What chores do you make your kids do?

United States
February 27, 2009 10:48am CST
I think it is my job as a parent and as a homemaker to teach my kids how to take care of a home by the time they move out of mine. I have had a lot of people say that we give our kids to many chores but in the past it was normal to have kids work long hours. I want my family to have good work habits and not be surprised when they move out. Our kids have about an hour of chores a day, faster if the work hard and slower if they fight it. What chores do you give your kids?
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27 responses
@myralmedo (815)
• Philippines
28 Feb 09
hi happpythoughts:) (love the username;) ) i have a toddler son and in his age i taught him already to be responsible. i know in their little help it will instill in their minds the sense of responsibility that they will in the future and it's better to practice them now.:) i know in my son's age he can't do dishwashing, laundry and other hard chores yet lols:D but i assigned to him that his toys should be in proper places or put into his toy bins after playing or using it. and as days go by he learned that and it's been SOP/automatic to him- no need to remind him for that. including also throwing of trashes in the trash can and if his in the mood he sweeps the floor hihi... as of now only this stuff i ask for my kid.;) thanks!:) Godabless!0=)
• United States
28 Feb 09
I have a chart that lists the chores I want ky kids to do and at what age. When they reach a birthday they get an allowance increase and they get a new list of chores. Each time we go over the new list there are always chores that they had at earlier ages that they done even consider chores anymore. We list a lot of things, like getting dressed in the morning, that are chores when you are younger and normal life when you are older. It helps them feel like they are acomplishing things.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
28 Feb 09
wow that's a good idea though it's just my son now but this one really helps when he gets a bit older i'll try this one.. thanks :) sense of responsibility is the main key... happy myLotting!:) Godabless!0=)
@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
27 Feb 09
I have two children, a 6 year old boy and an 18 month old little girl. They both have chores. We have a weekly chore chart and we go buy. My son had one daily chore a day to do, sometimes it's easy sometimes it's more of a task. Cleaning his room is the biggest one he has. Others include, putting up his clean clothes, cleaning up his bathroom, cleaning the toys ups that are in the living room, and helping put up the groceries. My 18 month old daughter only really has one big one, and that is cleaning up her toys.
• United States
28 Feb 09
I think that if we start them young taking care of their own things then in the future they will have the habit of taking care of things on their own. I hope it will work that way atleast.
@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
28 Feb 09
That is the way I feel. I hope that I can teach my children to take care of themselves because that's the way it should be. Though, my huaband has been a marine and has been taught many things about grooming, ironing and so on, he has his moment that they all go right out the door, and his momma to a point babied him as a child and still to this day if he needs something done he can call her and say, Oh mom will you do this for me and she comes running, lol. I don't wanna have to do that with my children.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
28 Feb 09
My son has 2 chores a day. It is anything from putting laundry away to straightening up and sweeping a room. In the summer we pay him to keep the lawn mowed. He now is 15, but has been doing some chores since he was 6.
• United States
1 Mar 09
That is smart to give him two chores a day. That way you can look at what needs to be done. There have been many times that I look at the chore chart and the chore the kids have to do one day is really hard and the next days chore is all but done already. I could use an update to my system. Thanks.
@youless (112923)
• Guangzhou, China
28 Feb 09
I think it's good to teach children to do some housework. So they will learn to be helpful and independent. I will let my child to put the clothes into the washing machine. And then I stand by his side and watch him to make it start. After the clothes are washed, then he will hand me the clothes and I hang them. If I am washing the dishes, sometimes he will stand by my side and uses the cloth to clean the cupboard. I love China
• United States
28 Feb 09
I teach my kids by letting them help me then as they learn more I let them do a little more. Eventualy they are just doing things on their own. It is a wonderful thing to see the kids growing up so well.
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
28 Feb 09
Well I dont have children yet, but when I was a kid my mom and dad would have us do some chores once me, and my sisters reached an age where we could clean our rooms and help with the dishes, and other things thats what we would do and we weren't allowed to be lazy, and when I think back to my childhood, though it wasn't perfect I appreciated, that because I think that giving a child chores to do teaches them the value of hard work.
• United States
28 Feb 09
Teaching the value of work is probibly the most important part of it all. Thanks.
@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
28 Feb 09
My children were all working students during their college days, so they really don't have time for chores at home. During their day offs however I observed my son cleaning the house and put things in order. One thing they don't do is washing the dishes. They are not used to as when they were still young we had a household help who does everything in the house. I was always out of the house then being a single parent, earning a living that's why they were left out with close relatives during their teens. Since they are honor students and there are people at the house assisting them they were not obliged to do household chores. I'm just happy maybe by just observing they can do chores such us cleaning the house, little cooking but not washing the dishes nor washing their clothes. Only my eldest who's now married knows a lot of chores but understandably because she has a family of her own. Nevertheless, I'm happy with my two other children as they have stable jobs, I just wash the dishes and their clothes, there's a washing machine anyway.
• United States
28 Feb 09
I think that if I teach my kids now to clean up that when they are older they will just do it on their own. I might just be dreaming though. I am trying to teach then to put dirty dishes in the dishwasher so no one ever has to do dishes we all just do out part. When it looks full someone can start it. My Three year old is the best one in the family at that so I know that it can be done.
• United States
27 Feb 09
i make my 13 year old clean the living room, i make my 12 year old do the dishes. i make my 11 year old take out the trash, and i make my 8 year old pick up toys. i believe that kids should have chores. i have 5 kids and it would take all day to take care of the house after them if i didn't. i think that if you make the kids help, then it teaches them to pick up after themselves. also you are teaching them to take care of themselves for when they are out on their own. when my cousin was growing up, her mother never made her do anything. and now that she is 30, she is now learning how to clean a house or wash clothes. i don't want my kids to be like that.
• United States
28 Feb 09
Lol...I learned to clean as an adult and that is probibly why I feel so strongly about teaching kids the habits now. I want my kids to have the instinct to clean up and put things away as they go through the day. I hope it all works out for us. My son is fighting us a bit on it all.
• United States
27 Feb 09
The only chore that my 11 year old son has is he has to do the dishes every day. Sometimes if he wants money hes will scrub the floor. As far as his room goes I just expect that to be done.
• United States
28 Feb 09
My son just began doing the dishes. For now it is a lot more work for me to help him learn to do it right but I am so excited for the day when he can do it on his own. His room leaves a lot to be desired but we are working on it. Every little bit adds up.
• United States
3 Dec 09
My daughter's chore is to keep her room clean, at least right now. I also have her help out around the house as needed, and she is required to pick up after herself. She's only 6 years old, so I don't expect too much out of her yet, but I too want to ensure that she at least has the basics down.
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
27 Feb 09
I think I will make my kids do share housework burden with me in the future like laundry and washing dishes and what not. :-)
• United States
28 Feb 09
I think that shareing the house work is a great way to put it. Sometimes one person does so much of the work at home and every one else just sits back and watches.
@Pleiades (846)
• United States
27 Feb 09
This topic gets tossed about like a ship on rough waters here in my house. I'm a single mother and because of that, certain chores are always there that normally a man would do. Then again, in my last marriage my ex was hardly around or too damn lazy so I had to do that then too. Anywho, chores...my daughter's (13) has to do the dishes and wipe off the counters. The son (12) has to clean the floors. Above and beyond that they have to split them to make sure the place looks decent. Too bad they can't do their chores worth a darn and seems to always fight and argue. What's worse is they don't do them correctly and I end up having to do it. Because I have two small children at home I have to deal with their troubles. Well, when my boyfriend was here, I was appauled and just wanted to die when he pulled out a bowl for some food and saw that it was still dirty. That was just the beginings of what he found. Ugh! *Pleiades
• United States
28 Feb 09
We had to seperate the kids so that one kid cleans the upstairs while the other cleans the downstairs. When they worked next to eachother it was just a big fight. One would say one was not doing their share or making a mess...Ugh it drove me crazy. I had to make a chart with magnets and divide them to calm the storm, but so far so good.
@daneg33 (1128)
• Canada
27 Feb 09
My daughter is 8 and she wanted an allowance, so I made her a list of chores to do. That didn't last long. On occasion, I can get her to feed the dog and to clean her kitten's litter box. My son, who is 4, will help me with dishes. He likes to get a chair and stand next to me. It is really cute. He decided a couple of days ago to wash out the toilet with a bar of soap... yes, I threw it in the garbage! He will also go out with my husband and help get wood to make a fire - he carries one piece. When I was a kid, my mom would leave me a list of chores on a Saturday while she went to the grocery store. If I completed all those chores, she would give me an allowance. I think it is much better to make your kids do chores and reward them with an allowance rather than just give them the allowance. That way, they learn to appreciate the value of money.
• United States
27 Feb 09
My kids have chores and allowance. The dont get the allowance for doing chores though. My kids started saying that they didnt want their allowance so they wouldnt do their chores. Now they get the allowance no matter what, but the chores are a no matter what as well. I want them to learn how to budget and work with money as well. They get one dollar a month per year of age. My son gets 7$ a month and that buys a lot of candy or he can save it if he wants something nicer.
• United States
27 Feb 09
I donot have kids but the ones that I know do have chores: Clean their room, take out the trash, feed the pets, rake the yard, put up their clothes after they are washed and folded/hung up, load or unload the dishwasher. I have a friend who has her children mate socks. My mom would make a list of things that needed cleaning early Saturday mornings and the first one up had first pick. It was things like vacume the living room & hallway, sweep and mop the kitchen floor, and clean the bathroom. I think that children should have chores so that when they do move out of the house they know how to keep their own place clean and how to do their own laundry. I also think that as teenagers children should learn how to cook, for the same reason. The one thing that my mom did do was to look at our list of homework, if it was long then she would do some of our chores for us but in exchange she also checked our homework and if we lied about it then we had double chores the rest of the week and did not get to play on Saturday. (I had to learn this lesson the hard way)
• United States
27 Feb 09
When my son has a ton of homework then I help him with his chores. He has to sit at the table so I can see him working when I am and as soon as he quits working and he isnt done the chores are his again and the homework to. I try not to have saturday chores so that we can do fun things as a family but it gets hard to get it all done in five days.
• United States
27 Feb 09
my mom only made us clean ou rooms, i clean up around our house by option, i choose to do it, i feel like helping out.
• United States
28 Feb 09
My parents didnt make me do a lot of chores but I wish they wold have now. I wish that they would have had a schedual for me to follow so it didnt take me so long now that I have a home of my own to run, to figure out somthing that works.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
3 Mar 09
My oldest has 3 basic chores she has to do each day. Nothing major that a 12 yr old couldn't do with no problems. She has to do the dishes, take out the trash if it's full, and make sure her room and bathroom is clean. My youngest only has a few to do also. She has to pick up around the house, basically make sure her things doesn't stay downstairs to long, and keep her room clean.
@GreenMoo (11833)
3 Mar 09
I completely agree with you Happythoughts, that a reasonable amount of household chores is an important thing for a child to achieve. As far as I'm concerned, chores are something that they need to learn about as their Mum's won't live with them for ever! It's also just part of living together as a family. Everyone needs to pull their weight. Despite my saying that, my eldest son doesn't actually get asked to do many chores at the moment. When you factor in the travelling he has a very long school day. When he gets home he needs to eat and wind down, not do chores. However, at weekends I do expect him to muck in. He doesn't have fixed jobs, but I often ask him to help me with the animals or help out at the farm. My youngest is still young enough to think that helping out is fun! He'll happilly join in with anything, but washing up and shovelling sand are his favourites. I have to tidy up after him, but I think of it as part of the lerning experience as I mop the floor yet again!!
@quinnkl (1667)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I agree. Chores and regular responsibilities give kids good work habits and helps them learn how to be responsible from the start. Yeah, talk about long hours, growing up on the farm we worked as hard and long as our parents doing farm work daily seven days a week. And we didn't think a thing about it, cause it took all of working to keep things going - it was just how it was. My son has things he is responsible for in the house - in addition to keeping his room clean. Garbage, cat box (and cleaning the area around the cat box etc), and things like that. He knows that his chores and homework have to be done first every day when he gets home from school. And if there are games, or things he wants to attend and do, I do the chores for him or let him do them later on those occasions, etc. But he has his work around the house just like I do, and I think all kids are better off when they do have that type of work to do.
@vidhyagowri (1973)
• United States
2 Mar 09
my girls are gonna be 5 in may. I asked them to put the garbage trash covers (smaller ones from office room, kids room etc) to the garbage vehicle and they do that even now. its their duty to do that. Also I make sure they put their dishes after finishing their dinner in sink. I don't let them wash. Recently i asked them to peel off the skin from cooked potato(thats how we use potato in cooking) which they really enjoyed and helped me.
@kquiming (2997)
• Philippines
2 Mar 09
my kid is 4 years old now. i make him keep his own toys, eat his own lunch and do his homework. but that doesn't mean i leave him all alone on his own, i still make sure i check him from time to time.
• United States
17 Apr 09
My children are 2 and 3 and I make them clean up after themselves.They pick up there toys and help make there beds. They also like to help with the floors and the dishes. The only rule I do enforce is there toys and bed. They are only toddlers but they rarely argue about cleaning up there room.