Woken at 3am to a male child calling for their dad?
By ellie333
@ellie333 (21016)
February 28, 2009 11:50am CST
Last night I was woken at just after 3am to a male childs voice calling for his dad, my own young son wasn't at home so not him. I mentioned to my next door neighbour this morning and she said her youngest had also said he had heard the same. A few months back now my neighbour had a young boy crying for his mum in her house whilst I experienced a couple who appeared to be looking for him. What do you guys make of this? There is definately no presence permanently here in this house but something does seem to pass through from time to time. Thoughts pleas. Huggles. Ellie :D
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30 responses
@Darkwing (21583)
28 Feb 09
Yes, there is definitely something passes through there, my friend. I can vouch for that! lol.
I would imagine that possibly your neighbour's and your house are built on a plot where there was once either a farmhouse, or some sort of ancient dwelling, which has since been demolished in order to clear the site. I think if I was in your position, I would want to look into that... some old town plans or maps or something. It could be that the parents of a little boy who once lived there came to some sort of sticky end and he's now searching for them. I would make some enquiries back in time. He's obviously not harmful, but I find it interesting when a spirit regularly comes to a place... I have to know what the reason is... you know me!!! ha ha ha.
Brightest Blessings, my friend.
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@Darkwing (21583)
1 Mar 09
Yes, that's what I thought was strange. There could, I suppose, have been tied cottages there or something, or maybe even an old barn or something like that. Please keep me up to date on your findings... I'm very interested to know. Are you able to talk with the boy?
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@ellie333 (21016)
1 Mar 09
Yes they may well have been an outbuilding at some stage but nothing that is listed anywhere, there were orchards and a very large old tree which is still standing and the farmer was horrid from talking to locals that I can other than that nothing, although tha lane that runs up by me the other side of the stream is an old track leading up to a very old place called Al La Ronde so maybe he became ill on a journey and laid down on the land here to rest. I will try to find out more though and update you when I can. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@ellie333 (21016)
28 Feb 09
Hi Darkwing, I can't remember whether the old farmhouse was still up when you were here or not but as far as I am aware that has been the only old building, ours were built on virgin farmland only 11 years ago but I will make some enquiries, my neighbour knows more on the local history than I do but it strange that it is both myself and her expereincing this. I will try to help this little lad if I can in any way though. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
28 Feb 09
Nothing so ghostly like that here. That does sound pretty mysterious. Maybe you could go to the library and do some research on the address. When I get wakened by a voice calling for daddy it is my daughter 1/2 asleep.
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@ellie333 (21016)
28 Feb 09
Hi Ersmommy, the houses here are only 11 years old and built on virgin land from what I can make out but the time I saw the couple was when they were in the proces of demolishing an old farmhouse on the other side of the stream. I remember the woman more clearly than the man and she was wearing very drab browny coloured long clothes and appeared very sad. It is very strange that each time something happens the neighbour has something happen too but cannot find any reason for it and like I said not a permanaent presense, just comes and goes. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@ellie333 (21016)
28 Feb 09
Hi P1key, Thanks I am too welcoming at times eh so I guess that is why they do feel safe comin here LOL. I am sure there are a few stories associated with the cathedral that might be interesting to find out about. I am so used to animal noises at night but cats can sound very human at times eh! Huggles. Ellie :D

@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
1 Mar 09
huh?i get cold and scared reading this topic
.maybe there´s a kid killed in that area and nobody knows it.you should inform this in a police or asking neighbor if there is kid missing.how are you by the way Elli?long time no hear from you.
.when i was single i lived in a old house and i always heared the guy has deep breathing and hear walking but i dont see human.when i ask the neighbor said just ignore because there was a guy killed or hang himself at the back of the house

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@ellie333 (21016)
2 Mar 09
Hi Bombshell, I am fine just been on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster of late so haven't been here much been distracted with other stuff thatnks for asking. Wow so you have experienced a visit from the sirit world too, poor guy I wonder what drove him to hang himself bless. This little lad sounds so sad I am going to try to find out more. Huggles. Ellie :D
@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
2 Mar 09
you are strong Ellie
to fight the rollercoaster
.well i had too.when i heared i never scared till neighbors told me.so now thinking your case i gues i can´t sleep in that house anymore but yes he needs help and its a big thing if you can find out what is wrong.by the way if you are catholic you can arrange the mass for the little boy and it helps too!

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@ellie333 (21016)
1 Mar 09
Hi Lore, I felt more concernd for the little lad than scared, the living frighten me more. I don't think it was a prank as I have seen his parents looking for him in the past and the same night neighbour had a little boy in her room with her crying for his mummy bless so more to it than that I believe. Will try to help in whatever way I can though. Huggles. Ellie :D

@MaryLynn321 (2680)
• United States
1 Mar 09
I have a friend on the internet, that has a presence living in her home. She has told me stories, and for some reason I completely believe her. They have learned to live with the presence, in fact it is a little boy.
It sound like that is what you have. I don't know who you would get help from. But sometimes they say if you talk to the presence and tell them to go into the light, that they will go away. Maybe this boy is looking for his dad.
@MaryLynn321 (2680)
• United States
3 Mar 09
You are very welcome, let me know how it goes. I can always get you in touch with my friend.
Hugs Mary
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Mar 09
I was reading one of your responses how the homes in your area aren't very old, so nix the idea of the typical old home theory of ghostly visits. Do you know the exact history of your area? Even though the homes may be "new" perhaps when they demolished the old homes there could have been some "mystery" attached to them..prior hauntings? Hey, it's not like a poltergeist kind of thing is it? Remember in the movie, the homes were built on former cemeteries???
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@ellie333 (21016)
2 Mar 09
Hi Pyewacket, I am going to look more indepth into the history o the area but I do know for the living memory years where these houses are was farmland. Poltergist, ooh now that one gives me the shivers but I don't feel it is anything harmful like that I feel this family needs to be reunited with each other in some way. Huggles. Ellie :D
@msmell (1378)
• Australia
2 Mar 09
Hi Ellie,
I don't know very much about the spirit world myself but I have seen a little girl myself when my mum rented a very very old house and I seen this little girl twice both times it was when I was in the shower and I said to my mum that I had seen her and told her what she looked like dressed in a very old fashion nightie and I said to my mum to me I got the feeling that this little girl had drown, so my mum went to the local library and researched it and low and behold there was a little girl that had lived in the house at the start of the century and she passed away from drowning and I also wondered what the little girl wanted me to know but she didnt scare me at all, and reading about your ghost makes me think that this little boy has been lost and is trying to find his way home, nothing to do with the house itself could even have been years before the houses were build there but like I said i don't know much about it and would be interested to see if oyu are able to research anything about it and let us know what you find.
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@marketing07 (6266)
• South Korea
1 Mar 09
hi ellie..i think it might be a spirit or a ghost that missing his dad attention..or a prayer..i dont know exactly what thats means..hope evrythings okay..have a nice day
@littleowl (7157)
28 Feb 09
Hi Ellie..personally knowing how 'aware' you are of spirit that is is what you are experiencing, there must of been a boy at sometime tht was calling for his dad or couldn't find his dad so he is making you aware of it...huggles littleowl
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@littleowl (7157)
28 Feb 09
I think that is what he asking for some help to find his dad and if your neighbors heard it too if you cant help he is probably asking for them to ou help all you can do is ask him to show you what he wants you to do for the time being and see what happens....huggles littleowl xxx
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@amanda333 (739)
• France
28 Feb 09
I live in an old farm house and when we first moved in, we had a ghosts, a baby crying in the loft (before we renovated the place). I use to think it was my youngest daughter crying because she was only two at the time. I'd look around and then she'd (my daughter) would come in from another room smiling. At first it freaked me out, and all the family heard it. Then other times we'd see quick shadows pass the window, but it wasn't all the time, just now and again. That was just the first few years.
Now after nearly eight years, I haven't heard the baby for a long time, and don't see our friends passing by the window, but they never bothered any of us,we just got on with our lives. I wouldn't say they've gone because you never no, because this house is four hundred years old.
Anyway what i would do is see how things turn out, if you try to help, do you no what your doing...best of luck

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@ellie333 (21016)
1 Mar 09
Hi Amanda, It sounds like a lovely home you have there and full of history too. I would get someone in to send the lad to the light to be reunited with his parents rather than try to do anything myself but I know it is nothing harmful so not afraid. Huggles. Ellie :D
@amanda333 (739)
• France
1 Mar 09
I think your very wise dear friend, have a lovely day, God bless x

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@mysticmaggie (2498)
• United States
2 Mar 09
Anybody checked the attic? Call the police. If they don't find anything, then call Ghost Busters. I tend to think there's a little boy being left alone somewhere and it needs to be reported yesterday to the cops.
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@ellie333 (21016)
2 Mar 09
Hi Mysticmaggie, Nothing in my attic other than the Christmas decorations and a few bits but I hear what you are saying. I haven't been disturbed since but do believe it is a spirit child. Thanks for your concern. I will keep an eye out for anything physically unsual though. Huggles. Ellie :D
@okkidokitokki (1736)
• United States
28 Feb 09
I would have called to check on my son this morning. That is odd. But young children are more likly to hear things like that.
@okkidokitokki (1736)
• United States
28 Feb 09
There have been times in my life when I have a bad feeling or odd experiance and it turns out that a family member was in danger or something like that. And so when I have those feelings or experiances I call to check on my people.
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
1 Mar 09
I used to have very young ghost in my previous location. My house overnight guests end up asking me who cried at night. It was a boy, blond, maybe 8 years old...one person saw the shade passing the wall(!!!)...
Many people witnessed his presence. Parallel dimension or ghost, who knows...
He was very playful, hiding my belongings, turning water off in my garden when I was watering and talking to my dogs, so they wiggle tails looking at the wall...
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@ellie333 (21016)
2 Mar 09
Hi Polachicago, Oh yes the younger they are the more pranks they seem to play, I hope it is a parallel dimension rather than a ghost as if a ghost needs to be reunited with his parents and passed over to the light, but if this is the case I will get help to do that. Thank you for sharing your experience. Huggles. Ellie :D
@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
1 Mar 09
Hi Ellie - that's so exciting and interesting! I hope there is a follow-up to the story and maybe even a manifestation. Did you actually 'see' the couple who were looking for the child? If your neighbour had a similar experience, it does seem the little lad passes from one property to the next. Maybe in another time, there was a larger house built there? So intriguing - lucky you!
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@ellie333 (21016)
1 Mar 09
Hi Guybrush, no I didn't see the lad but yes I saw both the parents but the mother more clearly and she was dressed in rather drab brownish coloured clothes and seemed to be searching for something and the man was a lot taller and seemed to be holding her as if to support, they were both there for quite a few minutes and then moved accross the room and disappeared. The land these houses are on was farmland but I am goin to look a bit more indepth and see if I can help reunite them somehow with a little help ofcourse from my friends. Huggles. Ellie :D
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
1 Mar 09
How strange Ellie. Have you ever thought of leaving a tape recorder on and seeing if any voices show up - like they do on Ghost Hunters? Sometimes spirits voices can be heard on tape, even if you don't hear them at the time. I've thought of doing this at Dad's place, to see if Mom says anything. But, I haven't been sure I want to do so.
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@ellie333 (21016)
1 Mar 09
Hi Tess, I think at where your mum is concerned it might be upsetting either way if she does say anything or if she doesn't so I can understand your reservatioin there. I really ought to do a tape recording, it would be interesting as every now and again some strange things do happen here but it is not a permanent presence and I feel safe here. I will help this family all I can. Huggles. Ellie :D
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
1 Mar 09
Wow, what I find amazing is that your neighbour's son heard it also. I wonder what the story is. It sounds awfully sad being a child calling for his parents. You said you experienced a couple looking for him andI read in one of your comments that you saw them, do you often see spirits? Are you psychic? If they are all connected it appears to be a whole family who has passed over but they have not all managed to meet up on the other side.
I wish I knew how to help them find each other so they can all move on! I wonder if an expert medium could make a connection with these spirits.

@ellie333 (21016)
1 Mar 09
Hi Paula, yes I did the parents but not the lad, years ago my daughter had a little girl that I helped go to the light but I never saw her although aware, I see some and not others, had a few nasty experiences too but have opened the Bible at Psalm 91 and said the Lord's Prayer. I do get shown a lot of things before they happen but I wouldn't class myself as psychic at all but just have a sense of knowing or being made aware. I will do I can to reunite this family as it is so sad. Huggles. Ellie :D
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
1 Mar 09
Maybe, just maybe, they are lost souls trying to find each other. Just because the house is only 11 years old and built on virgin soil doesn't mean that nothing ever happened on that land at all. Try talking to them when they pass through. I know that may sound crazy, but maybe talking to them would help. IF you happen to know the answer to what thy are looking for, or WHO they are lookin for, tell them. If not, tell them you do not know, but you would appreciate it if they would be quiet so you can sleep.
My oldest son was only 3 months old, and every night, I would hear little kids playing with him. It owuld wake me up and I would still hear them and see my son giggling and raching up, yes, at only three months old. After the first time it happened, I really paid attantion to him at night. The second night, I asked them to please wait until daylight hours to play because we needed to sleep at night. It worked. They didn't come back at night, but during the day, I would hear them laughing and running all thruogh my apartment. They were not harmful, so it didn't bother me that they were there.
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@ellie333 (21016)
2 Mar 09
Hi Lynnemg, Thank you I will try to communicate if they come again and see if I might be able to help them reunite in some way. I am pleased you managed to get to sleep at night after asking them not to disturb you at night, Thank you for sharing. Huggles. Ellie :D
@golddrizzle71 (113)
• United States
28 Feb 09
I haven't experience nothing like this before. That is strange. Did anything happen in the house before your neighbors moved in? I would suggest to do some research. I hope everything turns out ok. All the best, Ellie.
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@ellie333 (21016)
1 Mar 09
Hi Golddrizzle, No the house was brand new when the neigbours moved in so it not the house but mane from the land although virgin that it is built on. The boy sounds sad rather than harmful so I will try to help somehow and look a little more in depth into the history of the area. Huggles. Ellie :D