When is the perfect time for you to get inspiration?

Writing - My best time of writing is at evening
@jofeli (502)
February 21, 2009 10:06pm CST
I write reviews for some sites and it's fun! And I think that the best time for me to write reviews is at evening. I really don't know why, but at times like in the morning and afternoon I don't get any inspirations on my mind. Just when I start off at evening many ideas come. I really wonder, is time really connected with incoming ideas? What do you think? Do also have specific time for having inspiration? Please share... Thanks...
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16 responses
• United States
22 Feb 09
I find that inspiration comes to me excessively during the late nights, and early school hours when I'm still half-asleep. The more bored I am, the more my mind wanders and explores the different ways I could approach a good story.
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@dfollin (25308)
• United States
22 Feb 09
Everybody has the time to write,read or whatever they do as a job,hobby or other enjoyment.What ever works best for you is the right time.
• Canada
22 Feb 09
There is no perfect time for me to get inspiration, it just happens when it happens, and that's all there is to it. When it happens, I'd better be near a computer, or I'd better be able to access on ASAP before the inspiration goes away. good thing I own a laptop that I can travel with.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
24 Feb 09
I work all day long so I get inspiration all day long as well. if you work for any other review site than ciao, please let me know, I am looking for a good place do to reviews.
@ossan1 (97)
• Indonesia
24 Feb 09
maybe all will be laugh.... i write review after from bathroom. when i'm finish on toilet... that funny :)
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
22 Feb 09
No perfect time for inspirations. Sometimes words that I heard spoken, or a sentence in a book trigger it. Maybe getting into arguments with people every day is a good way to get inspired. Sometimes when see people argue, all the creative words come out. All the crazy reasonings also come out. If turn the heated argument into a book, likely to hit 100 pages.
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@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
22 Feb 09
My inspirations would always come at the most inopportune moments, for example when I am in bed and trying to get to sleep and then suddenly my brain will switch into overdrive and I will think up a great discussion for Mylot! I think why couldn't I have thought of it when I was on the computer, not when the computer was all shut down and I was trying desperately to sleep! Or I'll think of it when I'm out driving! So what I do now is to have a notepad handy jot it down and get it out of my poor brain so at least it can settle and I can sleep or carry on with what I am doing!
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
23 Feb 09
Hi jofeli! I think I am more inspired when I am relaxed and happy inside and usually I have that feeling in the late afternoon onwards. I am not really that much inspired in the mornings and early afternoon since I am much distracted with house chores and work. Take care and have a great day! lovelots..faith
@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
22 Feb 09
I dont think I have a specific time when I get inspirations. I mean for me it just happens. However I do most of my work at night before I go to sleep or I dont sleep at all until all the work is done. I prefer it that way because there would be no interruptions since everyone else is asleep. I can concentrate more and can get distracted less. Feeling sleepy and fatigue are the only things that distract me. In those cases I play music nonstop to keep me awake.hehehe
@uicbear (1900)
• United States
22 Feb 09
I think to be inspired, you have to be paying attention. So if there are distractions around, or things on your mind (places to go, people to see and all that) how are you going to be inspired about anything? You have to be focused and open to inspiration, aware of the possibilities. I think that most of us get so caught up in the day to day of living that it's hard to think outside the box.
@jbosari (155)
• United States
22 Feb 09
I write reviews as well and find that I must get up very early to really stay motivated. I get up around 4am and work till about 7am when the kids get up. Then I go back to it when the baby goes to bed at noon and write for a few more hours. When the kids are up and active, I stick to mylotting and basing maintenance stuff. I use only quiet time for for focus.
@rakesh284 (1472)
• India
22 Feb 09
No way. It depends on the activities you do throughout the day. It may be that you find yourself free in the evening and then you are inspired to give responses to some discussions.
@Spook619 (335)
23 Feb 09
I tend to do my creative writing stuff at aroudn 23:00 to 03:00 because I find that's when my mind's most creative. Then I have to go through it the next day and correct all the spelling mistakes.
• United States
23 Feb 09
Inspiration comes to me from dreams
@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
22 Feb 09
I am a late night person, and my friends all laugh because I love to take afternoon naps, but that's just my natural rhythm. I stay up way too late, but that's also when I am most productive with writing as well. Often times, I get an idea and let it stew around in my brain, thinking about it, turning it over and letting it simmer. Then when the midnight hour chimes, it all seems to come out just the way I planned or sometimes even better. That isn't to say that I can't write in the morning. I can, but it's more difficult and will take me a longer time to do the same thing I can breeze through once the sun goes down. Sometimes I get annoyed that I am on such a different time clock than everyone else, but it really is what works for me.
@Informer (802)
• India
22 Feb 09
That also happenes with me. I always get idea when I m in bed... I think the more we are comfortable the more we are able to think. In day time normally we are connected with different type of tasks and works and also with other people but in the evening or night we just have our own time and have mind to think something creative.