Will Google terminate Adsense account if I use manual traffic exchange to increase traffic to my blog? Right now I'm very confused over the matter. The official Google stands on using traffic exchange seems to be "not recommended". And my understanding of the English word for "not recommended" mean you can go ahead to do it but Google does not like it. But there are people who think that Google ban their accounts for using traffic exchange.

For new blog like mine, which is less than a month old, getting people to view is very very difficult. Traffic Exchange is one way to create awareness. I mean, in the commercial world, distributing flyers is one of the methods to draw attention to the new shop. So why not traffic exchange in the cyberworld?
My Google Adsense is approved less than a week. Of course I do not wish it to be terminated.

What do you think? Please do share your thoughts or experiences on the matter.