what kind of person are you?

@winterose (39887)
February 25, 2009 9:15pm CST
are you the kind of person that waits to the last minute to do the things you have to do? or are you the kind of person that will do them faster only because somebody is bit$ching at you to do them, otherwise you just wait, or are the type of person that finishes your work fast and leave it at that, or are you the type of person who finishes your work fast and bi$tches that the other person has not done theirs, or finally are you the type of person that does your work and can't stand to see that others have not done theirs and you do it as well and then leave it alone, or are you the kind of person does, your work, somebody elses' work but then you have to bi$tch about it because it just isn't right lol. to help you figure out think about it in areas you do work, at the work site, housework at home, if you are a student, your homework and somebody elses etc. please explain why you are the type of person you are, no judgment on my part just best response, to well the best response lol
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34 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
26 Feb 09
When I worked I do did mine and got it right and when I ran out of work I would go look for more. I cant stand to be still at work and cant stand to act like I am doing something. one day our line ran out of work and I had the drew count screws clean out the lines in the cement floor that was so boreing and one kid ruined a screwdriver cleaning ou tthe lines in the floor lol
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
26 Feb 09
wow what a task, I am happy I didn't have to do it.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
27 Feb 09
and what got me the peices that was holding us up was still setting by the bending machine when I got thm trackeddown! then I had to get Super to get the order back in so we could finish our job and some had to be out that night I think that was one day we stayed 16 hours to finish the job order!
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
26 Feb 09
Yes, I like to wait to the last minute since it seems that is when I work my best and fastest. I guess because it gets me moving knowing that others are relying on me in the last minutes. I will be the person who does my work see that others didn't do or finish and do it. I will not claim not to gripe about it because I may or may not I guess all depending on my mood and how many times they were told to do it. I can be a very reasonable loving helping person. I respect that others have their limits like I do mine. So most times I will end up helping just to get it done faster. You have to be a judge and jury in the matter to judge if they are faking not being able to do it or not wanting to do it and taking advantage of your generosity. Everyone deserves a chance though.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
26 Feb 09
Lazy? Well then I would have to offer something as a incentive to make them want to do it. Like Movie money if it was a kid or a teen..adult though..different matter altogether. I am lazy so I know where they would be coming from and sometimes it takes alot for me to get going..and I would try to find that one thing that helped get them going. Some aren't just lazy though they just don't have the umpf! to get up and do. So I would help them and in seeing that half the work load was taken off then that might get them to help me. I am not going to yell,or go nuts on someone for having the same feelings as me not wanting to do but they aren't forcing themselves like me to push hard to get it done faster and over with so I can go back to being me..
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
26 Feb 09
not always, my son is lazy no amount of money in the world or whatever bribe you want to give him will work if he doesn't want to do something.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
26 Feb 09
yep but what if they are just plain lazy?
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
27 Feb 09
I'm the type that will hurry up and do what I need to do unless I'm tired or in pain, just so I can be done and over with. Now when it comes to housework, I will sometimes bit&ch about it. My husband cooks and goes to work, that's all he does for me. It would be nice if he helped me every once in awhile. My kids are old enough to start doing things around the house and they will complain and do it half-asZed so I will go behind them and do it. At the moment there is dishes in the sink because my oldest keeps forgetting she has only 3 chores in our home, dishes one of them, taking out the trash and along with her sister keeping the upstairs clean. Today, after telling her, I had to take the trash out. I'm trying to clean the house and it keep it clean because I have people coming Saturday for my daughter's 7th birthday party. I'm not going to do anything major until tomorrow, so I know it will stay that way. Honestly, I like to do everything myself, because I know it will get done the right way the first time. My husband is the opposite, he will wait to the last minute to do something then complains about it. Even if he does something for someone else, he complains. It's irritating to the point where I just block him out. My kids are picking up his traits, because they complain and put things off until they get tired of hearing me, or wait until I do it.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
27 Feb 09
yep that would get on anyone's nerves that is for sure
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@myralmedo (815)
• Philippines
26 Feb 09
hi winterose :) ofcourse our own self will recognize who really are, for me am a type of person who have very positive outlook in life, a God-fearing one, giving importance to the people around me - includes my family, relatives, friends and even people i've met in any walks of life- their stories became an inspiration to me and i think in my own lil way i inspired them too. am very considerate also but bad side of me will come out if you shown yours too. i don't stoop down to the levels of people claiming that they are educated but showing that they're not...hope you got my point :D thanks for this discussion! :) Godabless!)=)
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
26 Feb 09
thank you for giving me an idea of the type of person that you are
• Philippines
26 Feb 09
and for the question now that am working or any craft that i do i see to it that i will do my best to finish it no matter what, if someone keeps on bugging on me i'll just stay focus, prioritize what to do first, complete the task as much as possible earlier on the deadline or even do a multi-tasking but have a perfect result/outcome. Godabless!0=)
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• United States
26 Feb 09
USUALLY (until lately) i am the person that wants to get everything done asap then go on with whatever i want.. i hate procrastinating but ugh when you feel like crap how that can change!! but until my health went into the crapper i was always one to get things done as soon as i could so i wouldnt have to think about it again other wise it would bug me and i would stress about it till it got done
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
26 Feb 09
did it bother you that somebody else didn't do their share?
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• United States
26 Feb 09
well if it was work related then i usually was bored from being done to where i wanted something to do and didnt mind helping.. i think if they were honestly behind but were trying to get it done it woudlnt bother me much.. but the people that just figure they if they dont do it some one else will get on my nerves quickly and eventually i will stop helping them even if it means i will die of boredom just because its not fair for me to have to do their work
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• United States
26 Feb 09
thanks for the br
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@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
26 Feb 09
I'm the type person that like to have good preparation before I do anything. I don't like to be rush to do stuff, it makes me feel so uncomfortable.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
26 Feb 09
good for you hon
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@riyasam (16556)
• India
13 Apr 09
i like to finish off all my work at one go and then i like to sit back and relax before the next work comes in.but i would like it to be done the right way and i am not the one to poke my nose into others affairs unless asked to.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
13 Apr 09
thanks so much for you answer hon
@GardenGerty (162496)
• United States
10 Apr 09
Related to work, I tend to do my work, and do it quickly, before I forget what I am doing. Then if I see something undone, I do it too, as it is "all the same pay" whether I do the work or let it lag. I was even downgraded in an evaluation once, because they said I was so quick to pick up the other work that they could not tell who was slacking off. My personal stuff, I procrastinate, then fuss and fume at myself because it is not done, and at my partner, because he should care that his is not done either. I hope that made some sense.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
10 Apr 09
it makes perfect sense to me, thanks for your response hon, and happy easter.
@Darkwing (21583)
26 Feb 09
I think I try to prioritise... do the most important first, then get on with something else which can wait, but because you have a spare moment, you want to get it out of the way before anything else crops up. Brightest Blessings.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
26 Feb 09
yes that really is the best way to be.
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@Darkwing (21583)
27 Feb 09
It doesn't always work out of course, but it's the "trying" that matters. There's always something crops up at a most inconvenient time.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
27 Feb 09
I think I don't exactly fit into any of those categories. OR I fit into more than one category. I know this. My work ethic is different at home than it is at work or in the non-profit organizations that I have been a part of. At work, I pretty much get the work done as it comes in. Of course, it's been my experience that when I'm at work you just juggle the different responsibilites as best you can and usually there is always something to do. I have taken breaks here and there, but generaly I think I have a very good work ethic. At home, my style varies. I tend to be a bit of a procrastinator in many areas. Right now, I'm being pretty bad about my home responsibilities but I am still getting the "musts" done. My kids have clothes to wear to school every day and they have food to eat! I don't need to be "yelled at" to do things. In fact that would just make me angry. I just do things because they need to be done. Sometimes I wait til the absolute last minute. Sometimes I even get things done a little late, but I do get it done eventually and usually if I'm late, there isn't much harm done. I think the worst thing that comes out of my procrastination would be late fees on bills, and believe me, I know that's NOT good. I'm beginning to think I sound a lot like a slacker! But I know that I have some very good qualities about me, so I don't fret about it too much.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
27 Feb 09
excellent points hon,
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
27 Feb 09
I realized that I missed some of what you asked about. Sometimes in an environment where it is a group effort I will do more than my share. I will do other peoples work, or HELP them get their work done a little quicker if I've finished mine. Generally I don't complain if I feel I've done more than my share. I figure everyone has off days and everyone has their shortcomings. I think because I am so aware of my shortcomings I am able to be more forgiving when other people need an extra hand. Now, if the person were to continually abuse my generosity, then, I MIGHT complain or I might just stop being so helpful. Pretty much the only circumstances where I might complain more frequently about lack of help would be at home, when I feel my kids aren't helping out as much as they should. That varies depending on how helpful or unhelpful they are being and what other things are going on in our lives.
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
26 Feb 09
I don't work outside of the home so my answer is about things at home. It depends on what needs to be done and for what reason. I usually like to get things done and over with that I have to get done. If it is something that has to be done because company is coming there are certain things I do wait on just so they will look nicer when company gets here. As for other's in my home it also depends on if it is something I need them to do for me and why. The same applies, if they need to get something done for company and they are dragging their feet I will harp on them. When I did work outside the home I would get my work done and not worry about others with their work unless they ask for my help.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
26 Feb 09
general personality characteristics apply in any situation, a procrastinator waits until the last minute regardless, then rushes like a fool to get it done or never gets it done at all, it doesn't matter if company is coming or it is general housework that needs to be done, it is there style, for example laundry, a procrastinator may not do the washing until there is not one clean pair of socks in the house, even then I knew a girl once that when all her socks were dirty she didn't wash them she threw them away, that is a general personality trait, this same girl would want until the last minute to leave the house and often be late for where ever she had to go, she would do her homework at the last minute and often never completed it, the philosophy of a procrastinator is oh it can wait I will do it another time,
@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
26 Feb 09
I am not saying when company is coming that I put everything off until the last minute. I might wait until the day they are arriving to dust since it is so windy where I live and things get dusty so fast and easily. I do like for things to look nice when company is coming to town to visit.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
26 Feb 09
Hello and god morning winterose, I am a fulltime working assistance nurse. I need to be a calm person for taking care of eldre with eldre issues. I am my cow workers unin representative and also my working enviroments protection representative I do intend to a course about our working enviroment. And yesterday we were talking about stress, and how it affect us at work, or at home. I learned that we are tow kinds of people A-type that have to do all days work, both at work and home, they can not wait, they always need to be the best. They are always in a hurry. Have little understanding for other people And there are the B- Type, who can take a day by day, who not have to many "have to do" things on their mind. They can take the time they need to do some things.Have a huge and overwhelming need of being helpfull to other people. I am a B-typeI never stress, I have learned that we can not run faster than the time.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
26 Feb 09
thank hon, you just do your work but do you ever do other peoples work too, or do you get mad at them if they don't do their own work,
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
26 Feb 09
yes you are absolutely right,
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
26 Feb 09
Of course, during my course yesterday I thought about one person at my job. She is srressing all of my cow workers out. She is a typical A-type. I do not do her work, however, I do mine and do not think about hers. She do not stress me up,I can handle her pretty well, but I know that she stresses others up and they get really angry with her. This is of course a problem, and I have told them to talk with our bos about this. She is like want to do everything by her self, but are not willing to take the responsibility by her self. Here is what she did last week. Every friday we are supose to have a nice time in the afternoon with the eldre. Have coffee and home baked coffee sweets that we have done together in the AM with some of the eldre. this specifik day we were three working together, Me, she and another cow worker. On thursday She worked and were supose to order the stuff needed for making a cake. I had AM of, and should be at work later on that afternoon for having the evening shift, She phoned ME during the day and asked ME what we should do, and what we should need for making the cake or what ever we were going to make. Now, She said - you are here almost every day and know what to get. That is living the responsibility to some one els...but, she could have made the desicion her self. She did not need to phone ME to take the desicion. The third cow worker asked me in the morning the next day what we were going to bake, and I said to her what happen the day before...and I said, since she called me I had to make a desicion. She was a bit surprised and perhaps a bit disappointed. And I fully understand her...but she did understand me...I was not to blame. She and I are working this friday to so I let her make the desicion for this weeks coffee cake. I had a talk with my bos about this, and she promised me to have a talk with her. Just becouse I am a full time worker, and she is a part time worker, does not mean she do not have a responsibility to make her own minds and take some desicions on her own. Of course I am working fulltime, I am at work a lot. But this activity of work do not hang on me being there or make the desicions to make it work. We are a team of worker who have different working time, but have the same responsibility to make desicions on a daily bases. When I am not at work, I am not there, nor in mind or personal, then I should not be involved.
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@Amber4106 (540)
• United States
26 Feb 09
I'm probably one of the biggest procrastinators that you will ever meet. I literally wait until the last minute to get anything done. I just keep putting it off day after day, then before I know it, the deadline is here! I think that this is why keeping on top of your kids' homework is so important. My mom never did that. She never asked if my homework was done, so I never really learned the responsibility of getting it done and handed in on time. I always had late papers. I'm trying more and more everyday to push myself to getting things done right away though. It's hard to break a habit like that, but I know it can be done if I just try hard enough.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
26 Feb 09
yep responsibility is a big issue and hard sometimes to do.
• India
26 Feb 09
Well,i am just an ordinary person with big dreams in my eyes.I am someone who trust people very early[no matter how many times ppl hav broken my trust.I love freakin out with my friends.I am tat kind of person who love the rain and the dark but scared of many things like lightening,thunderstorms.I care about those who care about me and fu*k those who hate me.In the end,I can conclude it by saying i live my life in my own way.
@bamakelly (5191)
• United States
26 Feb 09
Hi winterose. I like your question. I am actually the type of person that does well under pressure. I like to do things at my own pace most of the time in order to get things done properly. However if someone is breathing down my neck then I will make sure I get done what needs to be done. I never liked people that were too laid back about their work whether it be in an office setting or the housework. Sometimes I think there were times I would pick up the slack for others just because I wanted things done! So I guess there goes my way of being. Take care friend.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
26 Feb 09
yes hon, you are a leader and an organizer by character that shows very clearly
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• Canada
28 Feb 09
I like to get things taken care of right away. I don't want something to happen, because I got the job started too late. My husband tends to put things off a bit, and it drives me absolutely nuts. I like to take care of what is important, as soon as it becomes important...and that doesn't mean when it becomes urgent. I want to take care of it long before then.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
28 Feb 09
that is the best way to be
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
26 Feb 09
Hi winterose, it mostly depends on what thing I’m doing. If the thing is related to my office job, or things I have to complete it in certain limited period, I definitely will do it earlier as I know time always flies if I keep on procrastinating. I don’t want to do it in a rush until the last minute. When come to something that I’m really interested I surely will do it fast and without any hesitation. There are lots of things in our daily life that we are not interested and feel monotonous to do them, but we have to do them due to our responsibility, health or any other reasons, very often I feel reluctant to do them faster and always leave them aside, but keep on doing other things which are more interesting. I dislike ironing and very often I would iron them a bit earlier when I want to put it on before going out. This is actually a very bad habit Happy posting and have a nice day.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
26 Feb 09
yes but that happens to everyone, there are certain tasks we don;t like and put aside but generally you are not a procrastinator you like to get you things done in good time.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
26 Feb 09
well i like to go ahead and get it done if you are on me about it i will take my time.so it,s best if you let me handle it as quickly as possible.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
26 Feb 09
my son is the same way like you, he won't do it if you hound him about it.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
26 Feb 09
i tend to be pretty proactive in doing most stuff, especially at work. i work for a christian organization and have to be on top of coming events, especially ones that are several months down the road. at home, i am somewhat, but not as much as work.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
26 Feb 09
yes when you work hard all day, sometimes it is just hard to get to work again when you get home.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
26 Feb 09
I never like to be late for anything, winterose, because I don't want anyone waiting for me and I don't like to be kept waiting. This is a source of major frustration when you don't drive and have to rely on other people. In the case of things that I have to do I will usually go ahead and take care of them as early as possible. Only then can I fully relax.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
26 Feb 09
yes I agree with you, I like to be way as well, and I hate waiting on people too.
@janyen (623)
• Netherlands
26 Feb 09
hi rose, im a type of person that i do my work as much as i can and finishes all of it when i had the time. but sometimes it depends on our mood coz we tend to get lazy especially with the cold weather and if we have our cycle.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
26 Feb 09
yes that is right my friend