How long have you work in mylot every day

@webneton (134)
February 22, 2009 12:51am CST
Hi,friends working in mylot,how much times do you spend on mylot?
4 responses
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
22 Feb 09
l don't spend much time on Mylot, too. Now, lm a homemaker and taking care of my child and doing house jobs are my main jobs. l only able to surf Mylot when lm free. lm more interested to read Mylot discussion, then doing discussion. Happy Mylotting..
• Australia
22 Feb 09
Hey,! :) I don't have a specific time that I'm on mylot. I'm usually on everyday, the times that suit me. Sometimes I don't even have a minute for mylot so don't go on, however sometimes I have the whole day. So it all depends on what I am doing and if I am having a busy day or not. :)
• India
22 Feb 09
hi there,,,,, well i usually spend only 1 hour or even less over here but in free days i even spend 2-3 hours on my lot
@ddfreedie (690)
• India
22 Feb 09
it actually depends...if its a working day i;d stay online for around 2-3 hrs...if its a weekend then i'd stay online for 5 hrs...not more than that