@DancingRedFeather1 (1037)
February 26, 2009 12:25pm CST
*The Challenges facing the real Christians today is to stay focused on the right priorities: the true God, the real Jesus, the world of God and the true Gospel.
*Real Christians must develop the knowledge and character that God can use to accomplish the mission of His Church and bring to fruition His great plan.
*Many think the church as just a building. Others, the church is vaguely considered as a collectio of people who believe in God & Jesus. Millions o people belong to this *mystical body* of Christ. Yet, when we focus on what the Bible reveals about the Church, we find just the opposite. Jesus said that the Church He established would cntion to exist-as a real entity. (MATTHEW 16:18)
*He saidit would be a small, scattered and persecuted group of people (LUCK 12:32; JOHN 15:20; 16:32) Jesus said that true Christians are *not of this world*(JOHN 17:16). But are commanded to come out of th world & be separate (2CORINTHIANS 6:17) Christ also said *WOE TO YOU WHEN ALL MEN SPEAK WELL OF YOU, FOR SO DID THEIR FATHERS TO THE FALSE PROPHETS* (LUCKE 6:26). Jesus was cautioning against seeking acceptance & praise from the religous establishment.
*Yet 4 many today who have lost ther focus, seeking acceptance by mainstream Christianity is a major goal-even though many mainstream beliefs originated in pagan religous practices condomed in Scripture (DEUTERNONOMY 12:29-32; MATTHEW 15:8-9)
**THE TRUE CHURCH founded by Jesus Christ & the Apostles can be recongized if we focus on what the Bible reveals. The Church has a biblical name-a doezen times, the New Testament refers to the *CHURCH OF GOD or CHURCHES OF GOD*. The true Church is not characterized by *doctinal diversity* but is compose of members *joined together in the **same minde** and in the **same judgement** (1 CORINTHIANS 1:10)
**The biblical church of God has a hierachical structure, through which leaders are appointed based on qualifications and fruits of conversion in their lives, they ar enot elected by appeal to voters (EPHESIANS 4:11); TITUS 1:5)
The Church Jesus established kept the Sabbath & Holy Days, following the example 9LUCK 4:16; ACTS 13:14,44)
**HOWEVER, just as Jeroboam changed the days of worship in ancient Israel and led the antion astray, theologians have rejected God's Sabbths (which is Satuday and not Sunday) (LEVITICUS 23) and adopted Sunday worship & Christmas & Easter celebrations originating in pagan antiquity (EZEKIEL 20:28-32).
** As a result, God'ss chosen people have lost their focus & their nationa identity (DEUTERONOMY 32:16)
** The bible reveals that God's rebellious people will also lose His protection & their freedom because they ahave loste their way.
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4 responses
@shiroorarjun1 (21)
• India
27 Mar 09
Ok I just read all the posts....
There is only one thing missing between both of you....
If you had "that" both of you would have been saved by Christ....
But since one believes in Faith more and the other one in Sabbath more....Christ has been again left in the lurch just like all Religious bodies and faiths have preached to the world....
If you Really and Truly ""LOVED"" God don't you think you would not have had this argument and both would have been saved ?
The essence of Christs teachings is that Love my father and that if you loved him you would love him too because he said I am in Him and he is in Me.
You don't need to do any thing else.
When one loves some one more than himself one can sacrifice ones all for that person and if that person is God Realized then Salvation is certain...
@shiroorarjun1 (21)
• India
29 Mar 09
Why only Jesus ? Why only Muhammad ? Why only Krishna ? Why only Ram ? Why only MY god only and not yours also ?
If ONLY this one question was answered in a logical way the world would not have seen so many billions of people being murdered in the name of MY god and not yours. Do you think that the other godrealized men and women who walked on the face of this earth were only demons and evil people ? The were also god realized to the same extent as god is only ONE. Either you have knowledge or ignorance. Either you have day or night. So also either you have god consciousness or ego consciousness. There is not go between. Have you read the Geeta ? The Upadnishads ? The statements made by all god realized people were the same. Only we sinners fight amongst ourselves saying my religion is superior but not one of us who fight know what is god because this is the very reason why god will keep himself away from us and not shower his grace on us. Can you take some time off and read my blog on god and consciousness ? Please add some comment. Though i have written it only after many spiritual experiences I have still very far to go to get the grace of god on a continuous basis. my blog url is read the post The Metaphysical Link between CONSCIOUSNESS & GOD. I hope the world will one day understand the "real meanings" "hidden meanings" in the teachings of jesus, krishna & all others.
@shiroorarjun1 (21)
• India
11 Jun 09
that god is one and only Jesus is totally incorrect
Jesus himself said god was his father and that his father and he are one
no one has the ownership of god not Christians nor Muslims nor Hindus nor Sikhs ...nobody...
he belongs to every one and any one who loves him UNCONDITIONALLY and treats every one of all religions as his true brothers.
that the only person who knows that god belongs to him or that he belongs to god is when you have faith enough to move a mountain. that you will be able to do HIS fathers will. that you will forget that you are this body and know that you are spirit...that is why Jesus said that we are body and spirit...and when you will know that you are spirit you will not bother to come on the internet and spread enmity amongst people of different religions.
@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
21 Mar 09
There is no God. God is a figment of human imagination.
Even if God truly exists, I have no time for him. I have to enjoy my life. I have to eat, drink and make merry. If I waste my life after God, then I cannot enjoy.
And I am not afraid of God. I am stronger than God. During the last judgement, I will show God my power. God will tremble in front of me. On that day, the world will come to know who is most powerful.
Jesus cautioned against seeking praise, but God wants our praise and worship. In fact, he is desperately starving for our attention.
Jesus himself violated the sabbath. So, why should christians folow the sabatth?
It is not God who protects us, it is man who protects God.
@DancingRedFeather1 (1037)
• Canada
21 Mar 09

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@shiroorarjun1 (21)
• India
30 May 09
hi everyone,
nice discussion this,
I am a Hindu and was always interested in finding out "how to know god". We have the same lines written in Geeta and Upadnishads. These words are timeless but ofcourse one has to follow them to the last to know HIM.
Christ said:
Matthew 7, 1-29.
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord,Lord,shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day. Lord,Lord have we not prophesed in thy name ? and in thy name have cast out devils ? and in thy name done many wonderful works ? And then will I profess unto them I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
(meaning only saying my jesus in best and all others are a hoax and arguing amongst ourselves instead of doing what he says ( Love me unconditionally) we can never go into the promised kingdom of heaven !!!)
And then what have we to do to get there into the Promised kingdom of heaven ? Just see to what extent we have to LOVE HIM.
Think not that I come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, ...... and he that loveth son or daughter more than ME is not worthy of ME.....and he that findeth his life shall lose it; and he that loseth his life for MY sake shall find it.
Can you see how much you have got to give him how much you have to love him to reserve your place in the promised kingdom of god.....
@shiroorarjun1 (21)
• India
27 Mar 09
Nice to hear such frank words from you...
You have in depth knowledge of your religion that is why you don't follow it blindly like the rest. I have read the Bible and it has soooooo much spiritual depth that ordinary people cant see into it. The Red inked words said by Jesus is completely different from what Christians follow. I would like to converse with you more...
read my blog....
I have just started it and will be writing many more posts in it....please add your comments in it.
Hope to carry on this discussion more in depth....