Octo mom
By NuttyMomma
@NuttyMomma (901)
United States
February 25, 2009 8:01am CST
I have to do it. Maybe I am opening up a can of worms here but I am really tired of the whole Octo mom, grandma and grandpa situation. Obviously these people are not "playing with a full deck" and so willing to open up and expose their dysfunctionality with the world but what do you really think about the situation? When the babies were born, everyone was so excited over the "miracle" of it all. Then once the "secret" got out that this was an unemployed single mother who already had 6 children under the age of 8 all of a sudden the "miracle" was forgotten. Do I believe the birth of these 8 babies was a "miracle"? well any birth is a miracle and a gift. I personally believe that multiple births are irresponsible as it lessens the chance of healthy babies being born and honestly human women are not dogs, we were not meant to give birth to litters. We have 2 breasts to nourish our baby/babies with. God is smart, he knew what he was doing when he "designed" us that way. Yes I understand the pain of not being able to have a child. Octo mom had already realized her "dream" to have a baby and then some. Living off her student loans? I understand that is her business but student loans are meant for schooling. Isn't this an example of borrowing from Peter to pay Paul? In my life, I like to be able to plan for life's little emergencies but to assume you will go back to school and be able to provide for this large family is noble but who is going to take care of them while you do this? Not to mention that there are only so many hours in a day. Moms out there with 4 children know how difficult it is to meet the emotional and physical needs of 4 children and still maintain a level of sanity. How do you raise 14 children all under the age of 8, alone, and expect them to grow up healthy?? The outrage is about that as well as the idea of taxpayers paying for this. It is selfish, it is wrong. Welfare was originally started to help people get back on their feet. It was meant to be a temporary situation. Food stamps ARE welfare. Octo grandpa can act like he wasn't aware of that but anytime the GOVERNMENT is GIVING you money that is Welfare! You need to qualify for that. My next comment might get a rise out of people but I need to say it. The 3 of them keep bringing "GOD" into it. I believe in God. I believe God gives us choices and gives us the free will to decide the path we are going to take. To act like these children are from God and everyone needs to pitch in and help because of these children and not hold the mother responsible for her actions makes me crazy!! They are using God to play upon good Christian (an others) who might feel like they are obligated to help pay for these children. There are many children in this country and others who need help. I resent that this woman was allowed to fulfill her selfish needs and now expects everyone to bail her out. I feel badly for these children. It is a fine line to say perhaps they should be adopted as she can't possibly care for them but if we truely cared about the welfare of these babies, wouldn't it be better for them to be in homes where their needs were first and not shared instead of everyone just donating money so octo mom can what- go get her nails done? Doesn't she feel responsible for the hospital bill?
Ok, my rambling is done. I am sure I have stirred up a lot but I needed to get it out.
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7 responses
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
25 Feb 09
I totally agree with you. I hate it when people say she is not on welfare because she definitely is!
I just saw a clip from Dr Phil and he said that she said she wanted alot of children because she grew up in a dysfunctional family being the only child~ hello! Isn't 14 children growing up in that same dysfunctional household going to cause some harm to those children.
God didn't give her this pregnancy. It was done by that doctor. God gave these babies a chance at life by making them all able to survive.
@kayla_7602 (704)
• Canada
25 Feb 09
Wow I totally agree with you. God didn't guve her this pregnancy, he gave the babies a chance to live. That is such a great way to put it!
And yes 14 children all so close in age, is going to cause more dysfunction then she had growing up by far. And so she is going to put her own life back into complete dysfunction....but isnt that what she wanted to get away from a dysfunctional life.
I also thing being an only child is not classified dysfunctional...i mean dysfunction can be an only child family, but really it is any family that does not operate smoothly...that has problems and issues. So she can use being an only child as the reason she classified her childhood as dysfunctional.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
25 Feb 09
I have plenty of friends that have an only child and they are wonderful well rounded individuals. This was just an excuse for her to use. I think she wanted the attention, publicity and freebies that usually come with parents of multiples. I hope that these babies aren't going to suffer because of her stupidity.
@NuttyMomma (901)
• United States
25 Feb 09
yes only children in a family can be well adjusted. her father admitted that he spoiled her and said she always wanted a brother or sister. i think she is a lot more damaged than people realize and her parents have enabled this behavior. I don't always like Dr.Phil but one thing I know, he is not going to allow her to not be accountable for her selfishness and that I am going to enjoy.

@NuttyMomma (901)
• United States
26 Feb 09
lol!! unfortunately I think octo grandma will get stuck with the babies! lesson to all- learn how to say "no" to your child. octo grandma obviously never said "no" and look at her life now in her "golden years".

@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
26 Feb 09
This woman is not right in the head. Her mother looks after the other 6 more than she does. The hospital should keep the babies and adopt them out and then social services should take the rest of her kids. She should be charged with fraud because she did commit fraud. Had $165,000 from that insurance money and "money" she had saved from working but still getting the maximum amount of food stamps and medicaid for herself and the kids. All the while the parents are losing the house they live in and she does not contribute to the household bills. I would have kicked her out and kept the kids if I had been her mom.
@NuttyMomma (901)
• United States
26 Feb 09
excellent response!!! believe it or not being that it was a workers comp settlement i don't know if she committed fraud by still getting welfare money. i don't know if that counts towards her income. but it is a great point. she is a liar and she is abusive in that she is not taking care of these children. if she chose to do it alone when is she going to start?
@Pleiades (846)
• United States
25 Feb 09
Nutty...you took the thoughts right out of my head. This discussion is definately worth a "+"!
I had just finished reading the article of how the mother fears the hosptial will not release the babies to her unless she proves she can provide the right kind of home for her. AMEN for society for stepping in on this one. I myself have four children and that alone gets my nerves so frazzled, I can feel my hair stand on end. How in the world is she going to deal with all her children at once? I think that the doctor who gave her the last proceedure should have his medical license revoked because he's supposed to "help" the patient. Yes, she wanted more children, but he knew when doing the proceedure that there was a possiblity of her having more than one. Ugh, this whole idea just sickens me. There are women out there that can't have children and they are in a better position...this isn't fair.
Honestly, I don't know what the final solution to this situation. But honestly, I think she should be prepared to having some of them taken away from her...unless someone or some people will step in to help her. Which, I think is what she was planning on in the first place. Oh, you said that too.
@NuttyMomma (901)
• United States
25 Feb 09
So the hospital is reluctant to release these babies to her? Well, thank GOD someone is thinking! I am a mom of 5, always provided for them financially even if it meant not having for myself. Emotionally it was tough and is at times even though they are now 27,26,23,19 and 13. But the father and I made a choice to have them. We knew we weren't going to drive new cars but we managed to find good used cars. We went through tough times and with the help of family we made it. I love children and have worked with children to fill that "need" to be around them. I feel that I can give to other peoples children and satisfy myself at the same time. I populated the world enough. IVF is man-made, yes God gave someone the ability to discover this procedure but maybe in this case it was abused. It would be sad for them to be "taken away" from their mother but they are so young (the octoplets,that is). Life isn't always fair. the other thing is that this is not a communist country, we are allowed to have as many babies as we want but this is out of control.
@CRIVAS (1815)
• Canada
25 Feb 09
I think that you are absolutely right, I think it is a disgrace that tax payers are supposed to pay for them. This women was the one to make the decision to have these children knowing full well, that she could barely take care of the ones that she already had. Like you I think this is completely irresponsible. I think that her parents are also partially to blame, if she was my daughter I would definately give her a piece of mine. I have responded to a few discussions about her and I have to say it again, this women needs to be put in an institution and the children need to be adopted. I don't think that this women has any right to have children, she is irresponsible, and as far as I am concerned she is not a fit parent. The fact that there are now 14 children that are going to need to be taken care of for the next 18 years of their lives, while tax payers pay for it, is unbelievable. I think that if the government was smart they would put a limit on how much money one person can recieve, like you said welfare is supposed to be a temp fix, not something to sustain you for the rest of your life. It is like encouraging people to go out and do what she did, don't worry the government and taxpayers will take care of everything! I honestly cannot believe that these poor children have this women as a role model. I think that someone needs to make it known that people are not happy about this and that something seriously needs to be done about it. If the government is having enough trouble, you would think that they would be a little more pro action to find a solution to this problem instead of giving this women more money, I just don't understand it. I am at a loss. Happy mylotting and keep up the good work.
@NuttyMomma (901)
• United States
25 Feb 09
and if the government won't pay you enough, start a website, make sure you include cute baby pictures and graphics. play on people's love for babies and accept major credit cards as well as paypal. you'll be fine.
@kayla_7602 (704)
• Canada
25 Feb 09
I have also started a conversation similar to this. I agree with a lot of what you have said. There is no way she can support these children financially, or even emotionally. Not all of them...maybe it would be different if some of the other children were older and could help out. But even then I dont think kids should have to raise their parents other kids, they never asked for any kids.
As for bringing God into it. i to believe in god, and the miracle of birth. This were I am torn. I absolutely believe that god has given us choices...and we make the decisison in our life. We are not puppets put here, and controlled by god. But I do believe that after she made her extremly selfish choice, God stepped in and took care of those babies. They are miracle babies...and I wish them all the best in their life.
I do think we should hold the mother responsible, but she has made it so hard, becuase there are now 14 children age 7 and under that will have to be held accountable with her. I dont think it's fair. I wish there was some way that the kids would not have to be involved. It is so unfair to her first 6...and these 8. She is very selfish, and it is so sad for this kids.
I dont think i am totally on baord with adopeted out. These kids are family, brothers and sisters. The first 6 have been with each other since each one was born, separating them seems so unfair and sad. And the octuplets...they are octuplets, Yes they would proboply be ok being separated but you never know. And it just dosnt feel like they should be seperated, it dosnt seem fair to them, they have not asked for this or done anything wrong.
But at the same time it feels like the mother should have to be accountable for her actions. It seems like it will be very hard to make her accountable without making life harder on the children then it is already going to be.
It is so sad that such an amazing thing..the birth of 8 healthy octuplets who all survived...has to be surrounded by so much nagitivity. This stigma dosnt come with every large family, there are many who are able to support and raise thier kids. So it is not that they are octuplets that is a miracle! It is the selfish mother who bothers me.
Not sure is you care but today and towarrow on Dr. Phil, he will having an interview with her. He will ask a lot of the questions that we all want to see her answer. I will be watching!
@NuttyMomma (901)
• United States
25 Feb 09
problem is kayla, this is america. how do we make her accountable for her actions? Dr.Phil is going to be tough on her, as well he should be, but what will it change? I feel bad for these children, all 14 of them. I don't believe that they are going to be well adjusted at all. even if you have people come in every day to help with their basic needs, feeding,changing,etc, how is the "mommy" going to be able to bond with each of them? anyone with more than one child knows about sibling jealousy. some children have it more than others. having 14 children so close in age short changes them as far as being able to provide the bond and security that they need.
i am so glad to be able to discuss this with others. it is wonderful that people feel the same and no one has taken offense. If you were blessed with triplets or more, that is wonderful for you but don't tell me that it hasn't been a challenge. I can't even imagine having twins! my first two were 16 months apart and that was a huge challenge.
@mgmagana (3618)
• United States
26 Feb 09
i don't think she acted responsibly and rationally...i honestly think this lady is a basket case and she needs to have her kids taken away...she can't even afford to help her mom keep their home but her nails are nice n i know she wasn't born with those lips. she obviously doesn't have her priorities straight...i would not feel comfortable sending her money..i'd donate diapers or formula but not money. she was very selfish what she did n now taxpayers will have to pay for it.