Some questions about associated content...
By miamilady
@miamilady (4910)
United States
February 27, 2009 7:21am CST
For those of you who write for associated content (i've noticed there are quite a few myLotters who write for them).
Can you tell me on average how much money you make selling articles to them?
How much time do you put into writing these articles?
If you sell an article to them, do they then own your article or can you sell it to other buyers as well?
Have you written for anyone else online, or magazines etc?
Anything else you want to share with me about writing for them?
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12 responses
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
27 Feb 09
you have several options you can sell it as a exclusive which means that you don't own it anymore and never can use that article again, non exclusive means you sold it they bought it but you can sell it over again to someone else,
you can't give an average because writing stories is not like saying oh I will write 10 stories every day like you do here, writing stories has to be taken more seriously and many times research work is involved so everyone works at a different pace. I think on an average you get between 2 to 7 dollars an article, and they change their fees frequently as well. so if you do one article a day that is a possible 60 dollars a month or more.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
28 Feb 09
I happaned to check out your associated content site recently. I was impressed by your writing and the number of articles you have written. I was especially hoping you would reply to this. It looks like you do put some serious research into your articles. Would you say there is an average amount of time that you spend on each article?
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
1 Mar 09
well it depends if it is an article right out of my head in which case it takes about 15 to 20 minutes,
if it requires research about a half our to maybe an hour depending on how long the article is, how many sites I need to find to support the article, and how difficult the information is to pull from the net.
I also run a newsletter, refer people back to my articles on associated content, and I publish stories from other writers as well. Pm if you would like to join my newsletter, it is free.
I just lost it I had over 3,000 members and now I have to build it up again from scratch the company I was using folder and took my membership information with them.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
5 Mar 09
You're so full of it...I'm sorry but I like to think of myself as an accomplished writer and even writing an article off of my head I could never do an article in about fifteen to twenty minutes...not if I want to expect out of myself of something of true quality of which I expect of myself....I've read many of your articles and they are full of typos and grammatical REAL writer would allow that..even seen some grammatical and spelling errors in your "highly acclaimed published work" since the one publishing company was proven and documented to be a scam publishing company..Also, for instance I've read many of your replies to people line sentence..I think maybe some might be expecting more ...If ever I was to be a published author I would go for the big time publishing companies....not a vanity fair one as you have done...a lot of people have seen you for what you are...a phoney
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 Mar 09
I've been with AC for about two years now, but like everything else being affected by the economy so are they. When I first wrote articles for them back in 2007 I could average about $8.00 for upfront payment and then would get an additional performance payment meaning page views there. Then last year, no matter the quality of the article, it dropped down by half per article. My last two articles I only got $2.03 and $3.00. A lot of people are kind of grumbling about this over if you want to make anything decent a month it means cranking out a lot of articles a month.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
6 Mar 09
I just recently had an article published in Fate Magazine and got $50.00 for it...heehee...but the competition for the higher magazines is even fiercer in general. The higher a magazine will pay, the pickier they are about accepting articles and I guess withing reason.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
6 Mar 09
Have you ever tried getting published by a magazine?
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@cwilson26 (2735)
• United States
7 Mar 09
So true! As much as we would all love to be published in magazines, it is much easier and the money is much faster from sites like AC and Demand Studios. If only we wouldn't have to wait so long then we would be making more money faster!
I hope to one day be published in a magazine but for now I need the money fast so I am sticking with the content sites until I finally break into the higher paying markets. :)
@BrianDaniel (256)
• United States
1 Mar 09
Can't add much to the responses already, but I do like AC and I make more money from them than I do on Triond or Textbroker. I do like AC.
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@MaryLynn321 (2680)
• United States
28 Feb 09
The price they offer you varies anywhere from $1.00 and up. If you are a really good writer, that you know how to word everything really well, you get paid more. I get paid anywhere from $1.00 to $7.00 per article. Plus also get paid for page views. And do some promoting to get more. The time I put into the articles vary. I sometimes whip something up, and others I take several days to weeks working on them. I also submit recipes for free, and receive pay through page views, which can be really good at times. I have also written a few articles for Helium, plus I have my own site and blog.
Good luck to you. I have been a member of Associated Content since June of 2007.
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@mommaj (23112)
• United States
27 Feb 09
I have been reading what the other responders wrote. Their advice wasn't the best. I started with associated content exactly one year ago. I thought it wouldn't pay me anything because I am not a professional writer. I have no reporting experience. Most of the professional writers make a lot more money than what I do.
As for what the articles pay the response wasn't accurate. Yes Associated Content will post articles with amounts of what they will pay for the article from $1 to $5. You can also write articles of your choosing for upfront payment. Depending on quality and the amount of those articles already posted, you may make $3-$7. I have only heard about people being paid $7. Most of the payments are between $4 and $5 from what I see in the forums. I get paid a little over $4 an article BUT my articles are non-exclusive meaning I keep the rights and can republish them somewhere else. If you do exclusive articles where AC owns the rights to the articles and you can't republish them then you make the $5-$7.
As for the page views, it depends if you get a following or write articles people read. You can also make friends that you exchange page views with. You read theirs and they read yours. I make anywhere from $15 - $30 a month off of page views.
I was writing 2 to 4 articles a day. The articles take me approximately an hour each. I make around $4 an article not including page views. This month I made about $28 on views. Last year I actually received a 1099 for taxes so I made about $900 in 10 months. I have made a little over $400 this year which is Jan. and Feb.
If you want to see what I write and how much I make you can find me under momma j on AC.
If you have any questions let me know. I am a big fan of AC. I'm not getting rich but since I am a stay at home mom currently this helps a lot. I made enough money to give my kids a good Christmas so I am happy. I am also doing something I always dreamed of which is writing and I am getting paid for it.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
28 Feb 09
Thanks for your response. I have found all of the replies to be helfpul. I especially appreciate the way you broke things down for me. Take care!
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@Darkwing (21583)
27 Feb 09
I can't sell my articles being in England. I just get paid for page views which amounts to no more that $2-$5 per month, depending on how many "fans" you have. Some months it's better than others, again depending on how many articles you publish, but I stay in there, just because I did receive a message from a site owner one time, asking if I'd write for him, for pay. So, if you're in America, you have a chance to make a name for yourself.
Personally, if I were you, I'd stick with it! Brightest Blessings and good luck in your venture.
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@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
23 Oct 09
Any thoughts on what the best article/story/writing submission site might be? Why?
@cwilson26 (2735)
• United States
6 Mar 09
Associated Content is a great place to write for. I have been writing for them for 2 years. Here is how to make the most money with Associated Content:
You need to be good at SEO or Search Engine Optimization. You don't have to be an expert on it but in order to make the most money you should know the basics. The more keywords you have in your article about your topic, the more money you will make from both upfront payments and page view bonuses. You can make anywhere from $3 and up depending on how searchable your topic is and how good the SEO is. You can submit articles for upfront and page view bonuses or just for page views. When you first start writing for them and once you have 3 articles already published, when you submit for page views only, your article will be published right away. If you don't have anything submitted and published and you want to self publish for page views only, it will take a little longer for them to publish your article. If you submit for upfront and page views both, it can take anywhere from 5 days to two weeks for them to make an offer. Once they make an offer you have the option of accepting the offer right away, editing and resubmitting to try to get a better offer, of decline and submit elsewhere.
Now the only way you will really get a better upfront offer when submitting for upfront payment is if you can keyword it better. This is not as complicated as you may think. You just need to learn and if you have someone who can teach you in plain english then it is not that hard.
I highly recommend you visit and join this forum for free:
This forum will help you learn the things you need to learn to make the most money from AC. It is a writers site and not only can you learn what you need to learn about AC, you will meet other writers who will quickly become your friends. Also there are higher paying markets and contests.
As for how much time you put into writing for AC: Someone on here said the longer your article is the better, that is not true. Writing for web sites means writing as little as you can but still getting the information in the article. The minimum word count is 400 words on AC but you can go a little higher. If you want to keep people reading your article, you don't want them to get bored by having to read too much. So the least amount of words is the best, 400 minimum.
There are a number of people on the other forum I mentioned who write articles on AC to help other content producers. They give great tips. If you want to know anything else, join that forum and introduce yourself and then read everything you can on it. Also you can ask me anything you want too. My CP page is
Hope I helped! There are other writing sites that pay more. If you want to know about them you can either check out that writers forum or ask me. Another one I work for pays $15 per article. :)
@cwilson26 (2735)
• United States
6 Mar 09
I forgot to add that you can write whatever you want to write on AC. They do have a list and that list goes by your profile with what your interests are. But you can write what you want. But to make the most money you will want to write about hot search topics.
Then you check your page views and see which ones get the most views. When you see which ones get the most views, you will want to write more on those topics. If I remember anything else I will let you know but to really learn about it check out that other forum because there is so much advice on there it will blow you away. That is the place where I met who I call my best online friends and they are the ones who taught me how to make the most money with AC. Because of them I am one of the top 1,000 writers on AC and there are over 200,000 writers on their. :)
@SpikeTheLobster (6403)
27 Feb 09
Can you tell me on average how much money you make selling articles to them? I'm non-US, so I only earn page impressions. On 25 or so articles, that comes out at about a dollar a month...
How much time do you put into writing these articles? Depends on the article. Since I'm not writing to a title, but just producing stuff for my own delirious pleasure (!), it doesn't take ages. I tend to write, for maybe 20-30 minutes, then put it aside. I won't post it until the next day, after a re-read. That's just to make sure I didn't screw up somewhere.
If you sell an article to them, do they then own your article or can you sell it to other buyers as well? You have the choice. When you write, you can choose to give them exclusive rights (worth more if you're getting up-front payments, I believe) or keep the rights yourself. Since all mine are just page impressions, I keep the rights and resell them elsewhere (Helium for page impressions, Constant Content for usage rights).
Have you written for anyone else online, or magazines etc? Yes. I used to write, edit and proofread at and had a blog for a few years around 1999/2000. Now I write at AC, Helium and HubPages sometimes, though I've been inactive for a month or so. I also blog at and a couple of others ( and It's all just for pleasure, to be honest, though I have sold three articles since December. That made me feel almost professional! 
Anything else you want to share with me about writing for them? Ummmm... can't think of anything really. Oh, yes: if you want to write on demand and don't like AC, have a look at as well - over 500 writing projects available on there of all sorts. There's ALWAYS someone who needs some cheap articles (they tend towards the $1 or $2 writing and rewriting more).
Good luck!!!

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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
27 Feb 09
I have written one article for AC but I really enjoy Helium. I think it's more user friendly and you do sell your articles to actual publishers. You also see realtime earning for the articles that have not been bought just by writing them. It's not alot if they are not bought..depending on different factors how much..but the earning potential is there if you like writing. Good Luck .
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@lologirl2021 (5542)
• United States
27 Feb 09
Associated content lately doesnt have many articles to choose from to write on. They pick what articles they want written on and then you can choose from them. Some of those articles they will offer you a payout on. It could be 1 dollar or even 5 dollars depending on the article. They do have a certain length that they need to be. The longer the better. Also you can write articles and publish them yourself to achieve credit that way. Everytime one of your aticles that is published is viwed you will get money. I have seen when i write about articles about my hometown it seems to get more views or something about decoarting. If you write articles that you believe will get the attention then write them and publish them because you want to start earnings the money on those articles.
You dont sell articles to them really. They can own your article if you allow them to. Its up to you if you want them or not you have a choice to choose when your in the publishing stage or your article. Hope this helps you out some.