Do you like to watch television during the day time?

February 25, 2009 11:17pm CST
if you got free time then do you like to watch television during the day time. Actually i do not have time so i ask this question. I watch television only at night before going to sleep at night.
5 responses
@pratik87 (1927)
• India
27 Feb 09
yeah i like to watch it duringday time afternoon time and evening time
@itsme_cha (504)
• United States
26 Feb 09
yes i do like watching t.v. during the days specially when i am not working i am at home all day i watch t.v. till night. it something that you can amuse your self with. and i have some shows that i like to watch during the day's. i also watch at night at night have a good movie's on. happy mylotting!!!
@mscott (1923)
• United States
26 Feb 09
I do not usually watch television during the day time. If I do I might check out the news or otherwise I am watching some cartoons with the kids. I am not into talk shows or soap operas so there really isn't anything else to watch even if I had the time to do it. I prefer television at night.
@thungster (156)
• United States
26 Feb 09
I'm not generally around during the day either since I'm usually at work. However, if I am at home, I will sometimes watch TV if there is something good on. If not, I would rather spend my time outdoors, especially if the weather is nice out.
• United States
26 Feb 09
I do watch some t.v during the day and a lot of the time it is reruns. I also sometimes watch t.v. at night and sometimes end uop watching the same thing I had seen earlier in the day.