Government VS The People!!!
By rodney850
@rodney850 (2145)
United States
February 25, 2009 4:36pm CST
About a week ago I responded to a discussion in this interest section entitled "More orwellian ideology from the new administration" and it is found here:
My response to this went like this:
[i]This "big brother" mentality just brings this country ever closer to the brink of her second civil war or revolution, whichever one suit your purpose. I wonder how many people will be "surprised" at this inevitable outcome of a forced socialistic government?
By the way; is it just me or do I remember the liberals crying fowl very loudly when GWB instituted wire-taps without warrants? Talk about a double standard on invasion of privacy![/i]
And the author responded with this:
"I think we need to get by the republican/democrat mentality now rodney. Your right, there is a double standard, but we need to move past that. The guy who proposed this was a republican. It is moving towards being bigger than dems vs repubs. It is becomming the government vs the people."
This got me to thinking and the results are very scary. X is absolutely right! Our government and the people we elect are NOT listening! They have long ago ceased doing anything resembling the will of the people and instead seek to forward their own selfish agendas! Example:
Most of the American public surveyed believed that the government was approaching this economic "stimulis" in very much the wrong way. People wrote congressmen/women and senators and protested on blogs and in the media but guess what? We got it shoved down our throats anyway! I guess we are just too stupid for our own good and these fair-minded congressmen/women and senators are protecting us from ourselves!
So now we come to the very same crossroads our forefathers stood at in the infant stages of our country and have to ask ourselves; how long are we willing to let this obvious disregard for the American people go on? When do "we the people" of America say enough is enough? Right now our country, due to the fiscal irresponsebility of our leaders (both democrat and republican), our country sits precariously on the brink of disaster! We are, for the first time in our history, in danger of defaulting on our loans to finance our national debt and our government believes that the way out of this self-inflicted dilema is to borrow and spend even more! Other than breaking out the guns and start a full fledged revolution, I don't have an answer but one thing is certain; if we continue to do what we are doing now expecting different results--we are insane!
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8 responses
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
26 Feb 09
No they are not listening to us or the states. It is getting to the point that a lot of people are getting fustrated and ticked off. They will only take so much. Then add to that all the states that are declaring SOVEREIGNTY. Heck my senator is calling for people to protest in the streets. When is the last time you heard a senator tell the public to do that? Things are definately turning ugly.
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@ryancurryflynn (1)
• Canada
26 Feb 09
This is all very true.. it is apparent that the government simply does not care about the everyday person!
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
26 Feb 09
I think we knew it was only a matter of time before people's fuses started burning short.
I mean...people all over the world are more p*ssed off at their governments than we are -- what took us so long?
(That was rhetorical, I'm well aware of how uninformed and apathetic we've been for a loong time)
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
25 Feb 09
Our lawmakers have set themselves up as royalty with their own little kingdoms call district. They believe that us the subject just do not have the intelligence to do what is right. They must set themselves up as these all powerful beings just so the country can survive. Yet everything they are doing is destroying this once great nation. As to the Obama/Pelosi/Reid spending bill, I call Sen. Pryor, Sen. Lincoln, and Congressman Synder yet their aids told me that America needs this. Oh so let me understand this, my opinion does not matter anymore because there is enough morons in Arkansas that keep this dolts elected. Now Congress has approved another 410 billion dollar good grief, I am sick and tired of being ignored. Now I am not one of these revolutionist but so thing has to give.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
25 Feb 09
The government has always been serving it's own interest & not listening to the people. The situation just gotten so pathetic now that people are actually taking notice.
Heck they don't even really have to listen to the people when we elect a president.
The electoral college makes the final decision & they only have to " CONSIDER " our votes. They don't have to follow them. Basically the people get to vote just to make us think we have some say.
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
26 Feb 09
We don't often see eye-to-eye Rodney, but I can't not agree with you on this.
I see...lots of trend of people starting to get toward the "fed up" point.
I mean, plenty of people were really angry last autumn. I mean sheezus, the economy had been cooking for almost a whole year before anyone of the bigwigs would see it, acknowledge it, or even "want" to deal with it.
And then they ignored us yet again, even though they'd been pestered and pestered about it off and on...especially spring through summer.
I think that's when everyone started to get disillusioned. The wool fell off their eyes. And they didn't like what they saw.
Some people thought, "Hey, maybe the elections will fix everything"...but, I'm really sad to say, it's beginning to become clear that that might really really not be the case. We're still, more often than not, ignored. We tell them, "HEY, don't be stupid"...and they go and do it anyway, and they just add to the entire mess.
I'm pretty sure that, at some point, we'll all start doing something.
I'm not sure which will come first...the violence, or the examples of TRUE hope and change for the better. I really want it to be the things and people who bring hope, first. That way...that way, we've a foundation when violence breaks out.
If the violence breaks out first, I worry that it could delay or cause problems for our good examples...perhaps more than problems, in some cases.
We're close to financial collapse and we're too close to potentials for fascism for comfort. NOT just on a governmental level, but on a state level in some cases as well (some states have screwed up as much as our federal government, lemme just say it now).
The key is, even if we do nothing right now...we need to decide that, when the time comes...when we're faced with "the easy thing" and the right thing? That we're resolved to do the right thing.
I don't care if you don't give a dang about freedom, but if you care about yourself, then that's what one needs to decide.
Revolution is exactly what we need. Violent or not...I'm not sure. We've so much we could do, if we'd just think of how and brainstormed all together.
I see examples of it already...activists "reclaiming" foreclosed homes and giving them to the homeless (oftentimes encouraged by the police because good, honest people living in those homes prevents criminals from living in there...and cuts down on the vandalism and arsons...which have been rising due to foreclosures)...even though the banks often complain to the states, more and more...the activists and homeless are winning the argument and the banks are slowly deciding that it's easier to just do nothing.
Economically? I see a ton of people -- at least in my state -- turning away from the high prices of the grocery stores and starting their own farming business.
Farmer's markets have blossomed by a huge percentage in my state since summer 2008.
Barter is making a comeback nationally.
I see people making their own choices. Often CREATIVE choices. I see them active and actually thinking for the first time, all together, since...well, this is the first time in my lifetime (I'm a teenager).
There's been a couple towns making their own currency to support local businesses here (a trend that actually started in Britain). "Eco-villages" which tend to be either very high tech or very low tech, who govern basically themselves...have been popping up globally (there's been a bubbling up of interested in the idea of permaculture based TOWNS on the net).
I see so much potential in our nation for so much independence, so much courage, so much good.
It's just that we have to be reminded not to let ourselves be distracted, to be lulled into apathy like we have been for the past decade! We have to remind ourselves that in the end...we all care about what really matters, we want to live our lives, we want to have the freedom to live our lives, and we're getting tired of our "leaders" and how they handle things and how they don't generally give a dang about us.
All our differences should not divide us.
I find it ironic that...just as we start talking about revolution seriously, us Americans, that the people of Britain have begun to think about it as well -- and in case you weren't aware, they've turned completely fascist for at least the past two years. Not only are they a surveillance society, but they will arrest you for buying a book they deem to be "something terrorists read"...and chuck you in jail.
They not only watch you on the streets with cameras, but they officially now have secret police, and they watch your internet blocking content they deem "inappropriate". Completely and utterly fascist...none of the stuff I mentioned even chips the iceberg. A couple weeks ago, one of their top spy guys spoke out against how their government is using people's fears to take advantage of them there. And just today, a guy wrote a column in The Guardian about how people need to consider revolution...he mentioned a new report that suggested that their window of opportunity to "keep their freedoms" was closing.
And protests, violent protests that shake governments have been happening all over the world due to the economy.
We have so much potential. I don't hope for violence, I hope for creative solutions...I just hope that we'll exercise our newfound lack-of-apathy in a way that helps...instead of harms. But soon enough, we may be so desperatethat anything could go.
I just hope.

@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
26 Feb 09

@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
26 Feb 09
Miss Paranoia, hon, I have said this before but I feel the need to say it again. You, even at the tender age of 17, demonstrate a maturity and wisdon far beyond many adults here. You are a great credit and inspiration to your generation.

@Vladilyich1 (1454)
• Canada
1 Mar 09
Actually, we are closer than the verge of revolution, it has begun. Thirty two of the required 34 States currently have either passed or have bills in their legislature to overthrow the existing government and start again, reclaiming state's rights. This is all Constitutional according to the 9th and 10th ammendments. See my article:
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
25 Feb 09
I agree. That's why we need to keep educating ourselves to know what the real game they are playing behind all the 'pretty-ness'.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
25 Feb 09
Actually, we have been bankrupt for a very long time.
As to the rest, I agree.
We are very near the same spot that caused the last Revolutionary War.
Instead of Great Britain, it is now our own government which has betrayed us.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
25 Feb 09
Since I inspired this thread, I should chime in I guess, lol. This mentality is spreading like wildfire, so I feel somewhat vidicated. I had said even before the elections that things were stirring and it seems most people ignored or dismissed it. More and more people are waking up and waking up good and mad, that crucial tipping point is being reached. I can only hope and pray our government wakes up and realizes this and begins obeying the will of the constitution that created it before it is too late.
I just posted a thread on my state introducing it's own soveirngty resolution, I was thrilled over it. But it occured to me as I was reading the text of the bill how signifigant it was because of the particular language of the bill. I brief quote from the very long text of it reads as follows:
"That should any such act of Congress become law or Executive Order or Judicial Order be put into force, all powers previously delegated to the United States of America by the Constitution for the United States shall revert to the several States individually. Any future government of the United States of America shall require ratification of three quarters of the States seeking to form a government of the United States of America and shall not be binding upon any State not seeking to form such a government"
Here is the rest of the bill:
But read the exerpt a few times and thnk about what it means. It is essentialy saying that should violations of the constitution continue and be imposed on the poeple of new hampshire, that we as a state will initiate a disolving of the current federal contracted governent and institute a new government under the constitution. This isn't cessesion, but a genuine threat to initiate a disolving of the current union in favor of a new one ruled under the constitution as was intended, giving all the other states the option of joining or not.
You will hear people talk of cessesion from time to time and that is their right as soveirgn states, how ever, it should be warned that to cecede is to break away from the constitution that protects you leaving you to the whim of a state government no longer bound by the u.s. constitution.
So this bill is the best balance of that as it a.) seeks to preserve the union and b.) seeks to preserve it under the constitution. this is signifigant in itself as it is a genuine, bonifide move towrds a state sanctioned, state government initiation or at least a threat of revolution of sorts as a result of federal government corruption. It is a litteral and legal exceriseing of the words of the decalation of independence that tell us that though we do not take lightly the changing of a government, that when a long train of abuses and usurpations lead to absolute despotism, it is the right and DUTY of the people to replace such government (paraphrased)
We are in unprecedented times in this country. There can be no question of that now, all the signs are becomming blatent.