Don't shoot the messenger! US Military questioning Obama's eligibility ...

Major General Childers - This is a photo of Major General Carroll D. Childers
@ladyluna (7004)
United States
February 27, 2009 8:58am CST
Hello All, The firestorm continues ... I realize that many of you are fatiqued by this whole birth certificate issue but ... now we've got a whole other can of worms on our hands. It would seem that both active and retired members of the United States Military are now questioning whether Barack Obama is Constitutionally eligible to occupy the Office of the President, and thus whether they are committing treason by taking orders from other than the Commander in Chief. This is a real sticky-wicket folks, 'cause it puts our uniformed men and women in a real legal, as well as ethical dilemma. As well as perhaps also jeopardizes the framework of our military command structure. Two active duty (one Liutenant, one enlisted man), and now a retired (though subject to recall) Major General have been named plaintiffs in yet another lawsuit against Barack Obama, on grounds that he was ineligible to qualify for the Office of the Presidency, and thus occupies the office illegally. Major General Carroll D. Childers has said: "I agree to be a plaintiff in the legal action to be filed by Orly Taitz, Esq. in a petition for a declaratory judgement (sic) that Barack Hussein Obama is not qualified to be president of the U.S., nor to be commander in chief of the U.S. armed forces, in that I am or was a sworn member of the U.S. military (subject to recall)," he wrote. If recalled, he would be "unable to follow any orders given by a constitutionally unqualified commander in chief, since by doing so I would be subject to charges of aiding and abetting fraud and committing acts of treason," he wrote." "POSITION IN THE MILITARY/RANK/DATES SERVED/STATUS: Retired as Major General Commanding General 29TH Infantry Division VA ARNG 1999, 44 years service OCCUPATION: Consultant Registered Professional Engineer ACHIEVEMENTS: Retired 38 Yrs DON Civil Service, RDT&E, several patents, 14 months in combat zones as science advisor (Vietnam, Persian Gulf, Operation Desert Storm), Oldest DHG of a Ranger Course (42), retired MG, ... ____________________________________________________________________________________ [b]So, I ask you: In light of recent statements released by the media "... lawyers hired to represent Obama have admitted that such disputes should have been resolved in Congress." 1. What does it mean, or what happens if our military questions the constitutionality of orders from the Obama administration? 2. Does this military challenge add weight to the civilian clamor for the release of the specific documentation in question? 3. What happens if Obama continues to refuse to authorize the release of the documents that might prove his eligibility, even if more and more military personnel question his legal position as Commander in Chief? [/b] Thanks, I look forward to your perspective.
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16 responses
• United States
27 Feb 09
This is a fast becoming a very serious issue. Obama needs to release the documents and get it over with. Actually a full investigation needs to get done on it just to get it over with. I think this has not happened before because we have never had a President before that both parents were not american citiizens or a president that was also a citizen of another country. Add to that, his family in Kenya are claiming he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. Plus his mother revoked her citizenship and his when she became a citizen of Indonesia. Indonesia and America do not recognize dual citizenships. In fact Indonesia will not issue citizenship to anyone that by doing that htey would cause a dual citizenship. You are either a citizen of Indonesia and only Indonesia or you do not get citizenship. We know Obama and his mother got citizenship. I think if Obama would have grown up to do anything other than president this would not have been an issue. But there are special laws for that position as far a citizenship goes that do not apply to other elected offices. But I definately think these questions need to be answered. They should have been answered before he ever enter the race for the job.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
27 Feb 09
Hello Lilwonders, Great points. As we all learned from the Martha Stewart and Skooter Libby cases, the crime can just as easily be in the cover-up. Martha Stewart went to jail because she lied about the cover up. And, Scooter Libby went to jail because he said that he didn't remember. You raise a valid question: At this point, is it enough for Barack Obama to authorize the unsealing of the documents in question, or is a full scale investigation into the obstruction a legal requirement. I honestly don't know 'cause we're in uncharted territory here. FYI - This has happened before -- it happened to John McCain. Remember? His eligibility was investigated and he was determined to be eligible to run for the POTUS because military bases are considered US soil -- just like consullates. Though, he did have to submit to the legal investigation.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
27 Feb 09
It is far from a trivial issue, no constitutional issue is trivial.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
27 Feb 09
I agree! Nothing requires more vigilance than the preservation of freedom!
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• United States
27 Feb 09
As a former US ARMY Regular officer still subject to recall, I'd have standing to join this lawsuit, except I sincerely believe 0bama is a natural US citizen. The facts are these. 0bama is the illegitimate child of a US citizen. Illegitimate children of US citizens are Americans no matter where in the world they are born. The claim 0bama is not a US citizen hinges on 0bama's mother having been married to a Kenyan citizen and that 0bama was born in Kenya. It is not denied by anyone 0bama's father was already legally married to someone other than 0bama's mother before he met 0bama's mother. Therefore, 0bama's mother was never legally married to 0bama's father. In cases of bigamy, the second marriage is invalid. This means 0bama is illegitimate. It can not be logically denied that 0bama is a US citizen, no matter where in the world he was born.
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• United States
27 Feb 09
What about the claim that Obama's mother revoked both of their American citizenships to become citizens of Indonesia? Indonesia is very strict. They do nt allow for dual citizenships. They will not issue citizenship to anyone that in doing so could cause a dual citizenship or a citizenship that would be reconginzed by another country (even if you marry a citizen of their country). You have to revoke your citizenship to your country of birth to come a citizen there. Yet we do know that he and his mother became citizens of that country. I have wondered about that one. Does America not recoginzed that revoking or how exactly does that work?
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
27 Feb 09
Hello Red, Lilwonders, and Taskr, Grrr! I just lost a detailed response to the three of you -- sorry. Long story short, even if Obama's illegitimacy is the do all and end all to this case, it still must be proved or disproved in response to the many pending legal cases on the various dockets across the country. There are quite a few pending cases! Still, according to US code 214 S.W. 788 "Obstruction of Governmental Administration" (Model Penal Code 242) is a real crime! So, even if Barack Obama authorizes Hawaii and Columbia to now surrender the discovery documents, the matter may well have gone passed the point of no return because of the obstruction issue. Because the military is now involved, the issue has escalated to a matter of national security. I.e. this was a huge strategic blunder by Barack Obama. One that risks continuing to erode military authority all the way down the chain.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
27 Feb 09
That's basically how I've seen it all along. It doesn't matter if he was born in Kenya due to the fact that his mother was a US citizen. Still, these lawsuits deserve to be heard so all these rumors can end. As Obama's employer we, the American people, have every right to view his qualifications in their entirety. I wouldn't even have my job at the library right now if I'd failed to furnish proof of my citizenship or right to work in this country.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
28 Feb 09
LadyLuna, I have never been nor have I ever bought into conspiracy theories. That said, I honestly have to suspect some sort of conspiracy to be going on here in order for this subject to be bypassed and covered up for so long. The usual vetting machine (mainstream media)failed to or refused to do their job in respect to Obama and now we are left in this quandry. Being a Viet Nam era veteran, I know a little about the military and how it operates. The foundation of it all is based on unquestioned trust. Without trust, people balk and a balk in combat is almost always fatal! This is not a baseless complaint and the sooner it is laid to rest the better off America will be!
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
1 Mar 09
Greetings Sir Rodney, I hear ya'. It's difficult to not question why this issue persists, when it is so easily resolved. "... balk in combat is almost always fatal!" Precisely!!!
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
2 Mar 09
Thanks for the reminder, Kitty! Yes, Rodney thank you very much! Shame on me for having to have been reminded.
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• United States
2 Mar 09
BTW, Rodney, thanks you for your service to our country.
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@LaurenInLA (2270)
• United States
27 Feb 09
I really am in a quandry about this issue. On one hand, I wonder why this question has never surfaced in regard to any other President. Have they all HAD to prove that they were all born in this country or are we just asking this because we have a President whose name isn't George or Joe or Bill or Jack? I am so concerned that this issue surfaces at all because we have a President who happens to be black. On the other hand, I really don't understand why President Obama just hasn't produced his birth certificate to quell this issue once and for all. However, he may also think that these objections are racially motivated and if that is the case I completely understand why he won't release them. In terms of the military, I think that it their duty and obligation to accept the President as Commander in Chief UNTIL AND UNLESS someone can PROVE that the President doesn't have a right to hold the office. Until then, they owe their allegience to the President. As a society and as a military, we cannot simply refuse to do things that we don't want to because we think that someone holding the highest office in the land needs to prove something to us.
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• United States
27 Feb 09
"We cannot simply refuse to do things that we don't want to because we think that someone holding the highest office in the land needs to prove something to us." In the case of military officers, you would be wrong. Military officers accept personal responsiblity for their actions, even when following the orders of the Commander in Chief. Officers all have standing orders to disobey illegal orders. This is the law. Therefore, when 0bama orders a combat action somewhere in the world, e.g. Pakistan which he has mentioned, the officers involved need to know those are legal orders otherwise they can be arrested for war crimes and even murder. Invading a country is a crime unless duely authorized by the legitimate President. As to other Presidents, can you name one where the circumstances of his birth are not known? What hospital was 0bama born in? Reporters have not found any hospitial with a record of 0bama being born there. What doctor delievered 0bama? Reporters have not been able to trace this information. Who it was is not important, but that this info is not available indicates something suspious about 0bama's birth. Why has 0bama spent untold sums of money to prevent his real birth certificate being made public? For privacy? Hogwash! There is much more to the 0bama story. We shall maybe never find out the whole story.
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• United States
27 Feb 09
redyellowblackdog Perhaps now he will spend much more money on getting really good forgery made!!!
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
27 Feb 09
Hello LaurenInLA, Thanks for sharing your thoughts here. Well, actually this issue has surfaced before. In fact, it was the impetus for an investigation and a legal decision rendered in the case of the eligibility of Sen. John McCain, who was born on a U.S. military base in Panama. McCain's eligibility was fully investigated and he was determined to be Constitutionally eligible because military bases are considered USA soil, just as a consulate is. Oh, and as we all know McCain isn't black, so the color of one's skin has nothing to do with Constitutional eligibility! As well, racial sensitivity is no excuse of the law. It is in no way legal for someone to obstruct justice because he or she suspects racial motivations. If we're going to objectively look at this as a legal issue, we must remember that Barack Obama is a Constitutional Lawyer -- he knows what is legal and what is not.
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• United States
2 Mar 09
How funny would it be... The American public was so pissed off at George W. Bush, that they would blindly elect the non-republican... The Dumbacrats (assuming this was perfect timing) figured it is a shoe-in they will either get a black person or a woman elected president... everybody finds out 0bama is ineligible, and has to resign. The Rep. becomes president. BASICALLY, it is possible for the Dumbocrats to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory and lose the unloseable election.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
2 Mar 09
Hello Ima_C_Suvaya, Welcome to MyLot. I've seen other of your responses and will readily admit that I look forward to more of your thoughtful contributions. As to your play by play commentary here -- it oughta scare the bejeebers out of us!
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
3 Mar 09
You're welcome! As for the correct spelling -- heck, ya' got me. Your question prompted me to look up both spellings and neither appears in any of the 1st ten listed regular dictionaries online. Similarly, neither appears in any of the four dictionaries that I have in my office. While "bajeebers" appears only in the "Urban Dictionary", defined as "A word that can be used for anything." Hmmm, have we uncovered a great mystery?
• United States
3 Mar 09
Thank You for the kind words. I always thought it was spelled 'bajeebers'.
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
27 Feb 09
If I recall correctly 4 out of 5 military service men and women voted for McCain. It's no secret that most of the military members are very upset with not only him being elected but what he's done so far and actually fear for our country. My husband knows many guys who are getting out of the military or planning to as soon as their enlistment is up because of Obama being in office. Even with the current economy they are willing to take the risk of looking for a job on the outside. I think that if they feel there is something that should be investigated they should do all they can to get the truth out weather they are military or not. I also have questions on Obama's eligiblity. I too question why hasn't this been put to rest yet. But I seriously doubt it will do anything. We are stuck with him for at least the next four years and if he continues on the road he is on I do believe we will be electing someone else because I seriously think what he's doing is hurting Americans more. But we shall see. As for on a constitutional level I don't think that our military members are going to push the matter unless Obama tries to force our military to do something obvious that would seriously put us in harms way.
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
27 Feb 09
What's scary is the people who are enlisting because they need a paycheck and so if another attack happens the experienced people would have jumped ship and the inexperienced who are just looking for work in tough economic times will be the ones America depends on. I pray for all of us that that doesn't happen.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
28 Feb 09
I'm with you there, Missybal! Rjscott, If his eligibility cannot be proven, then as Article II reads, the election should have to be overturned, and a special election scheduled. If eligibility isn't proven, then Obama would have been ineligible to have his name placed on the ballot. Meaning that he could not have been elected, or named a Veep or Cabinet, or anything else. This risk is the very reason why up until the 2008 election cycle, the two major parties have historically thoroughly vetted their candidates, or actually they allowed the media to do so. The parties have not relished the prospect of all that wasted money and favor going down the drain to something as foolish as inadequate vetting. Though, this will surely be decided by the SCOTUS, because eligibility is a Constitutional issue.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
27 Feb 09
Thanks for sharing, Missybal. You make some really good points. I will admit that it is kind of scary that so many of our best and brightest are not considering reinlistment simply because of who is at the helm. Our son-in-law has now also decided against re-upping. It's kind of disconcerting!
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• United States
27 Feb 09
Obama could put this whole problem to rest if he just made a legal Birth Certificate available to the powers that be. It is really very suspicious to only have shown a very questionable copy of this on his website. The Hawaiian government only confirms a Live Birth document which is not the same as a Birth Certificate and they have also been put under some type of gag order. IMO it is all a huge cover up. I have signed many petitions on this subject all the way back from when Obama was campaigning. Obviously he has friends in high places (Supreme Court???) who are able to squash any attempt to force him to disclose his Birth Certificate.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
27 Feb 09
Hello Whiteheather, You're absolutely correct -- Barack Obama could have spend a few minutes of his time, and a few dollars on his phone bill to call the State of Hawaii and Columbia to authorize the release of the documents in question. Now it has snowballed into a military issue -- and that is a real problem with far reaching implications.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
27 Feb 09
Following ille3gal orders can result in convictions. A whole lot6 of Nazis found that out when their claim that they were "just following orders" did them no good during the trials. 1... It means that these officers have serious doubts and are seeking clarification as to the 0bamunist's true status before they follow or issue orders that could later be determined to be illegal. Not only do they have standing, they have a need to know where they stand... and whether or not the 0bamunist is even eligible or authorized to give them orders as outlined by the Constitution. 2... Yes, and a tremendous amount of weight because these are the people who would be sent to fight on his orders. 3... The longer the 0bamunist refuse4s to release the proof of his eligibility, the more doubts people will have, and the more untenable the 0bamunist's position becomes. I for one do not recognize him as president, nor will I until he provides the proof that is required of him.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
27 Feb 09
Hello Destiny, What a great analogy -- indeed, war criminals are those who didn't question the legality and morality of orders!!! I have to admit that my concern is that this is the kind of thing that can spread like wildfire among our military men and women. They are not allowed to speak out politically, which means that these kinds of doubts will fester beneath the surface. And, of course, that's a ticking time bomb.
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@us2owls (1681)
• United States
27 Feb 09
It really tees me off when I think of all the paperwork I went through for myself and my daughter. Maybe he should do the honorable thing and resign or we might have an impeachment down the road.
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
27 Feb 09
Hello Us2owls, You are far from alone in being infuriated by the immigration status double standard that exists. I am the first to acknowledge that our immigration system is broken, and can no longer function with the occassional application of duct tape. We truly need a complete overhaul. Resignation, impeachment ... I simply don't know what's going to come of all of this.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
27 Feb 09
Hello Angus, You're asking what the beef is. I'm sorry to have to ask but did you read the original post? Oh wait, never mind! If you really believe that Barack Obama is "God-appointed, God-anointed", then reading the original post will be of little consequence. In fact, if you really believe that Barack Obama is "God-appointed, God-annointed", then I think you might want to take that up with the Pope.
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• United States
27 Feb 09
Let me make some things clear: Barack Hussein Obama was born on Friday, August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. At that time, Hawaii had officially become the 50th state of the Union... Now if he was born before August 21, 1959, we would have an issue. Was he born before that official statehood date? No! He IS president of these United States. He won 270 votes--and in fact, more. He won fair and square by a landslide. He is 47, well over the Constitutional age requirement for a U. S. president. So what is your beef? He is president. Get over it. He is the God-appointed, God-anointed COMMANDER IN CHIEF.
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
28 Feb 09
I think everyone, regardless of whether they like the Prez or not, should want the matter cleared up just to maintain the integrity of our constitution and for propriety's sake. If one is qualified for something I don't quite understand why anyone would be offended about being asked to produce the evidence. Imagine if you were pulled over by a traffic cop and refused to show your license! Well, the Prez is who drives our country. His standards should be higher than those of Joe Schmoe.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
1 Mar 09
Hello Drannhh, I agree. It seems unfathomable that any American would not want to see this matter cleared up once and for all. Yet, if clearing this issue up means that Obama is deemed ineligible, then his supporters will lose their iconic leader. That anyone would put a single individual over the importance of defending our Constitutional founding is unthinkable -- from my perspective. Yet, look at how many of his supporters poo-poo the debate of this issue, even as they support his efforts to poo-poo all of the legal challenges to the veracity of his eligibility claims. It's as if his supporters value him more than 232 years of our nations existence, and the many sacrifices along the way. It's simply mind boggling! 'Prez drives the nation' -- great analogy. Yup, I want to see his credentials to be behind the wheel!
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@Adoniah (7513)
• United States
27 Feb 09
This has been an issue for other people who wished to be president and has kept them from even running for president. It seems to me that one would be proud to present the information asked for unless there is some wrong doing involved. By not being forth coming with simple info, Obama is making himself look guilty even if he is not. Every person running for office should be required to prove citizenship. The immigrants that we are always harrassing do! They should also prove their educational backgrounds. Lincoln certainly was determined to do that and Obama is always talking about him. I do not blame the military for demanding an accountability from him. They have every right and duty to do so. They need to invoke the Public information Act, and demand it before Obama makes another decision in office. Shalom~Adoniah
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
28 Feb 09
Hello my friend, The 11/2007 copy of the "Certificate of Live Birth" that Obama released to the Daily Kos, is not an official "Birth Certificate". The difference is that the official birth certificate lists the hospital and attending physician who delivered him, as well as a sequential certificate number -- which can be cross checked against preceeding and subsequent births. It can actually really hone the authentication process. Those are the bits of data that will help determine if Barack Obama was really born on Oahu, or if he was one of the many who got Certs of Live Birth after the fact. Hawaii state law at the time of his birth allowed for any infant born anywhere to apply for US/Hawaiian citizenship by requesting a Certificate of Live Birth. This, of course, would make him a "citizen", but not a "natural born citizen". These are the reasons why people are clammoring for what's called the "vault Birth Certificate". Geesh, it seems ridiculous, doesn't it? Why not just release the Hawaii & Columbia doc's??? What purpose could it really serve to perpetuate this kind of mistrust?
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
27 Feb 09
Hello my friend, Thank you for sharing your level-headed wisdom on this issue. I hope that the kind of reason that you've submitted here will inculcate those who take issue with We The People just wanting to cross our T's and dot our I's. Ours is a nation founded upon the rule of law. If we throw it to the wind now, then what do we have to stand on?
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@Adoniah (7513)
• United States
28 Feb 09
As far as Obama's birth certificate from Hawaii goes, it is available on the net. You can see it and download it. It does not look like a fake and it has what looks like and authentic seal. However, he has never given up his education papers. Shalom
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• United States
2 Mar 09
One thing is certain this issue is not going away. I have said all along he should produce the documents and be done with it, the hiring of lawyers to contest the issue simply makes him look guilty. Some have said this issue could continue to worsen with every order he signs being brought into question and challenged. If he is not eligible it needs to be dealt with quickly this country does not need any more problems on top of the economic issues we already have. Pray that it is resolved quickly.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
2 Mar 09
Hello Shewolf, That may be the one thing that we can all agree on -- that the issue is resolved soon. Great point!
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• United States
27 Feb 09
I'd like to know when the straglehold that 0bama and his minions have n the mainstream media will finally break and this very important issue will finally see the light of day? It seems that CNN, MSNBC, and even to some extent FoxNews along with pretty much ALL the newspapers here are operating under the same principles as Pravda was in the USSR. Those who have nothing to hide hide nothing, so why is he trying so hard to hide this? I had to show my birth certificate to get a driver's license, passport, and when I first enrolled in college, among many other things that NORMAL people show it for, when I did not have my BC handy, I paid five bucks at the County Clerk's office in the place where I was born to get a new official and valid copy of it. Why can't he do that? Surely with all his millions of dollars he can sport out five bucks! This issue should have been addressed many MONTHS ago, and needs to be dealt with and fully resolved one way or another sooner rather than later or our entire nation is at risk!
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
27 Feb 09
"This issue should have been addressed many MONTHS ago, and needs to be dealt with and fully resolved one way or another sooner rather than later or our entire nation is at risk!" That is precisely the point, thank you!
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
28 Feb 09
Hey Kitty, I'd be really curious about how O'Reilly's team would respond to a letter from the public about this. He seems quite comfortable travelling the road of least turmoil these days. Personally I think he's feeling pretty threatened by Beck's ratings.
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• United States
27 Feb 09
I am seriously considering sending the link to this thread to FOxNews, O'Reilly, and Beck - I probably will too. Since may good links are right here in the thread and they can get a sample for what people actually ARE concerned with. Hell, maybe instead of just the link I'll copy/paste the whole friggin' thing into a mass email to every media outlet including the ones who actually tend to worry about how 0bama and cronies are wreckin' up the place!
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@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
27 Feb 09
i have never heard of this issue. is there really such an issue or news about it. cause i never heard of it yet in the news in my country. though we are really updated on international news specially anything about US news. anyways, i don't know about the eligibility of Obama as being the rightful president or not. but only thing that i can say, it is not going well if there are so many questions on the eligibility of obama as president. and i guess it is the only president of america that ever had this kind of problem. i just feel that the political situation in USA is getting from bad to worse. specially if the one in question is the president.
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
27 Feb 09
Hello Hotsummer, If I may ask, where do you reside? I'm curious because it is so troubling that you've never heard a word about this issue, even though there are many court challenges on this issue. Many have named Barack Obama directly as a defendent, others have focussed on state and federal officials who have allegedly been either negligent or have allegedly obstructed our electoral process. It's been quite a hornets nest, actually. Your first reaction here is exactly what has been of concern to the many who have sacrificed their own monies to seek legal redress. Bad to worse, especially when a president is in question. Yup, that's precisely the underlying cause for concern.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
27 Feb 09
Thanks for the follow up, Hotsummer. I've heard many others share your same sentiments. So, you're not alone.
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@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
27 Feb 09
obama is popular also in the philippines. many or lots of people here like him too. though personally since the start i rather vote for the other candidate or wish for other candidate to win if i was only a US citizen.
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@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
28 Feb 09
Hello everyone, This has been going on for to long.I just hope that the truth comes out soon. I have heard that: 1 The Governor of Hawaii has stated that his original birth certificate is on file their. (why would they have it if he was not born their) 2 His birth announcement was in the newspaper in Hawaii when he was born. (As far as i know is that the hospitals put the announcements in the Papers, why would it be their if he was not born their) 3 He did release a copy of his birth certificate you can find it here:
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
28 Feb 09
Hello Dlr297, I truly don't want to sound flippant. So, instead of repeating the same info again I'll simply point out that each of your points has already been addressed extensively in this or other recent discussions on this topic on MyLot. The birth announcement has been covered less extensively, so I'll go into it a bit here. Who exactly submitted the announcement has not yet been determined. It is believed that it was one of the standard mass submissions. However, it wasn't the hospital per se that submitted those notices. Rather it was the records department of the hospital. The fact that the notice didn't appear until a week or so after the birth could either be because it was a mass submission, or because his is a Certificate of Live Birth obtained for an infant born other than in the Hawaiian islands. There is no conclusive evidence one way or the other. The announcement may have been submitted by a private individual as well. There is just no way to prove it one way or the other. Though, to put it into perspective a MyLot member recently shared that she posted a birth announcement of her American born grandchild in a German newspaper. So, anyone who is using the birth announcement as conclusive is quite simply taking an amateurish posture of this issue. Sheesh, if it's going to be this big of an issue, it might as well be handled right, right? Thanks for directing us to Obama's smears website. Unfortunately, the Kos 11/2007 copy of the Cert. is not the vault Birth Certificate that has been sought in discovery demands. They are two completely different documents, with vastly different legal parameter assigned to each. This issue is based on very specific legal doc's, codes, and rulings. To suggest that going to Barack Obama's smears site to view a bad copy of a 2007 document that has no bearing on this case is not generally accepted as helpful. Does that make sense without sounding flippant? The bottom line is that all Obama would have to do to put this all to rest is call Hawaii and Columbia and release the doc's. It's really that simple!
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