Time to get their attention, care to add to this?
By xfahctor
@xfahctor (14118)
Lancaster, New Hampshire
February 24, 2009 1:41pm CST
In the interest of civility and propperness, I wish to present the following notice to the people we elected to serve us, who have done anything but. Elections haven't worked, calling, emailing, and protesting has not worked. So now it is time to serve official notice, even if nothing more than symbolicly, that we, the people, will stand for nonsense no longer. Feel free to add to this list of grievences. I'm sure we can come up with more than just the 20 I have here.
President, Barak Obama
Vice President, Joseph Biden
Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton
Senate Majority leader, Harrold Riede
Speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi
Senate minority Leader, Mitch McConnell
house minority leader, John Boehner
All members of the 111th United States Congress.
We, the people of these United States of America, as your electing body, wish to bring to your attention our displeasure and dissatisfaction with your preformance as our elected servants, chosen at our pleasure and consent. We bring before you the following grievences and do hereby serve you notice that you have 60 days to respond to and rectify the following grievences, or be presented with a withdrawl of consent to govern. Consent that we alone, we the people, granted you by our graces.
We charge the following:
1. That you have falied to protect our southern border and have allowed the illegal immigration of 10's of millions of people over that border, usurping our immigration laws, taking american jobs from americans and endangering our safety with, the flow of illegal drugs, and the warlords associated with such smuggling, resulting in the kidnapping and murder of American citizens, demonstrating your dereliction in the duty presribed by the United States contsitution to "provide for the common defense."
2. That you have demonstrated great fiscal iresponsability by passing spending bill upon spending bill, spending valuable tax dollars on frivilous and rediculous projects, on departments that don't function or serve the intended purpose, and borrowed such money for these expenditures fom other nations, leaving us, our children and our grand children in debt or printed such funds devaluing the dollar.
3, that you have written and passed laws that circumvent the constitution of the united states, such as the patriot act, FISA, McCain/Fiengold campaign reform.
4. that you have passed a bill that in effect circumvented the constitution in creating a shadow branch of government unanswerable to the others in the passage of T.A.R.P. (troubled assets relirf program). And further more that this bill turned more controll of our money over to even fewer with no oversight or controll of the people.
5. that you have repeatedly violated the 4th and 10th amendments to the constitution by allowing border patrol checkpoints in the middle of soviergn states, often 75 miles from any international border and stopping American citizens in their day to day travles with in their own state and country.
6. that you have repeatedly committed economic blackmail of the states by with holding federal funds to strong arm them in to complying with federal will in matters the federal government has no constitutional authority in.
7. That you have repeatedly violated the second amendment with loophole laws limiting the ability of american citizens to retain sufficiant arms to defend their free states and their personal liberties from tyrany.
8. that you have conducted many congressional actions in secret, away from the eys of the american citizens.
9. That you have allowed and indeed forced american military to fight under a flag other than the flag of The united States.
10. That you have ignored and violated the laws forbidding the use of federal military for civil policing.
11. that you have signed treaties that allow the presence of foriegn military forces in active duty on American soil.
12, That you have placed the needs of foriegn nations in charity above the needs of charity with in our own borders.
13, That you have taken control of many state level functions, such as education, identification requirements and licensing, violating the 10th amendment.
14. That you have excerized corruption in the taking of money in exhange for favor, political gain and positional security.
15. That people who have blatently violated tax laws that we the people must obey, have been rewarded with positions in government instead of punished.
16. that you have taken the constitutionaly mandated controll of monetary matters away from the congress and placed it in the hands of private interests in the creation and continuation of the federal reserve.
17. That you have endangered our monetary system by backing money with debt instead of tangible assets such as gold.
18. that you have endangered our safety and economic security with continous foriegn entanglments, treaties and dealings.
19. that you have failed to efficiantly and effectively utilize our own domestic natural resources, labor and intelect
20. that you have continualy crippled us with complex tax laws and enforced those laws with a stalinistic agency.
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2 responses
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
24 Feb 09
Please please please tell me you are going to actually write this up, print a bunch of copies and sent to them individually (if you can afford it by certified mail). Plus get it to all the news media. This is about the most brilliant letter I have seen in a long time. Heck maybe we should pool our money (or have a charity drive for it) to put it on the front page of a important national newspaper that a lot of people will see. Like the economist that disagreed with the stimulus bill did. You HAVE got to find a way (besides here on mylot) to get this out to the people and our elected officials.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
24 Feb 09
I plan fully on getting this out to them, all of them. I posted it here to get a draft out, get other grievences listed and get input on it overall. Copies will go to all the poeple listed above, individually, and one will be simply adressed to the 111th congress in general (500 + copies is a bit much). I am thinking about putting it up on my myspace as well. Another thing I would LIKE to do is to get copies circulated through out each state and get a bunch of ink and paper signitures on it, but that's probably hoping for a bit much.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
24 Feb 09
One thing you might want to do ....and it is a bit of a big project....but there is a rule that members of congress can only read and respond to mail from the people of the state they represent. So get people (a lot) from each state to send it to their elected officials. If mail shows up from a different state than their's (the post mark) a lot of times they do not even open it. But I would put it up as many places as you can. Mail one to the white house and your elected officials and then encourage people to print and mail it to their elected officials. I still like the idea of putting it on the front page of the new york times or the washington post.....but that would probly cost a mint.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
24 Feb 09
If you want a bunch of ink signatures than I would say get in touch with your local GOP, constitutional ,libatarain parties and the Campaign for Liberty (I can help you out with that one, I am county coordinator for C4L). They might do signature drives at their monthly meetings and then send them off. I know there is a big C4L summit in St. Louis coming up next month and anther one in April in Jacksonville Fl (I am going to that one).There are going to nine in total across the country this year. Tons of people will be there. Think of places there will be a lot of people that would like your idea meeting in one place and try to get it there so they can sign and mail it off.

@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
24 Feb 09
Thank you very much!!!Until we the people of the United States do something about these lifelong politicians and elect people that actually care about our country,these types of things will continue.With Obama as our President,I fear they will only get worse.
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