Ouch! That's Gotta Hurt!
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
United States
February 26, 2009 1:29pm CST
I need a good laugh. Tell me what is the worst injury you have ever had, or the most pain you have every experienced?
Let me start the discussion rolling.
Child birth is not an acceptable answer even though my son was 11 pounds 1 ounce and I had him without any drugs.
So since that doesn't count I would have to say the most pain I ever experienced was when I fell...no, fell doesn't cover it....FLEW, yes I flew, off of the back of a wave runner that was cruising along at a back breaking 63 MPH.
A friend and I were out one sunny July afternoon in the Chesapeake Bay. We were having a great time....no...he was having a great time laughing at me gripping onto his life vest for dear life while he bounced over the waves at a speed I was uncomfortable with since we set out on our little excursion.
Out of no where a speed boat blew past us, making the water extremely choppy. He sailed over the first wave that was created in the boats wake but no sooner did the words "HOLD ON" leave his mouth, we were both slapped in the face by another wave. I let go of his vest to wipe the salt water out of my eyes.
A lot of good it did me. I ended up FLYING backwards who knows how many feet before my back BOUNCED off of the water...not once but twice! I then turned over in mid air so that the final slap off of the water was on my face with a force great enough to destroy the water filled cups in my waterbra bikini top.
He circled back to pull me out of the water and he wasn't even trying to hide his laughter. So while he was pulling me out, I pulled him in then climbed up his chest to get back on the wave runner.
We rode back to the dock in silence and I have never been on a wave runner since.
While I drove the 60 miles back to my house I uttered curse after curse at him under my breath and moaned in agony every time I had to move my foot from the gas to the break peddle.
By the time I got home I was crayola crayon red from the back of my neck to my heels. I couldn't even get out of my car. I had to call another friend of mine to physically carry me into my house. I laid in bed for 3 days before my body began to function properly.
Looking back, I guess it was nothing to laugh at but it is funny to me now.
So please share your pain with me. I promise not to laugh....at least not too loudly.
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11 responses
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
26 Feb 09
There's a clue in the name......'runner' NOT 'flyer' ROFL
Sorry can't help it, just HAVE to laugh out loud, roll around the floor and picture you..............
As for me, I'll never forget making love on the riveted seam of an old airplane wing. It was in Nassau and there is a 'fissure' there in the island, along the edge of which are parked old two and four seater airplanes with the wings hanging out over the cold, cold still water.
So I'm on my back (of course) getting pummeled into the riveted seam of the wing wondering what the hell I could have been thinking of, and my lower back is screaming at me for relief. I really think that it was the scream reaching my lips that made the fellow finally shoot his load and in so doing raised up over me and smacked me one! Well hells bells, I rolled out from under him as fast as I could and rolled right off the wing into the water and sank like a stone! Talk about pain! My back, my face, and the shock of the water on my tender skin.........I nearly gave it up and decided to just stay where I was and become fish food! My back hasn't been the same since and every time it screams I picture that airplane wing, but you can bet your a*s I'M not laughing!

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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
9 Mar 09
And while you were laughing and rolling picturing me, I was jotting down proof of your schadenfreude :P
But the airplane wing....that's a good one. WTF were you thinking? lol
I'm going to go look for your spot when I am in the Bahamas next year and take a picture of it for you.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 Mar 09
LOL. Remember that was over 30 years ago and I've not been back, so can't attest that the planes are still there. I'm sure the fissure is though! ROFL Would love to have a pic of it regardless so I can use it on my dart board when my back is screaming at me and I need to inflict pain on something else............
@Amber4106 (540)
• United States
26 Feb 09
Two summers ago we were camping at a State Fishing Lake. We actually went over on Friday night, which was Friday the 13th, and I didn't really think too much of it. It was the next morning that my bad luck kicked in. We were fishing on the north end of the lake that had a fish feeder, which was only about 30 feet out into the water. My sister's not the biggest fan of fishing, but I finally got her convinced to give it a try. She made a good cast and it went right by the feeder. After about 10 minutes or so, she said that she thought she might be hung up, and needed help. I told her to just wrap the line around her arm a few times and start walking back. So she did and she still couldn't get the line to give or break, so I went over to help her. I tried, and had no luck, so I pulled my shirt sleeves down so that the line wouldn't cut into my arm, and off I went. After a few seconds, I heard the 'snap!' of the line breaking and felt something hit the back of my leg. I just laughed because I thought it was just the chicken liver that smacked me on the back of my leg, then realized if the liver hit me chances are so did the hook! I looked down and all I could see was the line sticking out of my leg and nothing else. Then the blood started squirting out and I totally lost it! My partner came over to look at it, gently pulled on the line, and we couldn't see anything moving so we knew it was in there deep. We could also tell that the line had broken off at the hook, so it had to be the lead sinker that was actually inside my leg. By the time we made it to the nearest hospital, my shirt was ruined. We used it to put pressure on my leg to try and contain the bleeding. Of course there were no decent doctors on duty on a Saturday, so the doctor that examined my leg told me that I could just go home and that we'd see if it would "fester" out. I said this is not a splinter! It's a LEAD sinker that's been in scummy lake water, it's not going to just "fester" out! They finally got a surgeon to come in and got a crew together in case I needed surgery. He tried to get it out locally, but I ended up in surgery. I was very lucky that I had turned around and started walking instead of walking backwards. He said that if it would have hit the front of my leg, it would have easily shattered my knee cap. I thought to myself how bad it could have been if it hit me in the head! To this day I'm scared to try and break the line if I get hung up. If it doesn't break within the first few seconds, I just go ahead and cut the line. I don't need another accident like that happening again.
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@mummymo (23706)
26 Feb 09
Ouchie - that osunds so painful! If we really have to exlude childbirth I guess I have a few to choose from! lol The worst must have been when I was working in a bar in London. There was a trap door to the cellar behind the bar and the golden rule was that if anyone opened it you had to warn everyone else who was working. One very busy lunchtime I was walking backwards towards the till (register) and talking to customers (they were all trying to get me to take orders for them) next thing I knew I scraped against the edge of the trapdoors fell about 20 feet bounced off of a wooden step and on to about another 3 bouncing 6 feet up from each before going dowwn on to the next and then sprawling onto a concrete floor! I had barely any skin left on my legs and was covered in bumps and bruises. The boss had went down into the cellar without telling me and then had the froint to tell me to go get a cup of coffee to calm me down - I couldn't have even lifted the coffee cup I was shaking so much. Friends took me to hospital where I was cleaned up but the worst 'scrape' was too large to be stitched and had to be cleaned and dressed ever few days for 5- 6 weeks. I still have a large dent in my shin where there is hardly any skin covering the bone and have to keep it covered in the cold weather!Weren't the old days fun? lol xxx
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@mummymo (23706)
9 Mar 09
lol @ till. I have seriously used that word before and been asked several times what it meant! lol
Ouch - I am sorry but i would have had to knock your mother out if she had done that to any child , let alone her own near me! You poor thing - that must have hurt probably more than the original injury! You remember to look after that dent - you don't want the cold to seep in to your bones!
Thanks so much for Best Response honey - it is so good to be back! xxx
@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
27 Feb 09
Let's see.....could it have been the time I was working on a horse farm and showing some people this quiet, safe old mare that had never, ever made a wrong move, and when she tried to head for the gate back into the pasture where she had been all day, and I turned her away, SHE BUCKED ME OFF! But first I landed on the horn of the saddle, RIGHT THERE, ya know! OWWWWWWW, now THAT HURT!
Or could it have been the time that I was breaking in a 2 yr old leopard appy gelding and was going for the rodeo ride of all time, when naturally, I finally fell off, right on my BUTT! It wouldn't have been so bad, except I kept my jacknife in my back pocket. I had a bruise the size of 2 grapefruits for quite a while.
That's why I don't break in horses any more.

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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
9 Mar 09
I thought I was going to go flying off a horse, and over a gate last summer. I was riding up at a local ranch and the owner gave me this gorgeous, though somewhat too big for me, gelding, named Remy. I think he was 19 and a half hands, even though the whole measuring process gets lost on me. But I could barely haul my butt up into the saddle.
Remy too wanted to go back out to pasture but the gate was locked. He ran up to it even though I was firmly pulling back on the reigns and he gets to the gate and stops short. My heels were up, instead of my toes. It seems I forgot my "heels down toes up" mantra while he galloped his way to the fence.
I flew out of the saddle and only wrapping my arms around his head saved me from flying over the gate. I slid down his neck and landed on my butt at his feet, and I swear to god when he whinnied it sounded like he was laughing at me!
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@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
27 Feb 09
When I was younger, about 11 or 12, I was going up into the attic to look for Easter decorations with my brother. Mom warned me not wear my dress shoes up there because in order to get around, you had to balance on the rafters. Yep, I should have listened. I was right behind my brother, and he slipped. His foot went through the ceiling up to about his thigh, butm he pulled himself back up intothe atic without a problem. As I said, I was right behind him, and he did this without missing a beat so, I didn't antually realize his foot went through the ceiling!! He turned toward me and said, "Be......." and before he could finish his sentence, I slipped and went sompletely through the ceiling. I landed two inches from the corner of his waterbed, and two inches from the corner of the door!! I swear when I hit the floor, with all the dust around me, I really though I had fallen all the way through to the basement.
Then, last winter, my husband and I took the kids sledding. My daughter was unsdure, so she went down the hill with me. The boys, my little dare-devils were having a blast. Well, my oldest went don the hill, and I thought he was out of the way, so, my daughter and I went next. As we were heading down the hill, I saw it happen. My son was right in the line of fire, and there was no way we could stop. My daughter and I ran right into him. He saw us coming, and his first instinct was to pull his sled out from under himself and use it as a shield! We collided and he flew a good five feet backwards. We were all laughing, especially mu husband and younger son who had been a the top of the hill watching it all. My hubby said that if we had a video camera, that would have been one to save and show the rest of the family. He said it wouldn't have been better if it had been planned!
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
9 Mar 09
My husband fell through the rafters in his parents attic when he was a child and he broke both his legs.
But your winter story is real close to what happened to my boys about a month ago.
They were sledding down the alley because no one has a sloped yard in this neighborhood. They came barreling down together smacked into each others sleds and veered off to the left right into the neighbors driveway which is bordered with cinder blocks.
The sleds hit the blocks and they went flying a good 10 feet, and landed on their faces in my neighbors yard. They got up laughing and hooting like it was some amusement park ride. I thought I was going to need oxygen. lol Yes, it definitely would have been something for America's funniest home videos.
@theweerouss (982)
• United States
27 Feb 09
I have had multiple knee surgeries, one of which was incredibly invasive. I will spare the details, but long story short, I ended up with fragments of bone screwed together with a lot of metal. After the surgery, in my rehab period, I had to do a LOT of range of motion exercise to break through the masses of scar tissue that had formed. Breaking through this scar tissue was by FAR the WORST pain I have ever felt in my life. I never cry in front of others, and I wailed and cried in front of a room full of people every time my therapists strapped me down and worked at the tissue. It was absolutely horrible. Afterward, I would be shaking out of exhaustion and sore until my next appointment. One woman (another patient) who was sitting near me one day in physical therapy, said when she had a shoulder surgery and had similar exercises done, she thought it was 100x worse than giving birth to any of her three children naturally! I haven't had children yet, but knowing what that rehab pain felt like, I will take her word for it!
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
9 Mar 09
I think the whole pain of giving birth thing is misconstrued. You know when you begin having contractions that the pain is only going to last for a certain time period. My longest hard labor (where the contractions are coming one on top of each other) lasted 5 hours and I was begging for anyone to just take a knife and cut the evil little demon out of me. But after it was over the pain is gone.
Something like you went through has no definite ending and the memory of the pain was still fresh in your mind every time you went to have another therapy session.
But from the sound of it, i would rather give birth again.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
28 Feb 09
Wow!! Your experience does not sound Fun at all, and quite painful for sure. I have been in a lot of pain from time to time, and I think the worst came from when I injured my back somehow back a little over 11 yrs. ago. I was working for Burger King, and my main responsibility was either making the sandwiches, or doing Drive Thru. This also meant even though I told them before I was hired that I had a bad back they would make me do the garbage, etc. from time to time as well. But how I strained my back was by reaching up to place the cups in the holder above us, and I felt my back snap.
I was in a lot of Pain also back when I had some Chronic wounds that I had to deal with for a while due to being Diabetic and they were constantly having to do stuff to help them heal. So I know what it is like to be in Pain but I also know that we are in control with the help of our Faith and strength thru our belief in God and Prayer that we can get thru anything as well.
@mansha (6298)
• India
27 Feb 09
Ouch that did hurt, I was little and sneaked out of my house when my mom was taking a nap. It was my exam time and I hurt my foot really bad. We were building a house with stones and brick and anything and for all my bright ideas I wanted ahuge door for the house we were building so I asked my friends, may be around 10 kids to pick up a huge and heavy red stone slab from somewhere and as we were lifting it and carrying it over a girl from neighbour hood who was very ppopular among us happened to pass by. And I am very sure that kids who didn't like me making them work so much just left the slab and ran towards her. Well as most of them left it barring us few the stone became very heavy and as I was the only one on one side it fell on my foot and I had to get my leg plastered up. I still have scars from that one.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
9 Mar 09
Skirting the rules here...
The worst pain I ever felt was after childbirth. The needle for the epidural had gone in too far and I got a spinal headache. Picture this, spinal fluid leaking, the brain resting too heavily on the spinal cord. Ouch.
But the worst pain I ever felt that was somewhat funny was probably when I was sledding and the sled got out of control and my head jerked back and I got whiplashed. My sister got it much worse though. She was videotaping my brother and sister-in-law coming down the hill and everybody started yelling "move". Bam, they knocked her flying. When you watch the video, first you see them coming down the hill, then the camera flying and then "ow ow ow"... Fortunately she wasn't hurt too badly.
@2yolysempowering (114)
• United States
27 Feb 09
Childbirth of Course!
Well I use to be a practicing figure skater up till 10 years ago, and I had an skating injury and tore few ligaments and whatnot kept me on crutches for like 1.5 hurt like the dickens worse than giving birth for 27 hours to my first child, then I was doing laundry one day and was traveling downstairs with some towels in my hands to take to my home day spa with way too many and couldnt see in front of me but you know your stairs right so I thought and somehow Skipped count on the last 3 or 4 and went tumbling down with my towels on top of me if was a monday which we were closed and no one around to help me. It took me 40 minutes to pull myself up and brush off my pride I waited about 9 hours later hurting really really bad and went to emergency room had reinjured that exact leg again oh man.
It took me just until here recently to even think about dusting off those old skates and trying to roll, but still had some pain.
not really a rolling in hay laugh thoe.
@pavan2345678npk (20)
• India
27 Feb 09
iam studying b.tech in INDIA. my have one person and he is junior to me. i share every thing to him as like a my own brother. in the first few few days he is very close to me. by day by day he start avoiding me and he could not respond to me. he had some friends, he introduced to me all they are very favour to me but only this person is avoiding me. i felt very bad for this moment in my life.