Pregnancy woes...advice would be appreciated

United States
March 1, 2009 9:03pm CST
I am in the dreaded early stages of Pregnancy. I am a little over 6 weeks, but I am cursed with symptoms. I am fatigued, but can't sleep at night. My back aches, because I am mostly sitting all day due to lack of energy. The worst one is the Nausea....its terrible. I am not vomiting, but am constantly nauseous. I have found little foods that I can tolerate. Oatmeal, rice, pasta (light sauce), crackers, spinach (this one is surprising), apples, plain boiled potatoes, and some soups. NO meat, eggs, nuts or beans. So no protein. Because of this I feel starving all the time, yet don't want to eat. I bought some fresh ginger, but I am actually a little turned off by it's smell, so not sure how it is going to help me. I tried sipping 7Up as well with no luck. Anyone go through this have any advice?
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23 responses
• United States
4 Mar 09
I am 20 weeks pregnant now and I have felt pretty much everything you are going through now the only thing you can do is ride through it when i got out of my first trimester everything was and is still better I have had a dry nose since being pregnant sometimes when I blow my nose there is a little blood they say its normal but I wish it would go away and I pee 4-6 times a night but other than that I feel pretty good. so it will get a little better overtime
• United States
4 Mar 09
Yeah that is what I have been reading from the other users as well. I can't wait for this part to be over. Congrats on your pregnancy and getting through the hard part...well not exactly I guess giving birth is the hard part.
• United States
2 Mar 09
I'm not currently going through this but with my first pregnancy, I went through all of this plus worse. I threw up over everything...all times of the day, too. Water and juice (with no added sugar) helped with drinks. Eat very little meals, even the foods you crave...just eat VERY little meals. Try and eat a couple of veggies as much as possible. I used to have blackout stages all through my pregnancy. We would be walking through Wal Mart and I would blackout and have to sit on one of the shelves or the floor, lol. I felt horrible. The lack of energy thing, I had that too but doing a little at a time will help. Try walking back and forth to the mailbox a couple times a day, or try a 30 minute nap during the day. I know you can't do much at this point but the little things do help a lot. If you aren't on prenatal vitamins, get some. They will help too. Talk to your doctor about the things that you can do and just take it easy at the same time. Good luck though...things will get better.
• United States
2 Mar 09
I know what you mean about the blackouts. This happened to me yesterday at the Supermarket. My husband didn't know what was going on. I felt so dizzy and weak and overwhelmed by all the people. I had to sit down as well. I will try walking more to get my energy back. Thanks.
@koalatbs (2229)
• United States
3 Mar 09
Oh angela_allen - I feel for you... I remember when I was pregnant with my 14 year old son I couldn't stand the smell of eggs! UGH! Brushing my teeth in the early stages of pregnancy made me gag too. Weird, huh?! Oh, and car exhaust! YUCK! Ok, I don't mean to make you even more nauseous. Sorry! Hmmm, I'm trying to think about what might have helped me... well, as for the protein part, you might want to try peanut butter. Have you tried that yet? I don't know, I was hooked on Taco Bell ALL thru my pregnancy! LoL! My son loves it now too... I wonder why?! My nausea did improve quite a bit after the initial stages of being pregnant, then almost anything & everything sounded wonderful to eat. :) Unfortunately, you probably just have to hold tight (as you possibly can) until the nauseous phase is over. I hate to tell you that, but I never found anything that really helped with that part. I hope somebody else here can give you something that might have worked for them. Take care & congrats! Jill
@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
3 Mar 09
I can totally feel you. You need to go talk with your doctor about it. It may take you more than once to bring this up, because it seems every doctor will tell you, morning sickness is normal. Mine started out simliar to yours, and this was with my second pregnancy so I thought ok... a few weeks of this won't be bad, but it was 20 times worse, and it felt like I had the stomach flu day in and day out and ended up with what they call Hyperemesis Gravidarum, which is a severe form of morning sickness, with unrelenting, excessive pregnancy-related nausea and/or vomiting that prevents adequate intake of food and fluids. I was told to take Benadryl, which didn't help, then was put on Phenergan, and that didn't seem to work, so I was put on Zofran, which worked the best. It didn't take all the sickness away but it sure did control it enough to get back to a semi normal life. I was losing weight rapidly, and I just didn't feel like eating at all, but with hyperemesis, you don't have to eat to puke or feel like you gotta, it just happens. But go on and call your doctor and get in to talk to about this, because they have alot of options to help you. Best of Luck!
@shanna34 (20)
• United States
2 Mar 09
I feel for you. I was like that also, but my sickness was so bad that I was actually put on a prescription medication. I have heard that ginger settles your stomach. If you don't care for the smell - or even taste, they make a pill that is 100% ginger. You can find it with the vitamins and supplements at places like Wal-Mart and other grocery stores. It is a capsule so you don't taste it. I am not certain how quickly the benefits kick in, but it may be worth looking into. I know you are tired, but maybe walking or some other kind of exercise will help you create an energy schedule that will allow you to have energy during the day, but be sleepy at night. Whatever you do, always talk to your doctor first! Good luck!
• United States
4 Mar 09
I guess I should've mentioned that I live in Egypt, a lot of the advice given here is really great, but a lot things are not available here like the Ginger supplements, as well as Gatorade, Peanut Butter, and Folic Acid. I found that I was able to tolerate the ginger when I put it inside a cup of tea and sipped it slowy, it didn't solve the problem but it helped. Thanks for your advice!
• India
3 Mar 09
Hey angela iam the mom pf two little cute kids and so i can understand ur feeling ,even i was like that during my second pregnancy.Dont worry it willl automatically solved out after the three months will complete,and till that time i ll advise not to take any medicine without doctor'd advise and regarding food i wanna say ,try eating some pickles with ur meal it will help u ,and when u eat any beans pour some drops of lemon juice in it and see that u can eat it.ALL THE BEST SWEETY
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
2 Mar 09
I feel so sorry for you because I know having been through it what early pregnancy is like. Your hormones are busy at the moment and your body has been settling into pregnancy. Sickness is unpleasant and tiredness is very draining. I suggest you try to get relaxed before going to bed like having a bath. It would be wise for you to eat whatever foods you can tolerate and to stay away from foods that smell strongly. You could eat a little and often rather than face a heavy meal. I suggest you take pre-natal vitamins and folic acid pills. That way even if you eat little good food you will get the right vitamins. For backache I suggest you have a supportive cushion. I remember feeling well again at 12 weeks pregnancy so good luck.
@psyche49f (2502)
• Philippines
2 Mar 09
I also passed a terrible stage of early pregnancy, twice with my two kids, and so I understand your condition right now. I understand that not all women go through it, although mine was more on vomitting, and I did not like to eat. There was a time that I was admitted to the hospital and consumed 16 bots. of dextrose! It was my first pregnancy and it was like hell. I could not eat anything, so I was thin to the bones. I was practically sick, even while at work. Well, after 3 months was over, the symptoms were gone, and I started eating then. At 8 months, I was swelling all over, and looking back, I'n glad that it was over. The same happened with my second child, but I was not hospitalized anymore for hyper emesis. I can't give much helpful tips because I just waited until it was over at 3 months. So, hold on, brace yourself, soon it would be over. I admire some women because they never had to go through such ordeal. They say that after the crucifixion comes the resurrection, or behind the dark clouds is a silver lining. Congratulations. You will soon be a mother!
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
2 Mar 09
I hear you sister. I am due in April and still have lots of problems. I got to a point where I was starving and and was so hungry it was painful. My advice is dont take too much sugar. That was the worse mistake I made. I would eat or drink something sweet and feel beter for a bit and then whene the effect wore off it would hit me ien more. Try eating lots of vegetables and fruit if you can. I would sit at the table with food infront of me and cry because I wasnt able to eat anything but was starving. Also when you feel very bad ask your doctor if you can have a sport drink (not energy drink like red bull) and have a glass of it. That saved me few times. I only had 2 bottles in total. try and have small meals often if you can. I do feel for you as I know how bad it was for me and still is but I dont have long to go. In my case it was very bad because I had my gallblader removed and all the extra bile that sits in the stomack made me sick. I have vomited food only about 5 times other times its just bile and that is gross and very painfull as well. Good luck and hope you have a wonderful pregnancy. I would do it all over again without thinking I dont care how much pain I am in.
• United States
3 Mar 09
I forgot to mention. Drink water, lots of it. Water not only helps curb your appetite but is good for you. I'm not saying to not eat, you need to eat, but it will help you feel full so you won't feel like you are starving. =]
• India
3 Mar 09
hi.... my wife is suffering from same nauseous state as you are right now... here are few things you should follow to avoid nausea... 1) eating bread ... as it doesnt have any odour... 2) to sniff a lemon whenever you feel to vomit.. 3) if you have become very weak... please have a saline from doctor... this really helped my wife. 4) take bed rest till 3 months are completed. 5) Always think of the baby who's going to come... it will build a strength in you..
• United States
2 Mar 09
Well with the fatigue, you just have to deal with it. Rest when you're tired, if you can. If you talk to your doctor about the nausea, they can give you a medicine that will ease the nausea. I had to take it and my friend is taking it. Just talk to them.
2 Mar 09
The first few weeks are the worst. If you are still working and have a supportive partner get them to help with the housework and try and rest as much as you can when you are not working. I can recommend a cup of tea first thing in the morning with ginger biscuits. You are right to eat smaller amounts. Make sure your mattress is in good condition and nice and firm and that should help with your backache.
@lucas16 (98)
• Philippines
3 Mar 09
always be happy and don't be stressed out... Take care ok...
@rsa101 (38248)
• Philippines
2 Mar 09
Oh I think your symptoms is at its worse. Well I guess you have to go through with it. I think a little patience and soon you will realize that is has passed you away. You cannot take any meds right now since it may harm your baby maybe your ob gyne can get you some meds that is appropriate for you. Good luck and be happy despite your situation right now.
@tlb0822 (1410)
• United States
2 Mar 09
I know how you feel. I was actually on medication because my "morning" sickness was so bad. I had it constantly. I found eating a little at a time, and having ginger ale helped out alot. I couldn't drink much water, because it was to thin for me to keep down. If it is at all possible, don't be the one to cook the food, because just the aromas can make you nauseas and make you not want to eat. I had a difficult pregnancy. I would try walking around your house for at least five to ten minutes every hour so that your back isn't hurting so bad. Try a large maternity pillow so you are able to change positions and move around instead of staying in a sitting up position. I actually lost 15lbs in the first 2 months of my pregnancy. Then my doctor finally gave me a nausea pill that helped a lot. If you still aren't able to eat much I would tell your doctor, and maybe they can give you something along those lines, or help you find foods that you will be able to eat. Good luck and Congrats.
• United States
2 Mar 09
sorry sweetie i really have non i am sick from the time i get pregant to the time i have my babie good luck.
@mrsl2008 (634)
2 Mar 09
Hi, Congratulations on your pregnancy x x x x x I have 2 girls and I was quite lucky & didn't suffer from anything you describe except for the exhaustion. Whilst pregnant with my second child, a friend at work was also pregnant with 6 days between our due dates. Needless to say we were thick as thieves during this time ans she suffered much of what you described. She stuck to drinking lots of water fro hydration, small light meals frequently and ate ginger biscuits to fend of the feeling of wanting to be sick. This work for her and it only last a few weeks. These early symptoms were gone by week 11 or 12 and she felt great & really enjoyed her pregnancy so be reassured it won't be this way through the whole time!! x I wish you all the best, sorry I can't offer you any other suggestions. Good luck x x MrsL x
@Archie0 (5652)
2 Mar 09
sorry i am nt yet pregnant because i havent yet married but can suggest you over this this thing happens when you are pregnant for some time, as its new it just feels this way, the uneasyness and all. try to eat a healthy diet rather than snacks,dont drink aerated drinks at all they will make you more acidic.they make your system heavy, and not good for the baby too infact try eating some fruits or juices and dry nuts, or you can try milk and coconut water too.
@tjsally (287)
• China
2 Mar 09
Don't be worry and anxious. These symptoms are all normal at beginning of the pregnant. I ever pregnanted, during the first 12 weeks, i always feel nausea, but i never vomit. The best way is when you feel a little well, you should eat much as you can at once. When you feel nausea, you should lie down and try to sleep, not to think any foods lead you to any bad feelings. After 12 weeks, you will feel better. That's my feelings and a little advice,hope it can help you. Good luck!