What is Beauty?

@vinumdas (261)
August 26, 2006 1:07am CST
Is it looks...smile...body...xxx,.... or is it the character?
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43 responses
• India
30 Dec 06
i used to see a person beauty from their character
• India
30 Dec 06
it shows ur character
@clickerz (471)
• Philippines
30 Dec 06
As the saying says " Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder." so it depends on someone perceptions. Beauty to them maybe in physical aspects,to some see it in a persons heart and doing etc. So theres many instances that we can appreciate and relate beauty.
• India
30 Dec 06
beaut is only is feeling it, it is your thinking ........
30 Dec 06
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, it's in the spirit and in the soul.
@ambi_ash (51)
• India
30 Dec 06
has beauty become so plain and banal that u could find only looks, smile, body and character to box it in...????
@dellion (6698)
• Malaysia
23 Oct 06
i think "smiles" is the most beautiful thing on earth regardless for whom it may conern:)
@im_vjy (1480)
• India
23 Oct 06
• Philippines
23 Oct 06
Charm is deceiptive and beauty doe'nst last but a woman who fears and reverences GOD shall be greatly praised...proverbs 31:30
• Philippines
23 Oct 06
Charm is deceiptive and beauty doe'nst last but a woman who fears and reverences Gos shall be greatly praised...proverbs 31:30
• India
22 Oct 06
that 4m inside
@yasir2010 (284)
• Pakistan
30 Dec 06
well beauty can be explain as "BALANCE IN EVERY THING IS BEAUTY" it can be seen in everything well depend's upon the person who see.love can not be defined it can be just feel
@safiuddin (165)
• India
30 Dec 06
yes beauty does matter but 2 some xtent .i think dat it the character that matters a lot .An urdu proverb says "admi surat se nahi seerat se pehchana jata hai"(a man can not be judged correctly by his face but by his character)
• India
30 Dec 06
beauty is the one which we r impressed on looking it . it doesn't mean that the out looking personality.beauty is the combination if behavoiur and attitude.beauty without behaviour is not the real beauty of a person its the good character or behaviour of the person
@spikyarj (519)
• India
20 Sep 06
its the sum total of everything you have said...the smile..face..the looks..the figure..the character..everything...
• India
20 Sep 06
its character. then beauty
• India
20 Sep 06
its character. then beauty
• India
22 Oct 06
beauty is truth and truth is beauty.
@im_vjy (1480)
• India
22 Oct 06
Beauty smile and her thoughts!!
@insecure (612)
• India
22 Oct 06
cannot be defined