...I have an acquaintence...
By RedFeather
@RedFeather (427)
United States
February 26, 2009 3:27pm CST
This gentleman is very concerned with the environment, and although he doesn't do much in regards to the internet, he found me in the phone book under internet providers, and had asked me to do some research for him...
I came into the office the other day to find this stuck in my door...
Dear RedFeather ('tho he knows me by another name)
If in your wandering through the vast reaches of cyberspace, you happen to conme across a website for th ecologicallty minded, I would be eternally grateful if you would post this. That would be out of site. The night it was writted, I saw the most impossibly beautiful ?tear of the gods? (I'm trying to post this as exactly as I can, but I wasn't sure if this is what is written). (I have seen 7 in 7 years)
It seem to materialize out of regions higher than the highest heaven.My hands also suffered the most painful, almost incapacitating cramps. It has been said this is one of the best fliers I have ever written.
Sincerely, JC
the following is the actual part he was speaking of:
Why does the media so often leave the worst crimes unreported? The unforgivable offenses against nature, and thus, against everyone. From lingering high altitude jet exhaust, to gas guzzling vehicles, to mileage laden motorists, the inevitable delayed effects of the excesses may bring about an end worse than the worst hell. The catasterophic buildup of heat trapping gasses, from th burning of fossil fuels, resul;ting in a runaway greenhouse effect.
Wet and or cold weather may omly be the reaction of that "self-regulating super organism," the Earth, to our excesses. Her life and death struggle against impossible odds, billions of people.
That the world nay seem to be ecologically well off enough, is an illusion of the cherished disbelief of the masses in their all too often unyielding self-willed ignorance. The unenlightened light of a false dawn, foreshadowing the horrors to come.
Yet there are a significant, if not growing, number of informed, highly intuitive individuals who, for instance can see the potentially catastrophic error of air borne jets. They are those people who would join forces and seek to have jet traffic routed far away from the Wet Mountain, Sangre de Cristo area of Colorado. And to reduce military flights as much as possible.
Every little bit of fossil fuel burnt (be it oil, coal, natural gas or whatnot) hurts. It all adds up. No one knows for certain what may prove to be the last straw or fossil fuel consumption that could break the biospheric backbone of the planetary body, sending us into the tailspin of an endless drought. And since jets are not super fuel efficient hybrids, they could be one of the last straws. The fewer jet flights, th better. And none would be best of all. [they are] replacing heat trapping cirrus clouds with heat trapping jet exhaust.
Let us live within our ecological and economic means, "for the sake of all living things."Please feel free to comment on any and all - thank you for reading, and thank you again for my friend - I hope that by the time I show this to him, we have a wonderful, long discussion going.
I have not added any thoughts on this of my own, but I plan to as soon as I am able.
Do you think that he's right? Are we ruining our world from above as well as below?
Do you think that there is anything that we as the "non-military" could do about it?
3 responses
@Spook619 (335)
26 Feb 09
I think he's right that we're messing up our world from "above and below" I also think that the tipping point is comming dangerously close. However, I think that there is little we can do about it. What government is going to want to cut out they air defence? What governent is going to want to removed billions of dollars of income and thousands of jobs (air travel). That is only covering jets.
Every form of modern society is addicted to fossil fuel and we are very unwilling to give it up. It is actually impossible for us to create a society which runs entirely from green fuels in the next 50 years without developing fusion. On the assumption that our population doesn't change, we'd need to build 4 nuclear powerplants a week to get all our energy from non fossil sources.
@RedFeather (427)
• United States
27 Feb 09
that is both depressing and frustrating...
i really appreciate the response - i think this guy will be very happy about the interests of others on this site.
@Citychic (4067)
• United States
26 Feb 09
This seems like an interesting post but it's so long and that is what causes me to loose attention and get bored. But I will take the time to read it this time simply b/c I'm interested in the economy. I believe that everyone can do small things to help make a positive difference in the economy. Yes I do believe that we are ruining our world. Everyone could help save on fuel by using more economical vehicles. That's one way to say, There are millions of ways that we could go about doing it. Have you seen the smart cars yet? They are really cute cars and don't use much gas but they are over priced in my opinion. I hope you enjoy ur conversation with ur gentleman friend. You might want to go back over ur post and proofread b4 sending it out again. I'm no english teacher but there were several mistakes in ur writing. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure that everyone make mistakes in writing every now and then but at least try to correct it b4 you send something out. Your post is representative of who you are.
@RedFeather (427)
• United States
26 Feb 09
i know it's long - but i wrote it pretty much verbatim.
i felt that if i tried to correct or condense, i would lose some of what he was trying to say.
i have seen some of those smart cars - my boyfriend and i have discussed them occasionally - he would not be able to use one yet, as he travels a lot, and they are best right now fro short trips - have to wait until they start installing the "electric filling stations"
i know one would be great for me - i rarely drive, and never very far - that 40 miles to a charge would be perfect for me.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
26 Feb 09
All you have to do is see one of those maps that at any one time show the number of aircraft we have in our sky. Anyone seeing this could not help but know damage is being done to our ecosystem and at one point will become irreversible. The earth is going to go on and on until it's natural demise, life as we know it may very well be gone. Don't fly, take the train.
@RedFeather (427)
• United States
26 Feb 09
yes - he has told me on a number of occasions that he pretty much lives right beneath a training zone or something - very sad that you move to an isolated area to "get away from it all" and you have to live with this.