Why, oh why, must you blast the volume to change channels??

United States
March 1, 2009 3:21pm CST
My boyfriend does it all the time. Turns the volume up on the tv ... then starts channel surfing. So all you hear, at top volume, is half words! Vid - Cheetah - consequent - car crash - Justin Timb - (siren) - Moooooooooo! Makes me crazy! He does the same thing with the radio. I want to know, why not wait until you find the show you want to watch, then turn it up? Why do you need to blast half of a phrase from each channel? And why not just use the on screen guide instead of flipping through every channel?? :D Is it just a guy thing, or are there girls out there guilty of this offense? :D
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11 responses
@oyenkai (4394)
• Philippines
10 Mar 09
I have no explanation for such a behavior... Actually I don't even like the sound when I channel surf. And I don't really like channel surfing lol I get a headache when different lights flash on my eyes all too quickly! Thanks for the response on my discussion!
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@oyenkai (4394)
• Philippines
11 Mar 09
I don't find it weird. I can totally understand. I'm in the Computer Industry and my colleagues find it strange that I don't play video games - at all. I can play tetris and stuff, but not games that include "me" (my character) moving around in places. I get motion sickness. :P I just tell them that I didn't learn how to play games in school - I learned how to code LOL
• United States
10 Mar 09
I get a headache if he does it for too long, too. And some video games will give me a headache if I play them too long. Wierd, huh? Thanks!!
• Philippines
1 Mar 09
I channel surf every time but definitely not at the top volume! It annoys me to hear too much noise. My uncle, whenever he watches DVD, you could hear it up to the next street. Definitely, it's a guy thing
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• Philippines
1 Mar 09
Hey Corty! Yeah, channel guide is sure the easy thing to do. Well, channel surfing just sort of a habit to me. I do it since I was a kid and nobody wants to watch TV with me 'cause they lost track of what's happening in the show, lol. But, I don't like it loud. I see that most guys like it though. I dunno what's wrong with them, lol.
• United States
1 Mar 09
Hey dutchess!! I will look to see what's on, don't get me wrong, but I use the on screen guides because I hate the sound of the channel changing over and over. :D
• United States
1 Mar 09
my boyfriend does the exact samething. even if he is watching a show, as soon as a commerical comes on, he is right back to channel surfing. it drives me crazy and even when i say something, he still continues.
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• United States
1 Mar 09
That really bugs me! I get to see two halves of two different shows, and never know how either one ended up!! We watch just enough to get me interested in what's going to happen, then flip to something else where we don't know what's going on! lol :D
• United States
3 Mar 09
I'm sorry but that's kind of funny. I can only imagine how annoying it is at 30 decibels...my first roommate in college hated commercials so every time the commercials would come on she'd start flipping through the channels. And it wasn't like she was looking for something different so she literally flipped through the channels, so fast that "Cheetah" or "consequent" was far too many syllables. I'm not sure I ever even heard anything as long as "vid" LOL So then I try to imagine that at top volume and it makes me laugh. Not so much in a haha that's funny sort of way but in a haha really? sort of way
1 person likes this
• United States
3 Mar 09
It's pretty annoying ... I think it would be less annoying if he just held the button down and really flipped like your roommate, but he stops just long enough to make that awful noise! lol :D Laugh away, it is funny, just annoying too.
@uicbear (1900)
• United States
1 Mar 09
Flipping channels drives me up the wall. My brother used to do this all the time. You want to know what cured him...our DVR. Now he records all his favorite shows and always has something to watch! I used to ask him, during his channel changing days, "Why not just go to the guide channel, it's faster?" I got the old, "I dunno." Maybe it's the whole caveman, hunting thing.
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• United States
1 Mar 09
We don't have a DVR but we do have digital cable with the on-screen guide. You can actually channel surf without changing the channel if you don't want to go to the entire guide screen. You're probably right, it's got to be a hunting thing, lol, bravely searching for the best shows, or just worried they are missing something better
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
20 Mar 09
I hope this behavior is neither a guy or gal thing and just a peculiar quirk of your BD. I have to admit it's kind of funny though I know if I were experiencing it first hand it would drive me nuts!
• United States
20 Mar 09
It seems to be more of a guy thing, at least from the responses I got ... either way, I just hide the remote! LOL.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
20 Mar 09
Ooops, that should be BF.
@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
11 Mar 09
I hate when the television is blasting loud. The radio doesn't bother me that much, as long as it is not blaring so loud it is hurting my ears. My family all turns their televisions up loud except for me. It would be even more aggravating if they did it while surfing the channels. You would think he would wait until he found the show he wanted to watch like you said.
• United States
11 Mar 09
At least there are a few of us around with common sense!!
@thedaddym (1731)
• United States
10 Mar 09
My wife accuses me of that too. Of course I don't think I do it, but according to her it drives her nuts. Sometimes I will watch something for a couple of minutes and change the channel and she will get mad because she was getting in to it. I am also a notorious remote hog, and when I am home no one else can touch the remote.
• United States
10 Mar 09
That makes me as crazy as the sound of flipping channels! Watching 1/3 of three different shows! LOL. Maybe when I win the lottery I will get one of the huge tv's with the split screen so he can watch 4 different shows at once. And I'll be in the other room with earplugs in. LOL
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
10 Mar 09
Hi, cortypants! Not me! I can't stand the thought of a loudly blasted radio or T.V. Yes, he should turn the T.V. volume down so that it won't be too loud.. With it being low in sound, it will ease some tension. He should, out of respect, keep it turned down lower. I guess this is a guy thing.. But my hubbie does not do this. I don't know about any other guy.. But, he should keep the volume down..
• United States
10 Mar 09
Hello, cream97! :D I think I will get myself a remote for the tv and just mute it when he starts flipping channels! LOL!
@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
1 Mar 09
My husband channel surfs but swears he don't touch the volume, lol.... Though it's blaring so loud I have to yell at him to talk, and then it's pretty much pointless to even attempt it because then he will turn it up to avoid missing something lol. I can't stand a loud TV either, I drives me insane. My son even has inheirted this trait, because his TV is always so loud, and he's not even watching it but he tells me he keeps it that loud so he won't miss anything. I watch very little TV, but when I do, I know which channel I want so I don't have to flip threw it all, and if there isn't anything on, I won't go channel surfing, I pull my guide up and look threw that.
• United States
1 Mar 09
Lol, it's got to be a guy thing. They are programmed from birth to do all things at top volume! lol
• United States
1 Mar 09
I think it's mostly a guy thing, the channel surfing part anyway. I personally do not like the volume turned up on the TV. My husband loves to have it loud. We have a limited number of English speaking channels over here so I have the numbers all memorized, my husband however prefers to flip.
• United States
1 Mar 09
I don't like the tv loud, either. The only time I turn it up is if I am watching a show like Ghost Hunters and I am trying to hear what the ghosts are saying! lol :D