpower us and when it goes under the skin we are often misled into believing that we have really fallen in love and no amount of brain works can bring us into our senses. The heart in its true nature is a fragile organ and it often brings people doing foolish things most of the time. But it needs both the head and the heart to give us intelligence and emotions. But let the heart be the servant to the brain. We need the brain to tell the heart to act accordingly. 

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@Dday50627 (359)
• United States
23 Feb 09
Love is Love and as long as you nuture it and give it freely from your heart, the pain is so much less than the wonder and intoxicating feeling that even a short lived love can bring. I do listen to my head but will say openly... My heart is the ruler of me. Sometimes, we just have to let it go and see where it takes us too. There is magic and beauty in the walk... Always, Darrel
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@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
22 Feb 09
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Dear Zandi I want to appreciate again and again your discussion , I find your discussion very interesting .....
You have raised a disucssion we are often in such type of situation ............
Yes the answer is a fight goes on between mind and heart both file a suit against each other and present their logics and sometimes heart wins and other times head wins .....
Thanks for raising such a nice discussion ...............
@ivan2000bd (1009)
• Sweden
22 Feb 09
i always listen to my heart. but i think i should listen to my heard too. in many ways i have got a lot of failure after listening my heart. all the discisions are not taken by heart. i think we should think about what you are going to do.
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@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
22 Feb 09

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@Rskarthik24 (66)
• India
22 Feb 09
i always try to listen to my heart....but sometimes, at the heat of the moment, i happen to listen to my head
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@test2005 (7)
• United States
22 Feb 09
I've mostly been lead to follow my heart's decisions. Many times I've followed logic too, and ended up feeling that was the wrong decision. However, some decisions we think were wrong, we eventually look back on and think, "Well, but if I hadn't done that, then this or that wouldn't have happened; and I'm really happy that this or that happened." I think if you feel happy or at peace with your decision, very likely that's a right decision. If logic tells you it's a right decision, but you don't feel happy or at peace with it, that's a wrong decision.
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