How many of you think...
@angusthethird (515)
United States
February 26, 2009 8:09pm CST
President Barack Obama's already had enough time to show that he can turn this nation's economy around? I am with those who say that he has not even been in office two whole months. Why are Americans being so harsh on him so soon?
Also, those of you that are being harsh on his decisions, do you have a better suggestion of how this economy can be helped? Don't talk to me about tax cuts, especially for the wealthy and big business. In reality, the benefits do not trickle down as the fat cats hoard it for themselves, and the little people suffer.
The supply-side and laissez faire economics of the 1980s and 2000s have gotten us where we are today. The policies that favour corporations over people, consistently a hallmark of the Bush era--have gotten us into the hole we are in today.
Mr. Obama is in a very tough situation. He has inherited a mess that he knows is gonna take alot of time for him to clean up.
What do you think? Agree or disagree.
Please answer intelligently.
Best regards,
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20 responses
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
27 Feb 09
No one is listening .
I have seen post after post blathering the usual cliche's "bush blah blah" "give Obama a chance blah blah blah" A chance to what, drive us even further in to the ground? It doesn't take 6 months for one to demonstrate a total lack of fundamental understanding of what got us in this mess and in only takes about 3 minutes to determine if one is going to govern in the constitutionaly proper manner. Obama has proven before he was even elected the answer to that was a resounding NO and no, the republicans had absolutely nothing different to offer either. Same BULLSH** ingredients, different brand name.
When the hell are you people going to get your heads out of your parties assses, republicans AND democrats, and realize that the problem isn't one president or administration, but a continual train of incomeptence, corruption, ignorance and a charade we have ALL had pulled over on us, making us believe that if we just follow one parety or another, we will certianly do just fine?
But hey, go ahead, keep up the worship, keep up buying and drinking the snake oil they are selling us, keep regurgitating the party talking points, keep parroting the news networks propaganda. then you will all stand around like absolute stunned bafoons when this country is finaly torn out from under us and you are powerless to do anything after you have realized too late what fools you have all been.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
27 Feb 09
"Obama just did a better job expressing Change in his campaign than McCain did."
Just by that statement alone, you have told me you are not interested in real change. Or at the very least, were fooled in to thinking it was real change. The problem is, for real change, the solution was to stop putting one of the two big box brands back in office election after election. The solution, may well be even more drastic though now. The post above echoed what is starting to rumble through out the country. The federal government is in violation of the contract that created it and has been for quite some time. It is no longer acting as an agent of the states but has taken on a life of it's own. So now it must be put on notice and have demanded of it that it begin operating under the terms of that contract and the limts placed on it by the constitution or we, the states, will disolve it and form another one that will.
@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
27 Feb 09
I'm afraid I have no choice but agree with you. The American people being led around by the nose by anyone that wants to pull on their chain is most of the problem. This entire country and everything in it belongs to the American People. It does not belong to the government. The people should have kicked the two party system completely out of the government a long time ago. I say if things don't change and our economy does completely crash the people must completely dismantle the Federal Government and turn government over to the states. The people cannot afford to continue to take what the Federal Government is putting on us. If we go into a bad depression one way or the other the Federal Government and their rich buddies outside the government put us there.
@TRWilliams02 (349)
• United States
27 Feb 09
If you have the solution to fix our economy and get us in a better state than what we are in by all means march yourself up to the Captial and run for President. I would love to see someone who is going to fix this problem. ANYONE to fix the problem and truly fix the problem will have my vote. Speaking from young american's eyes I want a chance to make something of myself. That way the older generations ahead of me won't say I'm lazy and unmotivated. I want to be able to help my daughter out when she gets to be of age to do things. Right now I'm lucky if I can even put money aside for ANYTHING. I want a chance and chance involves change. Obama just did a better job expressing Change in his campaign than McCain did.

@TRWilliams02 (349)
• United States
27 Feb 09
I have read a couple posts on here in regards to the same discussion. I truly don't believe that the man has had time to much of anything but try to put through something that he believes may be the solution to our failing economy. He hasn't even been in office for a whole 6 months, yet in a matter of 2 months we are expecting him to pull us out of the hole we are in? Yes, a lot of us want answers, we want solution but we can't be so quick to give him this unfit presidential title when he hasn't had much of a chance to do anything but start cleaning up the mess he was left with by whomever you want to point fingers at. I think people are so quick to jump on him for "failing" because as someone else put it fear. Everyone is going through some very tough times right now.
I think what gets me is how this is such a huge ordeal now. Someone wants to call out the democratic party to answer on what they were thinking when they put this man in position... Well where were the republicans at when Bush decided to put us at war in Iraq when our war was with Afghanistan? Do I agree with what they were doing over in Iraq? No, what civil human person would? But, was that where we needed to focus after 9/11. No. Here we are helping a country that still to this day takes innocent American lives as well as even some of its own when we Americans have a failing economy. They have a surplus and wait we have a deficit. This is right? No we have never been in a surplus. You can go to the treasury site and see that we have never truly been out of a complete debt. But no one can deny that Clinton didn't pull us somewhat out of a the deficit that we had since 93... For those who want to point fingers at democrats for doing this, the books say it all. Atleast Clinton made an attempt to get us out of the deficit we had during the first Bush's term. Again, no we didn't have a surplus, but it was down to $17.91 billion versus the $281.26 billion from 93.
Do I completely agree that the ways of Obama is going to be the solution. Not quite... I want to believe that he is going in the right direction with things. Hell if he spends money and it makes us more jobs for those unemployed out there and keeps a few thousand in their homes then spend away... I would much rather my tax dollars be spent on the "hopeful" improving our country then improving a country we don't live in and causing our deficit to go higher giving another country roofs over their head and food on their tables.
In a perfect world everyone would get a tax cut... But unfortunately the tax cuts administered by the Bush administration were more aimed towards the "rich" and not the middle class. I'm kinda tired of watching all these big companies who once were receiving these grand tax cuts spending all the taxpayer bailout money on their fancy jets, extravagent parties, thousand plus dollar bonuses and their wonderful spa packages. Maybe Obama wouldn't have to have such a huge bailout plan if they used their tax cuts they received before a little more wisely. But hey... we all live outside our means.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
27 Feb 09
"But no one can deny that Clinton didn't pull us somewhat out of a the deficit that we had since 93... For those who want to point fingers at democrats for doing this, the books say it all. Atleast Clinton made an attempt to get us out of the deficit we had during the first Bush's term. Again, no we didn't have a surplus, but it was down to $17.91 billion versus the $281.26 billion from 93."
What you've said here is correct. Here's the problem though. By supporting Obama, and assuming he'll do what Clinton did, you are BLINDLY following your party. Clinton and Obama are two completely different people.
Just look at the math. In 8 years under Bill Clinton the national debt increased by $1.5 trillion from 4.2 to 5.7. Under Obama, in just over a month the debt is going to increase by $1.7 trillion. In 4 years Obama plans to "reduce" the deficit to only $765 billion, compared to Bush's record of $455 billion in 2008. That's disgusting and not even remotely similar to what Clinton did.
How can you look at those numbers and dare to believe that he will be anything like Clinton? Do you really think having the letter "D" next to his name means he's the same as Clinton?
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
27 Feb 09
You and I will have to disagree. I think what needs to be done is cut taxes for everyone and cut government spending. Cutting taxes will free up money for investments and consumer spending. By cutting government spending, you will be cutting the amount of money that the government needs to borrow and that will leave more money in the market for business to borrow and expand. This is the only way to have the economy recover.
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@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
1 Mar 09
Bob do you really think that anyone in their right mind would invest the money now? We have billionaires out there that has stolen from the elderly and taken away the futures of many children. Spending will be scarce for awhile many people have lost homes and not just because of the housing bubble, they have lost them do to the greed in big businesses. The more we spend the more they will keep, that is the way it has been forever in a day. How many times have you walked into a walmart (big business) which happens to be one that shows a huge profit for the year, and had to wait in line for a bit of time, or wait forever at customer service, or walk around the store looking for an associate to help you in another department? They work on skeleton crews and offer minimum wage to do the work of 2 people. The public just deals with it because the prices are right. This is us putting our trust in the BIG COMPANIES to do the right thing and honestly I am not about to do that myself. Now if Walmart bought from the US factories then we would have something rolling and jobs in abundance, everything they sell is from over seas. You figure it out. I pay 800 for a tv that means that 600 is going directly to china.
I will agree that some government spending can be cut and that should be the first place that the cutting should be done.
@Corimore (249)
• United States
27 Feb 09
I don't judge him as a president itself but I do question the stimulus bill is it really what we need during these times yes it may help some but at the same time hurt us later. It feels as though this was a jump in and make a fix which doesn't usually work. Those things take time. I voted for Obama also. But I am afraid that if the stimulas bill bites him in the a double s later might be bad no matter who he is trying to help.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
27 Feb 09
No, this isn't enough time to say that he can turn the economy around. It is enough time for him to show that he can plunge this country into a massive depression unlike anything we can imagine.
You're right, it has been less than 2 months. In less than 2 months he's created a $1.7 TRILLION deficit nearly quadrupling the record $455 billion set by Bush in 2008. To give you a non-Bush comparison, Bill Clinton increased the national debt by $1.5 trillion in 8 years. Obama beat that in less than two months.
People are also upset because he's broken multiple promises since winning the election. He promised to keep lobbyists out of Washington, yet he's hired several to key positions related to where they've previously lobbied. He's appointed several tax cheats to vital positions including the Secretary of the Treasury who will be COLLECTING our tax dollars. Along with the democrats in congress he's rammed through a liberal agenda despite promises of bipartisanship. Rather than work with republicans, he advised them to vote for the stimulus, and then publicly mocked them for not agreeing with his stimulus plan.
He did inherit a mess that needs cleaning up, but rather than clean up the mess, he's making it far worse.
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@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
27 Feb 09
Has he had enough time to fix everything?No!On the other hand,he has had enough time to approve a stimulus bill that doesn't seem like it's going to help.And there are all kinds of better ways to help the American people.Wasting taxpayers money honoring Stevie Wonder is not going to help us.Taxing small businesses that make 250k a year also won't help.These small businesses are the ones keeping people employed.Bailing out the so-called big 3 auto makers doesn't help,either.If those union workers were so worried about their jobs,they would have agreed to a pay cut.Then there's illegal immigration.Giving amnesty to 12 million illegals instead of deporting them is not the answer.There are plenty of Americans that would take those jobs.All they ask is to make a decent wage.If they made more,they would spend more.That would mean more taxes being paid and more jobs.We wouldn't have to wait years for Obamas plans to take effect.People need jobs now!!!
His decisions on his cabinet and his vice president have also been disasters.Did he not do his homework before he decided on who was going to be on his cabinet?If you or I owed that much in taxes,we would probably be in jail now.
He has also backed off on some of his campaign promises.I'm pretty sure he found out they wouldn't work.I guess when you get into the real world you find out promises are just a way of getting elected.
This country is a mess.I just hope Obama doesn't make a bigger mess.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
27 Feb 09
I think it will be about three years before we can judge the effectiveness of his programs and he's been given four years by the American people so it really doesn't matter what those who have rushed to judgement think. What annoys me is that the very people who are calling Obama supporters naive and uninformed are the same people who are judging him after a few weeks in office. Who's really the naive, uninformed party here?
@rsa101 (38320)
• Philippines
27 Feb 09
I guess we just have to wait for at least a year to judge him if he has done good to the nation or not. Right now is just pure speculations about what he is to do. Let him control and do decision which he thinks would be for the betterment of his country. As we all know the things happening in US did not start from his administration but was just a carry-over from the past adminsitration.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
28 Feb 09
You should have first read about Obama's policies when he was a senator, what he voted for, to get an idea what he would have been like. And he should not have been made into a demigod by the media. I mean what president goes and has his own coin collection, his own video and dvds about his life before he has proven himself? I doubt Roosevelt got all that attention. And it seems that Obama got more attention than Reagan and the latter was an
The problem is that you expect Obama to instantly wave his magic wand and fix the economy. At the same time, you say give him plenty of time. So you contradict yourself. In one breath you say, "fix the economy right now" and in another breath, you say, "take your time." Then many wanted the wealthy to give their money to them, rather then what rich business people do best,start businesses and hire people. That is how the rich give others money. It is not by taxing them more so you get the handouts.
And the mess, what is the stimulus going to help, those who paid their mortgages and got behind or those who did not?
I would say lower taxes, not just across the board but lower taxes for people who start businesses, whether rich or poor, also give grants for home improvements, fix the roads, and above all, make sure those who get mortgage relief are not the bums who bought houses they could not afford. And stop blaming the former administration. From what I heard this started way before Bush.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
27 Feb 09
I briefly summed up what happened with the economy in another thread but it is worth saying it again. I hope people read this before they respond in this thread. Time to get your heads out of your parties asss folks, I got news for you, it's both big parties.
It's a hugely complex answer as there are so many factors piled on top of each other. Lets start with the creation of the federal reserve, after which and when Wilson realized what had occured he was quoted as saying:
i} "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."
Lets now fast forward (admitedly skipping a few things) to the totaly removal of the gold standard, and instead to a system of debt and paper money worth only as much as the promise behind it.
Lets now look to the repeal of Glass stiegle, the incredibly artificialy inflated housing prices, the incredibly low value of mortgages as a result, the corruption that ran amok in our federal monetary system, the total blatent negligence of a number of administrations and congresses, failure to properly utilize our domestic resources and government in expensive workings that they have no constitutional business in in the first place resulting in obcsene spending.
Lets now look at a market that reacted with plunge after plunge after banking fall after banking fall, then top it off with a good sitcky gooy topping of more government action in the comletely wrong manner and here ya go.
It all comes down to the falure to adhere to 3 basic principals. unconstirutional control over a monetary system, failure of reposnability and prudent behavior and a money system based on fake money.
We were warned a very long time ago about all of this.....
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
~ Thomas Jefferson
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
27 Feb 09
"The supply-side and laissez faire economics of the 1980s and 2000s have gotten us where we are today."
wrong. The policies of the last century and in particularly the last 30 years have led us slowly where we are today. But, that is a whole other story in itself. Suffice it to say that to try and blame this incredibly complex issue by summing it up to a single administration or even 2 adminstrations is a demonstation of a great lack of knowlege on american and world monetary policy and history, not to mention a completely blind and partisan view of the true political problems we face as a nation.
Do I think Obama has had ample time to show he can turn this nations economy around? Well, the short answer to that is no. But what he has had is ample time to prove he can't and that he is no different than the guy we just got rid of or his predicessor. And what he has had already ample time to demonstrate is that he is no more interested in constitutional adherennce or principal than the last 2 or nearly any of the congress in either party.
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@taface412 (3175)
• United States
28 Feb 09
I didn't vote for the guy because I thought he had little to back himself up with other than very nice rhetoric. Smooth talking may have gotten him in the office, but we will all find out if he now has the goods to back it up. Yes, he inherited a mess but he chose to put himself there. Yes, it will take time to clean it up.
I still think he has not only a tought job to get us out of this mess, but he also has a tough job earning our support (for those who did not support him) as he said on election night.
But the truth always reveals itself in the end. And hopefully everyone will be the wiser. But I do not think all these stimulus and fake money ideas are going to help our economy. Plants and factories are shutting down right and left. My own state of KY has already hit a high unemployment rate and is borrowing money from the federal government to help pay unemployment benefits.
There's a lot at stake here.
@onedaysoon (651)
• United States
27 Feb 09
I have been wondering the same thing. I keep seeing these negative Obama post. Actually he hasn't even been in office barely a month. He started the end of January and it is only the end of February.
The post I see make it seem like he is the one who created the mess. Which of course he did not. He is just trying to fix it. It is not easy. I would not want to be in his shoes.
It is true that the money doesn't exactly trickle down. When Bush first gave all that money to the banks, none of them used it to help people get loans. I think they need a baby sitter. Pres. Obama says he plans something like that, but I don't know; he can only do so much. It would be hard to hold their hands. All that gold on their fingers might be weighing them down too much.
I am not as worried with our new president. We are better off going in another direction, than the one we were going or would have continued going if anyone ese won.
I am curious to all the negative sayers have to say on how else to fix this mess.

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
27 Feb 09
"I have not seen as much negativity so early on than with any other president since I have been alive."
What are you? 6 years old? Bush got a heck of a lot more crap starting the DAY he was officially announced as the winner of the election. People kept screaming that he stole the election and that he didn't REALLY win Florida despite multiple recounts that verified his win there. He was getting ripped on day after day after day, and it didn't stop until 9-11, for a time.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
27 Feb 09
"I am curious to all the negative sayers have to say on how else to fix this mess"
For starters, stop printing money. Then start backing it with something of value instead of debt. It doesn't matter how many alternative solutions are offered though, no one seems to want to do what has to be done and most don't want to hear any solution that the current administration didn't came up with. other solutions were offered, they have all been ignored.
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@angusthethird (515)
• United States
27 Feb 09
One day soon...and others..
Thanks for the well-thought out answers.
You know, history tells us that a President usually has two years to fix a flagging economy, if they inherit one from the last person in that chair.
I would hate to be in Mr. Obama's shoes right now. I would be the bad guy no matter what.
I have not seen as much negativity so early on than with any other president since I have been alive.

@rmorefield (941)
• United States
27 Feb 09
I agree with you. People are being way too harsh on the man. I think people are acting the way they are because they are scared. We have gotten used to living well beyond our means. It took this country years to get the way it is now, and it will take years for it to heal. And then, it will probably happen again, because history repeats itself when people they always do.
I am totally behind President Obama. (Yes, I voted for him) Unfortunately, the poor man set himself up for extreme criticism on the day that he decided to run for the presidential office. So, not only does he have to deal with the attitudes of people who are racist and not ready to move foward, he has to deal with the mess that Bush left behind. He's a very brave man. I think I would have crawled under my little rock instead of deciding to try and fix our messed up country.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
27 Feb 09
"So, not only does he have to deal with the attitudes of people who are racist "
So let me get this straight, are you pushing the same tired cliche that anyone who disagreas with Obama's ideology or methodology must be racist? Because it couldn't possibly be his ideology is wrong or unconstitutionaly founded could it, that just isn't possible is it now? No, it must be because we are racist.....silly me.
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@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
27 Feb 09
Obama is not in any enviable possition at all, look what he got from Bush! He needs time and in less than 40 days, expecting the man to do more will be asking for too much from a human being. Lets give him a wait and see situation.
@mscott (1923)
• United States
27 Feb 09
I do not think he has had enough time, however many of the people in congress who need to accept a lot of blame for the mess we are in are still screwing us. It is one thing to spend money to stimulate the economy or help people, it is another to put in wasteful projects and paybacks or payoff to friends. They throw these on and the President has to accept them or they won't pass his bill through. I think he has good intentions, I am afraid though that some in congress are just taking care of their own. 

@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
27 Feb 09
Well I don't know how intelligent this answer will be but here it is anyway. From where I set it is looking like Obama is dirt stupid and everyone around him knows it and are taking advantage of it. I think that first bill he just couldn't wait to sign into law proves this beyond any doubt. It was loaded with things he promised he wouldn't do and that tells me he never did even read it before he signed it. That should be stupid in anyone's books. I think the truth is Obama and others around him that are dumb as he is have already destroyed our nation and now all is left is for everything to fall apart. Very shortly I look for this huge spending spree to prove to be the straw that broke the camel's back. Obama has had plenty of time to step up to the plate and show us what he is made of and he hasn't done it. If Obama had any desire to work for the people he would have killed that first bill and made them remove all the shi* in it and come up with a simple one anyone could read and understand. He missed the best chance he will ever have to show the American people he is really on our side. Instead he chose to act in a way that shows us he too is against us. That's my opinion of the whole mess.
@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
27 Feb 09
He's gonna screw up. All presidents screw up. Bill Clinton did. Bush screwed up fromthe first day he sat down in that chair in the oval office.
0bama is not going to be the magic cure all and fix it wizard that everyone thinks he is going to be. He's not going to wave a magic wand and fix everything. It's going to take all 4 years he's in office plus probably 3 or more presidents in office to unscrew what Bush has screwed up. 0bama is not the hero that everyone makes him out to be.
For a man that vowed to cut pork spending, why oh why did he let that stimulus bill go through? Have you actually *read* the bill and how much pork is in it? Have you actually seen how much wasteful money is in that bill? Go read it. You'll be disgusted by the first page.
I don't have any faith in the man. I personally think he's going to drag us even further into the hole that Bush dug during his 8 years in office. It's going to be at least 20 or so years before we are back to where we were financially when Clinton was in office.
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
27 Feb 09
I can already see some of the change and good he has done. I'm not particularly fond of democrats but I am not sure he is a true politician. President Obama seems to be able to get to the people's level. Whether he likes us or not he still is trying to make the country better. Let me clarify "whether he likes us or not". President Obama thinks a lot of the "working class" is little people. He knows who elected him though and he is trying to make America a better place.
@Xxmookie621xX (269)
• United States
27 Feb 09
i agree with you 100% i think your on the right ball, i mean these people need to give him a chance, the poor man has just gotten into the white house, and he has to come up with plans that he has to think about, it's not like he sits there and says okay, lets take 70% of taxes away from the rich and give them to the poor cause that wouldn't work, hes trying to find a way to nagotiate this so both parties will be happy or content.