Should wives of today still submit to their husbands?
By cvrajan
@cvrajan (354)
February 22, 2009 3:58am CST
Most of the women of today are emphatic that they are equal partners in a marital relationship. But I doubt very much whether menfolk accept it truly heart of heart. I think men still think that a wife must be submissive to her husband, though they may say they believe husband and wife are equal partners.
Do you believe in this? If wives must still submit to their husbands, why? Under what circumstances? If no, why? Is it necessary to have one boss ultimately in the home to take the final decision on things? Who should it be? Husband or Wife?
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14 responses
@Galena (9110)
22 Feb 09
I don't think so at all.
some people, both men and women, are naturally more submissive than others. this is just as likely to be the man as the woman.
I don't think any reasonable man would honestly expect his wife to be submissive just because he wears his reproductive organs on the outside and she doesn't.
I do believe that in a true partnership, both are equal, each playing to their own strengths, and accepting their weaknesses. each member of the couple appreciating the others skills as well as their own.
There is no need for a "boss". as someone who has the final choice on everything. descisions are made jointly, and with acceptance that you know best on some matters and they do on others, depending on each of your life experiences.
and as I said, there will be some couples where one person is naturally more submissive in personality, and that's fine. it doesn't have to be the man, and it doesn't have to be the woman.
a couple doesn't need a leader. it's better to be ambidextrous than left or right handed after all
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@jolasu (49)
• United States
23 Feb 09
Though I don't agree with it, I do agree it happens. As a wife I know when I've tried to make myself heard in an arena I wasn't welcome in. Are husbands and wives equal? In a good relationship.. yes. In the relationships I have to base it on - NO. I don't have the right to object to his behavior. I don't have the right to ask for answers. He does. He can push for those things to the point of physical abuse and it's socially acceptable in our area. I'm sitting here tonight wondering if he's ok - that's a punishment in itself. I'm sitting here with a bloody ankle from having it slammed in a door repeatedly and I have scrapes on my face from where I landed on the snowbank. He's not actually a bad guy. I didn't leave well enough alone though and so I got it. I've asked for help in this area in the past though and been delivered right into the hands that bruised me. While they all watched and saw for weeks the outcome. So no, I don't believe a man is ever "equal" to a woman.
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@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
22 Feb 09
i am married for six years and we have a very good relationship. my wife decided to be a 24/7 hands on mom since the day our child was born. i feel sad for her for i know she is good in her career but that her decision then i am just going to support her. when it comes to being the boss.... i can say that there is no boss in our house. the decision is always talked about. when you ask about final decision... my wife wins most of the time har har har. i trust her and i can say that she thinks what is best. sometimes she ask me about things then i will decide. to make that long story short there is give and take in our home
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@Tianna2 (1273)
• United States
22 Feb 09
I believe that in any relationship, there should be one submissive and one dominent, but there also has to be mutual respect. As in just about every kind of group there is, there is always one person leading and others that follow, but the leader has to remember to listen o what the followers want or he wont be leading them for long.
As for who it should be, well, every couple is different and that is up to them to decide. As for me, I think of myself as very submissive and would have no problem following my lovers lead.
Hugs, Tianna
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@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
22 Feb 09
Submissive is a word that many people take into the wrong context when it is brought up in a relationship stand point.
In the Bible, as I know, it says that the wife should submit to het husband. I think that this is more of arelative term of use, rather than a literal one saying a woman should do everything the husband asks. I think it more means that if he wants a little roll in the hay, she should give it to him. Not that I agree completely with that view, but it is what is written in the Bible.
I think that as long as the man is deserving, the woman should be submissive. Not that she is not to be treated as an equal, she should be. I think that if he is treating her as an equal, and they are truly partners in life, it is okay for her to give in to him at times.
I know that in my house, we discuss things all of the time. I do not make desicions without his input, and vise versa. When it comes to one of us being more submissive, I will admit that I am the one to give in to his needs and wasnts much more often than he gives in to me. He would do absolutely anything for me if I needed him to, but I never demand anything of him. He doesn't demand thins of me either, he just expresses his needs a little differently than I do. I give in to his needs because I love him and he is my husband,
As I said, it is okay for a owman to be submissive to her husband as long as he deserves it. Ig he treats her badly, he doesn't deserve it and she should not be submissive.
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@dismalgrin (2604)
• United States
24 Feb 09
So, does the woman submit? Yes
Does the man submit? Yes
Is it an equal partnership? Yes
I don't see how this is exclusive.
If you are basing this off of biblical roles for husband and wife, they are essentially commanded the same thing... just the wording is different. Many men tend to latch on to that word 'submit' though and run it to the ground with all the implications that it could have. But, they don't stop and read part 2 that tells them this is a 2 way street. Look it up.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
22 Feb 09
My views would not be accepted by the present day youngsters and I do not know how many of them are going to mark my answer negative.However, I have the following view point- In our traditional Indian households , I do believe that a house looks more credible and impressive when the man seems to be the ultimate authority. We are also educated, modern, talk a lot about equality, achieve a lot and are given a fair amount of freedom.No modern day husband is keeping his wife's nose to the grindstone.So, I honestly do not believe in talking too much about equality because we are treated with respect in our houses.
I do agree that men would seem to think that a wife must be submissive to her husband, though they may say they believe husband and wife are equal partners.I guess this would be truer in the case of our Indian middle aged/old men.
There are reasons for this
1The defense mechanism of men where they are afraid of giving too much of rein to the wife
2.The wives [in many cases] would not take complete responsibility , but would like to have a say .It would end up in arguments and nagging.
3. If the wife says that she would take complete responsibility for an issue [financial, moral, physical, emotional] and abides by it then why won't men do this?They can simply have a nice time with all burden lifted off their shoulders. This would normally not happen[like what took place in the majority of docile women of olden days-they would just be happy and do what was called for].
That is why I call it defense mechanism.
You had asked when women should submit to their husbands-they should do it
a] when their unbiased mind tells them that it is better for the family.
b] When they know that it would disrupt harmony within the house if they protest and refuse to submit.
Whoever takes best decisions for the family must be allowed to do this.
If the man is responsible , has fulfilled his duties to the family and is strong ,can take full responsibility for his decision as far as the implemetation also goes , then he can take it..This would be in major decisions of the house--But however, I feel that women do tend to take emotional decisions and men would have better clarity of thought when it concerns certain issues. There may be exceptions to this rule .But as far as daily nitty gritty is concerned , in our house we have very clear demarcation of responsibilities [set by my husband who would neither interfere nor would like interference]and we go by it.'Live and let live' is the best policy as far as we are concerned.
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@cvrajan (354)
• India
23 Feb 09
Thanks for the excellent and elaborate comment reflecting the Indian culture.
Here is something for you. You can use what you have written here to post a Helium article. Follow this link:
@brandypelland (586)
• United States
22 Feb 09
in a sense i belive we should but not to the point of us be ruled over just together in a life a couple.
@celebratelifeh (1142)
• China
22 Feb 09 you said most of the women today are emphaticed that they are equal partners in the marital relaionship, but the menfolk perhaps don't accept it truly heart of heart, then what's your opinion about this?
i think people are born to equal , ofcourse conclude the man and woman. what makes you to think men can't accept it? talking to the final decison on family things, why can't them disscuss together and make one together? does that necessary to separated them ?
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@cvrajan (354)
• India
23 Feb 09
What I meant is not non-consultation and unilateral decisions. Yes. Consultation and involvement are must. But I personally believe there has to be a boss for the final say and I am inclined to believe that 3 out of 4 occasions man is better disposed to be the boss!
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@Nisha_Verghese (551)
• India
23 Feb 09
well, i really dont see the point why ladies must be submissive to the husbands.. the only place we are not as good as men is in physical strengths. Otherwise we can do everythin a man can do and maybe even better.i think women should be equal to their husbands in every aspect.. i am not saying we r superior to me.. i am just saying we have the same position.. give respect and take respect,, if men were to respect women, then the women wud respect them back... y do u want submissiveness when we r ready to respect you?
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@forslahiri (1042)
• India
22 Feb 09
U r a good Day-dreamer....
I'm sure U r not married, but atleast knowledge about friends,neighbours??
Brides are RULERs & Grooms are Ruled...No equality!!hehe...
@pickwick (858)
• India
22 Feb 09
It takes two to make a relationship.There is no harm if the wife is submissive.Equal partnership is not possible if both the partners are dominating.And man can be made to do anything if the woman is really affectionate and knows the knack.But she will not always be successful just by being dominating.If what the man want is justified then why not submit to his wishes?God has made man and woman physically and emotionally different.Men has been made with fragile ego.A woman can give into his demands if it does not harm anyone.
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@LupusMom (10)
• United States
22 Feb 09
I have to say this is a good question.
God did present Eve to Adam when this world was made and God made man, and he presented her as a gift, to be a helper, and a partner, it was decided that it was not good for man to be alone, thus we were created.
However, the word partner in particular means an equal, one should not out trump the other, there should be mutual respect and a working together in the household.
I do believe that ultimately the husband is the head of the household and a final decision should befall to him, that's simply how I was raised, I also believe that a wife would have final say if the husband were not around and she could not speak with him for the moment in time a decision would need to be made, but that she should at first chance inform him so he's not in the dark.
If a husband and wife followed the commands of marriage in the bible and showed an equality in the home with each other as good examples of how marriage should be, that in the end it would instill in their children also a good value to be placed on marriage and an end result would be happier longer marriage upon each generation.
Don't get me wrong I am all for equality But, I am also for giving respect to your husband where respect is due. The battle of the sexes seems to be rampant in todays age, and my question is what's the matter with just being husband and wife and staying within our roles? Why is the need for so much power and whose in control an issue again?
If one doesn't want equality in love and a partnership of marriage then one should not embark on marriage.
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@elysium (169)
• United States
22 Feb 09
I think this is a personal decision. If the wife wants to submit to her husband, then she could do that. If the wife does not want to do that, then she does not have to. Having one boss in the home to make final decisions is not really necessary. The husband and wife could both make the final decisions. If they disagree on the decisions made, then they could compromise on it.
@cvrajan (354)
• India
23 Feb 09
I side more with comment No.6. There has to be a natural leader. Everything cannot be done in consensus. At times, one has to put his/her foot down and take a decision. This is particularly so if moral issues are involved. Between the two partners, the one with a higher moral authority should be the leader, in my opinion, when the conflicts in opinions are sharp.