can someone help with publishing my book?

@goat6boy (314)
United States
February 25, 2009 8:09am CST
so im in the process of writing a book and im using to publish my book with words as well as photos and art in it and i wnna make my book but theirs too many things i have to do to get it done its just a pain to try and self publish it does anyone know of a better way of going thats practically free and i can sell it online like lulu does?
2 responses
• United States
1 Apr 09
Hey, I think you should really try and work things out with Lulu. I am working on my second book, or first depending on how you look at it. The book is basically done, it's a poetry book. It's just reading over it and editing that I'm doing now. I hate everything I write so I'm trying to write more stuff that the book doesn't say. But I digress... I think Lulu is a good place to go. You just have to know how to format it the way you see the finished product. That's whee my trouble came in at. I see this post was a month old, hopefully you've figured it all out by now. If not respond back and I can advise as best I can.
@goat6boy (314)
• United States
2 Apr 09
yeah formating it and placing photos and art into my book is the hardest part im using microsoft word and its all good for typing my book but adding other things is hard any help?
@lilnono (228)
• United States
26 Feb 09
I don't know if these sites are any easier but you could try createspace or cafepress. I have links to them on my website at