Do you watch the film as well as reading the book ?

@shamzy18 (2316)
February 22, 2009 10:56am CST
well i was just wondering do you read the book as well as watch the film. The recent movie i can think of with a written book is confession of a shop a holic. Do you ever read the book after you have watched the movie or would you not bother.
3 responses
@marty3888 (2355)
• Acme, Michigan
22 Feb 09
I almost always read the book first, then see how someone made it in to a movie. I had alreadybought the book "jurassic Park" when the movie came out. So, I knew I was going to have to watch this on DVD because I knew by the time I finished the book, the movie would no longer be at the theater. If I remember correctly, I think when I finished the book the movie WAS still at the theater. I remember waiting for that beginning scene that the book starts off and being disppointed that they skipped that part. Then, when the sequel came out, they put that scene in. I never read jurassic park 2, but a friend of mine did. That scene where the T rex gets loose in LA never happened in the book.
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@shamzy18 (2316)
22 Feb 09
cool i havent read the jurassic park. I only watched the movie. Did you think the book was better or the movie ?
@marty3888 (2355)
• Acme, Michigan
22 Feb 09
As usual, the book was better. But I think the movie did a pretty good job.
@shamzy18 (2316)
22 Feb 09
oh im suprised as i did think the movie was good. I guess books are always better than the movie then.
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
22 Feb 09
I love to see the movie from books. Many times I get disappointed, while other times I am blown away. I am a hard critic on movies that are made into movies.
@shamzy18 (2316)
22 Feb 09
hi yeah it is disappointing when a movie is not as good as the movie
• United States
22 Feb 09
I know most people prefer to read the book before seeing the movie but I think that is a good way of setting yourself up to be disappointed in the movie. The common understanding is that the book is always better than the movie so I generally see the movie first then decide if I want to read the book. If I don't like the story watching the movie, I'm probably not going to enjoy the book either so why waste my time? There are exceptions, like I will have read the last two Harry Potter books before the movies come out. I read Inkheart before they made a movie and because of that I will not see the movie because I don't like Brendan Fraser and have no faith that he can effectively portray a semi-serious, quiet, brooding main character.
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@shamzy18 (2316)
22 Feb 09
yeah normally it is better than the movie ! I dont really mind watching the movie before the book. My sister if she really likes the movie she buys all the books and reads the sequels before the other movie comes out. and well if she buys the book then ill read it if not then i wouldnt go to the library as i am not bothered.