Which is warmer, a blanket or comforter?

United States
February 27, 2009 2:13pm CST
It's cold enough at night to need another cover on the bed, which I don't have. I've heard that down comforters are nice and warm. I'd love to get one but it's not in my budget. Should I skip ahead and just buy an electric blanket? If I just get something non-electric, would I be warmer with a cotton fiber-fill comforter or a blanket?
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8 responses
@MichGurl (144)
• United States
28 Feb 09
I have had down comforters and I personally hate them. Aside from them being really expensive, the feathers tend to fall out all over, as well as they get unevenly disbursed throughout the comforter making it lumpy and very unattractive to look at. I have an electric blanket called a Blanket with a brain, which I LOVE! I live in Michigan and our winters get very cold, so it's my best friend, especially since I have a basement bedroom. LOL! But this year I didn't bother with is as I didn't want to add to the electric bill any more than I had to, so now I'm just sticking with my bed sheet and one comforter which is flannel and its even better in my opinion because it's just as warm, they're relatively cheap, and they don't use electricity. ;-)
• United States
28 Feb 09
I'm so glad you gave me the heads up about down comforters! You and the others who have responded all live where it really gets cold. You're the experts! I live in California where it doesn't snow. It just gets cold enough for a little extra something. I got a comforter and had a warm night...very happy. Thanks for your comments.
@MichGurl (144)
• United States
28 Feb 09
Anytime, glad we all could be of help. :-)
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
28 Feb 09
LOL-- To be honest, unless it's REALLY cold in the apt, I neither use blanket or comforter...our landlord has so much heat on, and ours is the type you can't regulate that all I have is just a sheet over me when I sleep...I might sometimes use just my velour robe over that if it's chilly...as for you though...have you thought of trying ebay??? They might have new comforters for real cheap-- I just did a quick search....they have some brand new ones up for auction for less than $20 which is kind of cheap--as for an electric blanket...I wouldn't trust them...more fires start with those things
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
28 Feb 09
I'm surprised it gets so cold though where you are--remember, my aunt lives in abouts in your area..LOL
• United States
28 Feb 09
Ebay is cool...except waiting. I wanted something NOW so I got a comforter at Walmart for $25. Thanks for your comment.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
28 Feb 09
I have always found that a comforter is warmer, it might be a matter of taste I don't know.
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• United States
28 Feb 09
I decided on a comforter. Last night I was nice and warm. Thanks for your comment.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
3 Mar 09
Thing is, once in bed for awhile and your body heat heats the blankets - you'lll stay warm. Electric blankets, although maybe good for cold eastern winters, I think are a waste. I used to just put my heating pad under the covers when I started getting ready for bed... voila! Warm bed when I got in! But flannel sheets are great! I just bought a set that was on sale and boy howdy, those things are warm and comfortable to the point it is hard to get out of bed!!!! Or, a sheet with a crochets blanket on top. THe weight of the crocheted blanket keeps the heat in and keeps it and the sheet around you and the sheet covers the holes in the blanket.. works really well or just add 1 more blanket. Keeping the warm air in, and the cold air out so that your body heat can warm things up is how it works!!!
• United States
3 Mar 09
Thanks for your input, coffee. Right now I'm feeling warm enough with the addition of a comforter.
@ellie333 (21016)
27 Feb 09
Hi Joyce, With the amazing scarfs that you crochet I would say neither of the above suggestions and go with crocheting a big throw to go over the bed thats what I do and they are so warm. I use up an oddments. I personally don't trust electric blankets and go for layers and an old fashioned water bottle to warm the bed before getting in but that is a personal choice. In fact I crochet more blankets in the winter because as they grow they keep me warm whilst downstairs making them LOL. Huggles. Ellie :D
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• United States
28 Feb 09
I tend to not finish throws. I finished one that's kind of short -- 40" x 45" I think. Got another one in bright colors that I have to attach a piece and haven't gotten around to it. Thanks for responding. Just a few more nights of cold for which I'm grateful. I really like cold better than heat.
@Amber4106 (540)
• United States
27 Feb 09
I'd have to say that a comforter would probably be warmer, but a blanket would be easier on a person's budget. I've used electric blankets before, and they help out a lot. You could stay pretty warm with just a light blanket and an electric blanket, or you could buy a good comforter...I guess it's just really up to how much money you are able to spend. The weather will be warming up soon, so a blanket might work better since there won't be many really cold days left. Over the spring and summer, you could save up for a nice comforter. Hope this helps!
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• United States
28 Feb 09
Today I ended up buying a comforter at Walmart for $25. It's reversible (two shades of blue) and the fabric is that microfiber...has a silky or suede-like feel. I'm going to put it UNDER my bedspread because my cat's a big shedder.
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
1 Mar 09
A comforter is certainly warmer than a blanket... i used the former when i was still working abroad since my room was airconditioned... i never turn it off... so i needed a comforter especially when it gets too cold for me... but right now... here in my country... i don't have a comforter since i don't need one... it doesn't get too cold here...
• United States
14 May 11
I've found electric blankets are nice to warm up the bed. However, I tend to feel to hot in one in the middle of the night. So when I use one I just use it to warm up the bed before we crawl into it. I've never owned a down comforter but you are right they are pricey and I would also assume cleaning them would be quite an expense as well. We just have flannel comforters and they keep us warm quite nicely.