Have you ever looked at it this way?

United States
February 21, 2009 7:43pm CST
Some of us encounter the fluctuations of ratings in patterns. It upsets alot of people, but I wonder if you've ever looked at this pattern in this way: My time on mylot varies, I don't tend to get alot of time on for the first two weeks of each month, and sometimes I'm away for months...so when I return, I notice I have a blue star again. No I don't really CARE about ratings, but it's something you notice, ya know? So, after a week of mylotting...I notice my star's rating goes down from the hundred back to 95...which, obviousally, means that the "negative rating trolls" only pay attention to people who're active...but more obviously, you know what it means? It means that the jerks of mylot want us silent! They like us when we say nothing! There can be no geater flattery on mylot, don't you think? Perhaps we should thank them for the compliment?
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7 responses
@mansha (6298)
• India
25 Feb 09
o have had the red start now for ages whether I am active or not it stays that way may be before disappearing I always inform mylot that I will be missing that may have some effect for not turning its color to any other shade. I am not sure though why it has never gone to the rating of 10 ever, there must be something I am missing here.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
25 Feb 09
I find it odd that my star has been red like forever, and has never fluctuated away from 9 ever.. is that weird or what?
• United States
25 Feb 09
Considering you're pretty active, maybe it is! I wouldn't say it's bad-weird though =o
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@ElicBxn (63394)
• United States
22 Feb 09
I've been pretty much a 10 since early on, go figure, maybe because I report when people attack me - I don't know
• United States
22 Feb 09
Hmmm... I never looked at it that way. If they want to silence us, though, they should put something in the guidelines that warns us that we have to write the things they prefer or nothing! If I were they, I'd enjoy the controversies! Then again, I don't believe in censorship, while some people think everyone must be like themselves.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
22 Feb 09
I had not looked at it that way actually, but you are quite right. I have the noticed the stars change and ratings go up and down all the time. I don't really care, I do my best and you can't please them all! It astounds me though that there are trolls out there with nothing better to do than knock others down!
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
22 Feb 09
Hi! As I was soaring high with a red start right in the beginning I was degraded to yellow and within some minutes itself the star turned silver. This equates to my saying that from 9 to 8 and from 8 to 7 and again when after two days intermission I signed in I found it coming to yellow again. I had posted a post too oh this issue but the point you have raised feels authentic. For I know to really down grade your rating there must be a lot of negative rating but who does it? Many of us are happy to think that this could be the negative rating troll but why this troll would go around you spending some valuable time? Could not be there a mighty hand behind, stronger than that of the Trolls'? And I do not there is anything to flatter mylot.com nor there should be a point if somebody posted a positive post regarding its TC and others. Now so to speak I have given up bothering about the colour of the start and concentrate on my own business and surely would call a spade a spade and if for this there is punishment I would accept it for I am in your house.
• Philippines
22 Feb 09
Hello paranoia, I also thought that way. When I was still new here, and got around 300 posts only, my star is Blue. But now that I have lots of posts, my star is now color red. Because the chances of getting negative rating is higher compared if you are not active and have less posts. But i am not really affected with the ratings. That's life, you can not please everybody.