I had a very nice experience at Walmart a couple days ago
By dragon54u
@dragon54u (31634)
United States
February 28, 2009 6:24pm CST
I was at the deli to get some lunchmeat and wanted Echrich Mesquite Smoked Turkey, the cheapest price of the kind of meat I wanted. Well, they were all out and the girl said the only thing they had was Sara Lee. I think Sara Lee is overpriced and you're paying for the name but I smiled and said I really love the flavor so I'll take the Sara Lee. We chatted as she sliced it then she handed me my package and one look told me it was mispriced!
"This isn't the right price!" I told her but she laughed and said it's ok. "Since you were so cool about it I went ahead and gave you the price for bologna."! What a nice thing for her to do!
Do things like this ever happen to you? I've had them happen at least once a year, it always makes me feel so good! 

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8 responses
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
2 Mar 09
That's awesome, dragon! Thanks so much for sharing! It's not often enough that we hear of stories of kindness, however small.
I've always felt that, if every one of us did something nice for just one person every day, the entire world would be such a great place to live, you know? It doesn't have to be anything huge, nor even something that's noticed right away.
I've heard that kindness is always returned 10-fold. I never thought that was anywhere near the truth until I found myLot. It's proven here every day. Even something as small and easy to do as writing a few kind words could make a huge difference in someone's day.
I've received so much inspiration and kindness from people here that I feel compelled to spread it around.
Well, enough mush over myLot... back to your story. You never know where you're going to find kindness, that's for sure! Finding it FROM WalMart just ain't gonna happen but, finding it IN WalMart is something else. My son works at WalMart and he's one of those kind-hearted employees who would bend over backwards to help anyone in need. WalMart's management doesn't care, believe me, they don't, but a lot of their employees do! Oops, I mean 'Associates'. I'm glad you shared your story with us.
Enjoy your Sara Lee!!!
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
2 Mar 09
I have never met a surly or unhelpful Walmart "associate". I don't care for the corporation and Sam Walton is probably spinning in his grave to see the way they run his brainchild, but the employees are terrific! You tell your son he can be proud that he's working with a great bunch of people--and I've been in Walmarts from the West, the Southwest, the South and the Midwest! 

@mentalward (14690)
• United States
2 Mar 09
Don't go to one particular WalMart in Maryland, then! That store is LOADED with surly associates! I doubt there's one smile on any employee's face in any given day at this particular store!
I even wrote to their headquarters about it. Not only are the associates really nasty, but they'll argue with you, the customer, and they also joke around with fellow associates... actually stop working to do this... while on the cash registers when there's a line of people waiting to check out!
I've been in WalMarts in 6 different states and never met a bad WalMart employee other than in this one store in Baltimore. The store itself is always trashy and dirty. I took my camera in there one day and took photos of pallets of merchandize blocking emergency exits, blocking whole aisles, carts full of trash just sitting in the aisles, oh, it's a horrible store!
After sending those photos to WalMart headquarters, the store was cleaner, for maybe a couple of weeks before it was right back where it started from. After that, I refused to go to that store anymore and drove an additional 6 miles, one way, to the next closest store.
Sorry, this discussion made me remember that store and how angry I got every time I walked in there. I'm SO glad we moved!!!
The majority of the associates are really nice folks. I've had some really great conversations with some of them. (As you know, I'm rather fond of talking. LOL)
I only wish their corporate headquarters was still run the way Sam Walton ran it, with caring and understanding of, not only the patrons, but the associates as well.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
2 Mar 09
What a lovely thing for her to do. That quite restores my faith in humankind! I have had such things happen to me occasionally although I had to laugh at the Boss recently. A women passed us in a supermarket and dropped her (empty) shopping bag, but didn't notice. The Boss picked it up and ran after her. Te woman, not knowing that she was being chased, walked faster and faster and I could see The Boss having to run faster to catch her! Eventually she managed to tap the woman on the arm and return the bag. I nearly wet myself laughing! I had of course regained my composure by the time she turned back towards me!!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
2 Mar 09
LOL! I'm glad you were able to keep a straight face! Now be prepared for something nice to happen to the Boss or (less likely, because you laughed) to you. All the good things we do are returned to us eventually. The more you say about the Boss, the more we like her. 

@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
3 Mar 09
Awwwww...that reminds me of my ex husband. He is such a dear person in many ways. We were walking into McDonald's one day when the boys were young and there was a homeless person on the sidewalk. He asked him to come with us and the manager objected to the man's presence. Well, my husband told him not only would he not pay for the order, but he would sue him for discrimination because the man's meal was paid for. I was SO proud of him!! We ate dinner with that man who was quite crazy though not violent, he was in another world and naturally not able to live in this one. Unfortunately, our ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) has seen to it that nobody can legally force the poor man to take medications that will allow him to support himself or get mental therapy.
Anyway, I digress. I know how you feel. And you wouldn't mind losing so much for the Boss, right? Because she'd still have that love, that spark, that fire of energy and compassion that made you fall in love with her. It's a beautiful thing when everything conspires to support the first head-bangs of love! 

@p1kef1sh (45681)
2 Mar 09
She is truly a wonderful woman. Genuinely. She bought breakfast for a homeless woman she found on the street this morning on her way to work (she walks). She has been know to pay the difference when people don't have enough money at the checkout and always sends flowers when her colleagues are sick. I am always amazed that we have any money at all. When we first married I used to say that one day I'd come home and discover that she had given all our furniture away! LOL. She says that it's all to do with Catholic guilt.
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@GreenMoo (11833)
3 Mar 09
Isn't it great how a little kindness like that can leave you with a warm glow all day? :-)
She probably appreciated someone talking to her like a human. So many people treat sales staff as if they were automatons and don't even bother with common politeness.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
3 Mar 09
That's why I'm always extra nice to sales staff. Many people expect so much of them and don't consider their feelings. I look forward to seeing her again on my next trip, not because of the price break but because she's so nice to talk with. 

@coffeegurl (1467)
• United States
2 Mar 09
I get so many free things from my looks. One time I was in Starbucks and the guy behind the counter said,"Hey, I like your dress, it's hemp isn't it?" I wanted a coffee and a black n white cookie. He gave me both for free. Starbucks NEVER gives anything away for free. I should have given him my number. He was cute.:)
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
2 Mar 09
That happened to me a lot when I was in my teens, 20's and 30's. It's so much fun, isn't it?
Of course, there were no Starbucks then but I did get quite a few compliments and freebies. 

@choltonr409 (48)
• United States
3 Mar 09
You seem to me like a very high spirited person. You get what you deserve. Doing one nice thing for someone and not expecting something in return gives you a really good feeling. Thats why they say smiles are contagous I guess.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
3 Mar 09
Exactly!! When I get up in the morning I decide my day will be great. I try to pass that on to everyone on the net or "real" life. I try to meet the mailman (or woman) and give them a kind word, take a cart to the corral for an old person, etc. The Boy Scouts were right, one (or more) good deed per day is good for ya!
Makes everyone feel terrific!

@Mystic_Dragon (89)
• United States
2 Mar 09
That is so nice to hear. We hear so much bad news and sad news that one like this, just makes a smile come upon me.
I have had a recent experience like yours. I went down to the corner mart, there are no major stores where I live, and had done my shopping and was checking out. I was looking at the total as she was ringing things up and I had to have her stop and even put some things back. I did not have enough money as it was the end of the month. She was taking the items off the receipt and then had the manager sign it. When she was bagging my things, I saw she was putting in the items I had asked her to take off. In fact, she got in the cart and loaded the other 6 items I could not get. I got a knot in my stomach thinking how to tell her and when I did, she said that she was told to put the items in my sacks. I said "but I can't afford them" and she said not to worry as she was told to bag them up. She did something on the register and the total came to $42 something and I paid, leaving me some change. I looked at the manager and said thank you. She came over to me and said that she was told to let me have the groceries. I said you were told, knowing she was the manager, I could not imagine who had told her. I saw nobody else around so I asked her to thank whomever it was that told her that. She said she already had. She bent over to me and told me that GOD had told her to do this.
All the way home I thanked who had told the manager, too. I was crying. Now I talk to God all of the time and I pray, but that day, my tears said what was in my heart because I had no words.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
2 Mar 09
That was more than a good deed, that was God telling you that He loves you and cares about what happens to you. He wanted to boost your spirit and let you know that things are not so bad-you can depend on your brothers and sisters in Christ not only to help you survive but to shore up your optimism.
I love hearing stories like this! I have never had to NOT count up money as I move through the grocery aisles so I understand the position you are in. Hey, you may not have much money but you are still a wealthy person in everything that counts!
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
1 Mar 09
I've been in stores where things have rang up the wrong price and when I point it out to them, they always tell me that if it rings up that price, that is what they are going to charge me, regardless of whether or not the price is wrong. That is always nice because usually, I end up paying far less than I should have for said items.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
1 Mar 09
Federal guidelines mandate that stores have a policy on items that are rung up wrongly! It's fine if you get a lower price but if they overcharge you they HAVE to refund you the difference and most stores have a compensation, such as you get it free up to $5. Ask what your stores' policies are. The department of weights and measures handles pricing and they require this policy. Ask at the customer service counter and if they don't know ask to see a manager so you'll know next time and won't get ripped off if they charge you higher!
@kellyjeanne (1576)
• United States
1 Mar 09
Experiences like that really make your day don't they? I love it when things like that happen to me. I would be more than glad to relate a couple to you, but, I'm just very tired tonight. You have a great day dragon!
Catwoman=^..^= & Mija
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
1 Mar 09
I would like to see you start a discussion on those experiences when you feel more up to it and energized! I love reading good news and good experiences! With nothing on the news but gloom and doom, I really enjoy things like that. I'll be looking forward to it when you're rested and motivated to type it up!