head over heart
head vs heart
heart over head
heart vshead
questions and answeres
Heart Over Head or Head Over Heart?
By margaux08
@margaux08 (1094)
February 23, 2009 10:25pm CST
I have a confession to make... whenever I make decisions, I always... always (and I hate myself for doing this) have my heart decide rather than my head. It is a good thing that most of the decisions made were the right decisions. It is a cliche to say "to follow your heart." But I know it is more logical to follow the head instead of heart especially decisions regarding our emotions.
I try really hard to battle with this for so many years now. Yet, here I am again, empowering my heart even more than my head is saying... and acting foolishly on the consequences...
Whenever you decide, are you Heart over Head or Head over Heart?

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17 responses
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
24 Feb 09
I would say, striking a balance between the two is important.
The head is where all the practicality of a problem is seen.
The heart is where all the feelings associated with the problem is felt.
A balance between the two is very important.
Cos the mind can say all the good thing about a situation and tell you it is okay to take the risk. But if the heart feels that there is something that is not right, who would you listen to?
But if the situations calls for it that your heart is fearing the outcome, the mind is able to better convince you on the outcome cos it is able to analyse the difference between fact and fiction. Who would you listen to then?
It is all about balance. Being able to strike a balance between listening to the Heart AND the Head will make you a better person in life!
@margaux08 (1094)
• Philippines
26 Feb 09
I think the next questions is... How to strike a balance between Head and Heart?
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
26 Feb 09
Ah... this question, my dear, you can only answer yourself.
Some people can just sit down and analyse things and then use their hearts to make the final decision.
Others will use their hearts to make a decision first, then use their head to justify that decision.
We all work differently. And I am sure you will also be able to find the way to seek that balance between heart and head.
You just have to make a concious effort in the beginning. Just like learning to swim or to drive. Once you get used to it, it becomes automatic.
So, which one are you gonna be? Use the heart to make the decision first. Then use the head to justify that decision?
Use the head to see the logic first. Then use the heart to make the decision based on the facts and logic you just analysed?
@margaux08 (1094)
• Philippines
26 Feb 09
hmmm... you got me on that one! Now I'm even more confused than I already am when I started this discussion....
In all honesty...I am trying to learn to deal with my head first since from the start...since time memorial I have always been a slave to what my heart says. I guess your 2nd option is more sensible. At least the cards are all laid down before thinking of the final decision.
Hope that life only simple so I wouldn't go through all of its complexities... that the head and heart always work hand in hand and not always in a secret battle over decision making.
If you're in my place, would you go to your first option or follow the second one?
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@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
24 Feb 09
I don't know Marg, but the heart is the best decisionmakes when it comes to emotional/romantic situation. Sure there are times that we made a mistake by following our heart but love is governed by a lot of factors, not just our decisions. Using the mind in decisions which concerns the heart does not maximize what you really feel inside. I hope you get what i mean because i'm having a hard time to express what i really mean. Lol!
@margaux08 (1094)
• Philippines
24 Feb 09
Hi Modstar,
We always encounter quotes here and there telling us to "follow your heart..." "learn to trust your heart..."
But the more we trust our hearts, at times, the more that we cannot find what we are looking for...where we want to go.
On the other hand, I felt it just a shame if one does not follow his or her own heart no matter how risky the road may be. True, there may be disappointments and disillusioned. But looking back...there is nothing to follow but the beating of his or her own heart.
...Now I'm not making sense, am I? 

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@margaux08 (1094)
• Philippines
24 Mar 09
It just shows how mature your way of thinking is...
Realizing the consequences before you commit mistakes...

@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
24 Feb 09
Hi marguax
I have always found myself following heart. I tend to get carried away by my emotions and act instantly without thinking over it. This has cost me many important things in life but still I couldn't really get over it. I am learning but still HEART is what I die for.

@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
26 Feb 09
Yes Marguax, I just wish I could do that. Someday dear someday may be.

@margaux08 (1094)
• Philippines
26 Feb 09
Hi mimpi,
You always seem to have the right words to understand me or at least understand what I am dealing with. If only it is that easy to whisper to your heart to stop for a while, never interrupt with any decion making until the head says so.. then life could be that easy!

@dalyme3 (88)
• Philippines
25 Feb 09
For me, I think I am a heart over head kind of person. I know it has a lot of risks and seldomly do I decide head over heart. I mean, how will you know how to love if you are not willing to take the risk? right? Anyways, If it comes down to something critical. I choose heart still, I'll bet everything I have knowing that it may hurt me in many different ways but what if?! what if the outcome though is gloriously, deliriously enchanting. You know, it is hard indeed but I would stake my heart on it that the goal far outweighs the cost if you benefit from it. To love is to get hurt, it is a reality and it is a fact. There will never be a perfect relationship but in the process of getting hurt you will know that you have learned to love deeply, passionately and that the understanding goes beyond infinity. Nonetheless, it is risky but I'd rather die knowing that I have done my best loving than not finding out how it feels to love someone deeply leaving me with an abyss that I would not be able to fathom or reason out why.
I guess I am still a romantic at heart. tee hee :)

@dalyme3 (88)
• Philippines
1 Mar 09
I truly agree, well! best of wishes to us then. May we have it all or none of it at all. To the best of what life can offer to everyone and to the worst that life can offer which we can go through with our hearts as weapons and our minds as shields making us stronger than ever in each of our living days. Cheers!
@margaux08 (1094)
• Philippines
26 Feb 09
Hi dalyme3,
For some reasons, I found my eyes misty with tears. That's how emotional I am. It's just that all the time, in the process of following my heart, I am always the one at lost. Then again, not following my heart will always result to a never-ending questions of "what if." There might be regrets that will haunt me to my grave if decisions were done without consulting my heart.
Simply put, I guess our life is all the same. It may lead to somewhere, it may lead to nowhere. But on the journey to life, it is more enjoyable to walk the path following your heart... for it makes life's journey more enjoyable... much sweeter...

@hgrimalt (12)
• Philippines
24 Feb 09
In my own opinion, it should be head over heart. Whenever you have to make a decision, don't get your emotions rule over it. That is also based from my experience. Lol! Btw, Do you also believe that when we are in love with someone, there's this acute paralysis of logical thinking?
@margaux08 (1094)
• Philippines
26 Feb 09
Hi hgrimalt,
Experience is definitely the best teacher. But sometimes, no matter how painful the result is, I still hold on to what my heart dictates me...
About your question... based from my own experience, there is not only "acute paralysis" since how I think whenever I'm head over heels in love is really not logical oftentimes. It stretches not only for a short period of time but months, or years, depending on how I hold on to "love"...until the other person will let me go.
Id@*ot that I am, I know that painful repercussions and hurtful results are always the outcome still... I let myself be astrated by this illogical thinking from the start.
I guess my real problem is to learn how to let my mind govern over my heart.

@margaux08 (1094)
• Philippines
26 Feb 09
I am looking forward to respond to a new discussion you may want to start regarding "accute paralysis of logical thinking." 

@myralmedo (815)
• Philippines
24 Feb 09
hi margaux08 :)
for me it should be head over heart... and most of the eldest answers should be that way... but most of the time we followed our heart on what it seems right for us... once elder told me that- that's why God put our head above our heart to control and manage our decisions coz sometimes following our heart may lead to a wrong way... for me decision making has to evaluate and have to vary things thinking what is right and can benefit you and without hurting other's feeling. so when we decide it should be the head :D
just giving my thoughts and for the sharing purposes..but whatever makes you happy and at the end of the day you'll be proud of yourself that you choose the right thing, why not? ;) but there's always a consequences as you've said ;)
Goodluck! :D
@margaux08 (1094)
• Philippines
25 Feb 09
The heart is the most treacherous part of our body. It's just so surprising that no matter how small it is can have a big impact to the totality of our whole being. Listen to the heart alone...without consulting the mind will really head to disaster
@totallyundecided (3190)
• Philippines
24 Feb 09
i;'ve always been a heart over head. maybe because i am more enslaved to my emotions than my thnking - lol. but no regrets though. i can't be with a person if i use my brain. =)
@margaux08 (1094)
• Philippines
26 Feb 09
The last part of your response intrigues me... You can't be with a person if you use your brain? Why is that so?
@nengs10 (3180)
• Philippines
24 Feb 09
I have tried both ways but I would say that I'm more of head over heart. Based on my experiences in the past, I have had used my head more than my heart. Though I am emotional at times, it's good that I can control what I feel and that it subordinates what my mind thinks.
@margaux08 (1094)
• Philippines
26 Feb 09
Hi nengs,
You are one of the few respondents who is head over heart and I admire you for that. Keep it up!
@harriethh (10)
• China
24 Feb 09
Well, to be rational, one needs to have the head over the heart.But we do not need to be rational all the time.
I would like to make an example. If I'm going to buy a shirt, I would leve my heart over my head to choose one which I enjoy but not matching the fashion or cost a lot. But when choosing a job, I would think carefully.
So, that's depends.
@margaux08 (1094)
• Philippines
26 Feb 09
Hi harriethh,
It must be a case-to-case basis then for you. For serious stuff, it means that you are more logical and analytical in thinking... Good job!
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
24 Feb 09
Whenever i have to take any decision i usually think a lot before taking the final step. Many times the heart does keep prompting but the head says think before you leap. I have found that whenever i obey the heart i have flirted with disaster and paid the price for my hastiness and then regretted. This has happened quite a few times in the year gone by. So nowadays i don`t rush into things but take a while to come to any final conclusion.
@margaux08 (1094)
• Philippines
24 Feb 09
I also believe that heart is the most treacherous part of our body and depending on it alone will really lead one to disaster. It is often..always... at the back of my mind..should be my everyday guide. Our brain, no matter how powerful it can be... it is always... often overpowered by this thing called "heart."
@kidjuwee (611)
• Philippines
24 Feb 09
I should say because it just feels so good to follow our hearts rather than our head. What our hearts desire is what we really want. People say that we should always follow our hearts but that shouldn't always be the case because not all the things are easy , some things require sacrifices.
@margaux08 (1094)
• Philippines
26 Feb 09
...and some things require more than what your heart dictates you...
...more than sacrifices
...more than life itself...

@deedeehall (1144)
• United States
24 Feb 09
my dad always said follow your heart.i think in some cases may be ok but i do think you really need to have your head working with your heart or you could end up in a mess.
@margaux08 (1094)
• Philippines
26 Feb 09
It's like coffee and creamer... one can not function alone without the other. But more often than not, when not coordinated, there is where disasters come in...
@Nisha_Verghese (551)
• India
24 Feb 09
you are exactly like me...
i have never listened to what my logical head has ever told me.. and i always end up regretting it later...
Since the time i can remember, i have always relied upon my heart to take all my decisions for me.. not all of them have been wise... a couple of them were regretted the moment the decision was taken and executed...
Even i am trying to learn my bitter lesson and listen to my head than my heart... lets hope both of us emerge victorious...

@margaux08 (1094)
• Philippines
26 Feb 09
I like the last part, Nisha...Yes...let's hope that both of us will overcome our weakness and emerge victorious!
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
24 Feb 09
I've been heart over head tooooo many times now, and sometimes without a good ending. So, at least this is what I'm telling myself, I'm going with head over heart. Seems everytime I let my heart make the decisions, I end up with a broken, I won't be following my heart, at least not anytime soon.
@margaux08 (1094)
• Philippines
24 Feb 09
Hi Palonghorn,
Isn't it sad to know that in the event of trusting your heart too much... it is you who's always suffering? I would say I am the "volunteer victim" of such scenarios. The been-there-done-that kind of person yet... sadly... will still follow my heart despite of all...
@lazeebee (5461)
• Malaysia
24 Feb 09
It depends on what types of decisions. If it is work-related, I usually will let the head rule, as I'm emotionally detached from the situation. But when it has anything to do with emotions (family & relationships), it is often the heart that wins. And this can sometimes lead to rather bad decisions.
@margaux08 (1094)
• Philippines
24 Feb 09
Hi lazeebee,
Couldn't agree more. It is a good thing that you let your self detached to anything related to your work. It can save you lots of stress when that happens.
And when it comes to family..especially for my kids, they can do wonders, tapping my emotions...and always having my heart rule over my head...
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
24 Feb 09
I used to always decide with my heart. After many many heartaches, I made a change. If my head and my heart agree, I know it is the right choice for me, if they disagree, I weigh the pros and cons. More often than not, my head is smartet than my heart when they do not agree.
Does that make sense to anyone besides me??
@margaux08 (1094)
• Philippines
24 Feb 09
Hi Lynne,
Thank you for sharing part of yourself in this response. It was a good thing that you still let your head govern over your heart when all else fails. Weighing pros and cons is a good thing to weigh matters accordingly. However, what if I have to make a decision fast? ANd there is no time for me to write things down, with two coloumns of pros and cons?
Your response is highly appreciated. Thank you so much!