I NEED MY FIX....boy do I miss it when I don't have it...a real junkie I am..

Ahhh I Need MY Coffee Fix! - I never realized how much I miss my coffee until I ran out!
February 21, 2009 2:13pm CST
I usually have a 3 cups of coffee a day..thinking that I couldn't get addicted to 3 cups of coffee..until I RAN OUT! since two days I had no coffee and jeepers..never realized how I missed it so much!Lucky for me I found a whole new jar I had put in another cupboard and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...I can understand a junkie when he puts that needle in his arm.. as soon as I sipped it ...I felt soooooooo great... Well I rather be a coffee junkie though..imagine that only 3 cups and am missing it if I don't have it!What about you MyLotters..what's your junkie fix!
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5 responses
@savak03 (6684)
• United States
21 Feb 09
For me it's chocolate. In fact I just got back from the store. I just had to go because I didn't have any chocolate and I have such a headache. I've already taken my prescription but the headache is still here so I thought maybe some chocolate would help.
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• Canada
21 Feb 09
Yes chocolate will help if it is your junkie fix lollllllll. I have to have something sweet everyday so I take a teaspoon of maple syrup which is natural sugar and won't store up on my thighs..hahah
@tea512 (687)
• United States
21 Feb 09
coffee and the Internet, here. I remember trying to wake up without coffee we had a power outtage for 4 days in my neighborhood. I was waiting for the a guy to pick me up as the wife stayed at parents with kids. He was about three hours late and i had such a headache, it was a double dose day as well because I had no internet for 4 days too. Three cups you must be wired for sound dancingredfeather1, does it keep you up at night or is that the correct balance in your world. I can have a cup at 9pm and fall asleep on the couch by 11pm.
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• Canada
22 Feb 09
Actually am one of the rare cases that coffee makes me go to sleep lol..I can drink coffee and go to bed and sleep like a log! si it keeps me awake by day and makes me sleep by nite..
@TnWoman (1895)
• United States
21 Feb 09
hello dancingredfeather when that you thought that you were out of coffee like that, why didn't you just hop in your vehicle and go to the store to buy somemore? lol and i do not think that i would like to face the mornings like that without my cup of coffee. and then after that i have some coffee in the mornings, later on in the morning i will have my fix which is drinking a soda. i only try to enjoy drinking only one cola a day but sometimes i will drink two of them. then all afternoon i drink only ice water and then in the evenings sometimes i will enjoy drinking a hot cup of tea, hot chocolate or if it is warm outside i will enjoy drinking a cold glass of sweet tea with lemon in it. take care and have a beautiful afternoon.
• Canada
21 Feb 09
Well because we had a snow storm and shovelling just to go and get coffee is too much trouble..so I will FIX the problem hahah I will keep a few jars back up. I did have one but didn't remember I did. I found it just before I wrote this discussion..lol I love chocolate while drinking coffee . I do have all kinds of teas but that doesn give me my coffee caffine fix hehehe.
@crigal (105)
• United States
21 Feb 09
I have to have at least two cups of coffee early in the morning before I go to work. Then as I go to work, I stop by the gas station to get me another cup. Three cups of coffee per day max.
• Canada
22 Feb 09
I'm on my second one now since I discovered my jar..hehehe. If I go to travel..automatically I go to Tims or Mac outside service to get a coffee..relaxes me when I drive.
@moneymommy (3418)
• United States
21 Feb 09
I am a coffee junkie just like you. I must have my 3 cups a day or I will get the worst headache. I always make sure to have a back up jar of coffee around.
• Canada
21 Feb 09
Wow me too, I didn't know why I had headaches the past two days..it was the withdrawl cause a soon as I drank some coffee my headache went away.