Way to Go, Sean Penn!
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
February 24, 2009 12:09am CST
I've no doubt there will be plenty of you here who disagree with me in no uncertain terms but in my opinion Sean Penn's acceptance speech at the Oscars was one of the best I've ever heard. In case you missed it, here's the transcript:
…For those who saw the signs of hatred as our cars drove in tonight, I think that it is a good time for those who voted for the ban against gay marriage to sit and reflect, and anticipate ther great shame, and the shame in their grandchildren’s eyes if they continue that way of support. We’ve got to have equal rights for everyone. And there are these last 2 things. I’m very, very proud to live in a country that is willing to elect an elegant man President, and a country who, for all its toughness, creates courageous artists, and this is in great due respect to all the nominees, creates courageous artists who despite sensitivity that sometimes has brought enormous challenges, Mickey Rourke rises again, and he is my brother.
See the video here:
You don't have to agree with what he said but he certainly had every right to say it, as much right as the hateful protesters outside had to express their views.
Any thoughts?
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11 responses
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
24 Feb 09
Penn is an idiot.
One of the comments below the speach video said it pretty well.
"Sean Penn, you are a dunce, who feigns a knowledge of a world that you actually know very little of, and spew a vitriol against all America really stands for, in favor of ethical and moral anarchy, which Hollywood praises. You are just a well paid low life."
My own thoughts. I don't know what sort of hate he was talking about outside, there is no reference to the protesters so I have no Idea what "hate" they were spilling. It could have been hatefull protesters with vicious messages, or it could just as easily been simple messages of disagreament, Penn would have considered it "hate" in either case.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
24 Feb 09
It was a group from the Westboro Baptist Church who were protesting outside and they were mostly spewing their hate towards the late Heath Ledger who was not gay, he only played a gay character a few years back!
If you look at the pictures they even carried signs saying "God Hates America". You're certainly entitled to your own opinion but to me their message was hateful.

@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
24 Feb 09
Well I have issues with Sean Penn. But I would like to point out he is all for gay marriage. Which is fine with me. I think everyone should have the same rights. It really is just modern day discrimination. But he talked about all that then says how wonderful Obama is....yet Obama is against gay marriage. So how does he love Obama so much when the issue that is soooo important to him, Obama does not agree with him on it.
The main issue I have with Sean Penn is he is an actor (not even a good one) and he messes with foreign matters. LIke meeting with Hugo Chavez and Castro. He loves what Chaves has done in his country. While the rest of us have watched that once free country loose it rights and be taken over by a dictator.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
24 Feb 09
I wouldn't say he said "how wonderful" Obama is, it was something to the effect that he was proud that we elected an elegant man President. Anyway, he explained how he could support President Obama despite his opposition to gay marriage in a post-awards interview which you can read here:
Q. Tonight, in your acceptance speech, you mentioned President Barack Obama. I'm wondering what you would like to see the president do in relation to gay rights.
A. We know his public position as far as the specific issue of gay marriage has not been, let's say, officially supportive of that. I would like to believe that that's a political stand right now and not necessarily a future one or a felt one. I don't think that he or that any of us, and in particular our president, will long be able to take that position. It's inevitable that this is not because it's not a human luxury; these are human needs and they will be gotten. So he's going to have to he'll adapt. Right now I think it's more focused on, more interested in what we're going to do to tell him that we will support him in making those kinds of taking those kinds of initiatives. He's got people dying right now en masse, and people are desperately poor en masse, and I think those two emergencies need to be taken care of, without him taking too much time about the details of how he approached civil rights. But the day is going to come and it's going to come quickly.
Do you really think he's "not even a good" actor? Hmmm... Yes, he does get involved in foreign and domestic affairs which a lot of actors do. I certainly haven't always agree with things he's said but I have to give him credit for courage. He's traveled to the Mid East and visited with Iraqi and Iranian people and he went to New Orleans and personally helped with the rescue and clean up following Katrina.
I think the Oscar show allowed many people to see a side of Sean Penn they'd never seen before and obviously it made some like him more and some like him less or even hate him more. I have a feeling many of these people who watched the Oscars, regardless of their before or after views of Mr. Penn, haven't seen him on the countless other shows he's appeared on where he really shows what's he's all about. He's liberal, yes, so some of his words and actions will anger many conservatives, but he's an intelligent, thoughtful and compassionate human being who really cares about other people and I believe sincerely believes in equal rights for all. He's never lived the Hollywood party lifestyle, he doesn't even live in L.A. preferring to raise his kids in northern California where they can live a fairly normal life and go about their daily activities. I guess basically he's a lot "deeper" than your typical entertainer and people either love him or hate him for that.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
24 Feb 09
No I really do not think he is great actor. But that is only my opinion(I don't really like Brad Pitt either as a actor). Now I do see good things about him. I do feel he is right about gay marriage. It is discrimination. It was a wonderful and selfless thing for him to go into New Orleans and help pull those people out. He did not just do a telathon. He actually got a boat and was in there personally pulling people out.
But the countries he is choosing to side with does worry me. Chevez is not a good guy. Nor is he a friend to this country. He seems to just pal around with dictators and marxist. Which worries me. It is his right. But it still worries me about his politics. It is one thing to use your celebrity to bring attention to an issue and another to go over to countries openly hostile to us and be friends with them. NOt only does that compromise the US gov.s position but it also is used by those leaders as propaganda for their own purposes. Which is a dangerous and damaging game for Penn to be playing.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
24 Feb 09
I was really surprised at his speech. I have never liked Sean Penn very much but I will say he has risen in my estimation of him since his speech.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
24 Feb 09
I'm sick of morons like him preaching hate towards those that oppose gay marriage. I'll give him credit for just speaking and not being one of the morons assaulting elderly women and vandalizing churches.
Does anyone really think language like this will win over opponents of gay marriage?
"I think that it is a good time for those who voted for the ban against gay marriage to sit and reflect, and anticipate ther great shame, and the shame in their grandchildren’s eyes if they continue that way of support."
You need to make people sympathetic to the cause and you don't do that by harassing, attacking, insulting, and threatening them. In fact, you weaken your base when they too are disgusted by such behavior.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
24 Feb 09
I really didn't hear any "hate" in what he said and just because someone isn't a conservative that doesn't make him a moron. I'm sure you realize that those morons who assaulted elderly women and vandalized churches were a small minority of the mostly peaceful protesters against Prop 8?
Penn had just made a movie where he portrayed a man who was murdered for being gay. There were apparently protesters outside the theater where the Oscars were held carrying signs and chanting words that were hateful. The media didn't show the TV audiences what was going on outside with the anti-gay groups, at least I didn't see any nor did I hear mention of it before the presentations started, obviously because they didn't feel it was fitting with the occasion which was supposed to be celebrating the achievements of excellence in film. I agree people should sit and reflect and if they never feel any shame themselves I certainly agree their grandchildren will feel it in the future and wonder why there was ever a time when people didn't all enjoy equal rights.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
25 Feb 09
Hi annie! I know that Sean Penn is not always known as a
particularly "loved" person as he does speak what he feels
and isn't always nice about it! But, he gave a beautiful speech
and it came from the heart and he was respectful and deserved
respect and I don't think that anyone could take away from
that! I was very taken by everything that he said and totally
impressed by him on Oscar night! I have never been a big fan
of his, but I was when he gave that speech! I have not seen
the movie yet, but I intend to! He is a wonderful actor!
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
9 Aug 09
I recently saw "Milk" and it's a fantastic movie and his performance was definitely deserving of the Oscar, in my opinion. I also recently saw "I Am Sam" for the first time and I'm not sure how he could have not gotten the Oscar for that movie, he was that good. It seems that he can play any type of role.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
24 Feb 09
If you turned his words around and talk about the people who supported gay marriage it would be considered hate speech and his career would have been over. So much for Free Speech. Remember the Former President of Harvard University when he was participating in a Forum on why women do not go into Math and engineering. The group wanted to consider everything. He asked if anyone had looked at the studies on brain development between males and females. Career Over. Again so much for free speech. Free Speech in many circles is only the Speech they want to hear.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
24 Feb 09
I do not like Sean Penn anyway. Anyone who beat up his first wife, Madonna, does not deserve my respect. And you have not read how the homosexuals attacked the Mormon churches, wrecked businesses of those who were for traditional marriage. I mean who do you think should have the shame? Those who think they can do what is right in their own eyes.
I believe what God wrote that a man should leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife. No great shame in believing what God says is right. It is pride.
Also it says in the Bible that whosoever is ashamed of God and HIS kingdom HE will be ashamed of on the last day and I would rather offend you then offend God.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
24 Feb 09
I'm not really sure if the stories from many years ago about Penn and Madonna were true but if they were, that is unacceptable. No man should beat any woman. But, people can change, "repent" if you will, and there have certainly been no such stories for several decades that I'm aware of. Anyone from any side of any issue who resorts to violence against someone else's property or person is wrong and I've said that about the gay marriage who have done so.
This isn't about religion but I didn't hear anyone say anything about being ashamed of God and his Kingdom. Everyone doesn't share you belief that homosexuals are horrible sinners and everyone has the right to their own personal beliefs as long as they don't harm someone else.
@kastehelmi (61)
• United States
24 Feb 09
I agree with you completely, although I didn't watch the awards. The words of truth are beautiful!
To think how my conservative Grandpa insinuated that he's dumb! I lift my glass, jumping on my tip-toes, to all of the pursuits of human progress!
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
24 Feb 09
Conservatives understandably don't agree much with Sean Penn but he's far from dumb, in fact he's very intelligent and thoughtful in my opinion. He's also put his money and himself where his mouth is. He was right there in the thick of things following Katrina rescuing people. It's the passion and intensity he has in everything he does that makes him one of the greatest actors of our time.
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