Premature Best Responses

@jsitko (1169)
United States
February 23, 2009 7:32am CST
I know this has probably come up in myLot many many times but I am going to bring this discussion back up on the table. This morning I was looking for some good discussions to join and I found several. When I clicked on them and started to read them, I noticed that the author had already selected the best response. Normally this does not bother me and I still post my response if I fell it has input to the discussion. The things that did bother me was that a few of these discussions were only 1-3 days old and had a BR. Some of these discussions, the author did not comment on most of the responses and many of them deemed worthy of a comment. When I see the author choosing best response in only a couple of days, I am seeing that they have stopped or closed the discussion. If they do not comment on the responses, I see that they really did not really want to discuss the topic in the first place. I will not pick a best response in the first couple of days. I usually wait 5-7 days from my last response to the discussion. I always have a comment for any response, even those that really do not say much. Many times I go back and forth with the responses and comments with a participant, like a conversation. I will always thank the response and try to keep the discussion going. That is why it is called a discussion, a two or more way conversation in an open and in usually informal debate. How long do you wait before honoring some one the BR in your discussions? Do you actually carry on your discussions by commenting on their responses? How many times do you go and respond to a comment and get a conversation going?
1 response
• United States
23 Feb 09
I have seen discussions that were less that 10 minutes old and already had a BR chosen I usually wait until my discussions have been idle for at least 5 days before i select a BR I like to give as many as possible the opportunity to strive for BR before selecting one
@jsitko (1169)
• United States
23 Feb 09
Hi Wonttakelong, It is a shame that they can not wait a while longer. How do they know a better comment won't come their way. It is about giving other members an opportunity to respond and join in on the discussion. That is why myLot is all about. I think that the 5 days after your last response is long enough too. Thanks for your response and have a great day.