Could Money Bring In Everything In Life ?

Thiruvananthapuram, India
March 2, 2009 5:50am CST
Money---- It isn't everything,but it is really something. You would realize this truth only when your finances are drained down.Though money helps in achieving most material pleasures, it may be of lesser importance while weighing it out with human relationships.However times have changed everything is counted along the lines of finances.You are either disregarded or avoided when you are at a low ebb as regards financial stability.Though little is lost if money is lost, the loss makes out quite a lot in modern life.Money seems to be the be all and end all of our lives,,,,,,
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42 responses
• China
3 Mar 09
Money is mainly about material,and it could not bring something mentally to people directly,but it really helps.You can do nothing without money and you can't do anything with it.
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• Thiruvananthapuram, India
3 Mar 09
You just cannot shirk away from the materialistic when you are immersed in it...maybe money would become secondary when spiritual awareness is sought.
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
3 Mar 09
Hi sukumar794! I completely agree with you my friend, money isn't everything but it is really something! Money is very important to have in our daily existence. Mostly everything here on earth has a price tag. Take care and have a great day!
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• Thiruvananthapuram, India
3 Mar 09
It is very good practical thinking from your end.Though abundance of money bring in problems galore, its shortage would also put one in great turmoil.Thanks a lot.
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
3 Mar 09
I absolutely agree my friend!
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@mansha (6298)
• India
3 Mar 09
Money can bring you all the great stuff but actually what you weant is the question, love may benot kids may be not but materialistic things like latest chevy model or out of this world gadgets a trip to space yes it will. We had a millionaire gifting his wife a 747 boeing to his wife but did it bring in a better and greater devotion from her is still a questionable thing. So money can uy you a lot of things but it brings you great misfortunes, stress and insecurtiy too.
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@mansha (6298)
• India
3 Mar 09
very well summed up
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
3 Mar 09
Until the materialistic bent of mind leaves you, the money factor reigns supreme in all the affairs of life.LOL.
@srganesh (6339)
• India
2 Mar 09
Money is an unavoidable evil.We have to live depending on it as most of the things are measured by the cost.we have to spend more to gain anything.It is sad that people are judged with their money.Even though money is not the whole life,we can be choosie with money.That is,we can live our life as we like it.
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
3 Mar 09
Of course money opens up a whole new world of comforts which an impecunious person could only hope to dream about.
• Canada
3 Mar 09
Money in of itself is not evil, it is like everything else we have a choice of putting it to good use or bad use. For example nuclear energy can be devestating in a bomb but can give us electric power and has many uses in medicine like diagnotics and cancer treatment. Same with explosives, it can kill or build roads.
@zhuhuifen46 (3483)
• China
2 Mar 09
A famous taiwanese scholar said, "Money is something you cannot do without, something you will have trouble if too much, and something fine if just enough." We get ourselves well prepared physically, mentally, and emotionally competent, to avoid no money, too much money, and to have just enough money.
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• Thiruvananthapuram, India
3 Mar 09
The Taiwanese adage holds much water as the possession of money is concerned.Not too much and not too little....but sufficiently enough.
• Canada
3 Mar 09
I agree, it is hard to be happy living on the street without a house and eating out of dumpsters because you are destitute. Too much money might make some people overwhelmed. Sort of like Goldilocks with the porriage and beds.
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• Philippines
2 Mar 09
Money cannot give you real happiness in life money cannot give you a real friend.But I know which can give you real happiness and that is Jesus Christ even though you got a bad day you will feel this strange emotion that you are still happy.
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• Canada
3 Mar 09
I see many Christians that have and manage money as well as their faith. It is hard to help others when you are struggling yourself.
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
3 Mar 09
Money of course bring in relief to most of the pressing needs,which would otherwise have spoilt your mental peace.Thanks
@rsa101 (38194)
• Philippines
3 Mar 09
Money could really get many materials things that you like to have but then money could not really buy is feeling. It is always misconstrued that money could really buy happiness but then it is false happiness that is really brought up by money. They may heal some hidden defects but in the end you would not be truly happy with it in the long run.
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• Thiruvananthapuram, India
3 Mar 09
Money can definitely bring in quite a lot of happiness .LOOL.
@coolmailraj (2460)
• India
3 Mar 09
I agree with you word to word. The times have changed and now money is not just a thing it is a very important thing. Though it still can't bring everything to you , I wish it remains this way, but yes it is very essential these days.
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• Thiruvananthapuram, India
3 Mar 09
The present day world is rather governed largely by the money factor.No question of denying this essential truth.Times have really changed.Now it is money and money all the way.
@marketing07 (6266)
• South Korea
3 Mar 09
wow..that was good..cheers
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• Thiruvananthapuram, India
3 Mar 09
Thanks.Be happy and cheerful LOL.
@Gesusdid (1676)
• United States
3 Mar 09
No matter how much money a person has it cant bring them everything , it cant buy them a good family , a trustable wife or girlfriend , or Respect for that matter , i mean , we all walk day by day just to work for a check every week or every two weeks , to survive , and no ones happiness can be written on a check , if so thats what this world has become and id hate to see it in the next 50 years or so ....
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• Thiruvananthapuram, India
3 Mar 09
What happiness could one gain in materialistic life devoid of the comforts that it has to offer.Money brings in these pleasures in abundance
@monaliu (344)
3 Mar 09
I totally agree with your idea. Money isn't everything ,but it is really something.
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• Thiruvananthapuram, India
3 Mar 09
Money in fact plays a predominant role in our daily existence.None can deny this worldly truth.Thanks.
@diyphone (29)
• China
3 Mar 09
I think money may be not important that you thought,if someone do his best to earn momey,and he did not take time to find the happyness of the life ,I think he is pity,so pity.
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@jshekhar (1562)
• India
3 Mar 09
Money is important to everyone but I would never say that it would amount for EVERYTHING in my life, ever. I know that how low you feel when you are running low on money, immersed in debt but still, it does not substitute love, emotions and the feelings. I would go to the extent of saying that almost all of us are here primarily for money, because if not then there are a lot of social sites which do not pay you for contributing. We could have gone to them, right?
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
3 Mar 09
Money definitely raises your curbs your personal worries to a considerable extent..hence it really is something in our lives!
• Indonesia
3 Mar 09
money is not everything, but if you want to get everything you need money
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• Thiruvananthapuram, India
3 Mar 09
Rightly said,my dear friend....everything is going to work in your favor when you have plenty of money at your disposal.LOL
@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
2 Mar 09
money is isnt everything but it is one one of the important thing we need. the only thing we are not buying with money that we need is air... the rest we need money to buy it. like food, water... that is why money is one of the important thing we need. i am a single mom of four children and money isvery important for me. without it i can not feed my children or let them go to school.
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• Thiruvananthapuram, India
3 Mar 09
Money in fact brings in a deep sense of personal security and freedom.It really is something in our personal life.Thanks.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
2 Mar 09
Well, money is a way of surviving, you need money for food, clothing, roof over your head, and for some enjoyble things of course. But some things are luxery and if I like some luxery stuff, I do not buy it untill I have saved up for it. If I had money to by anything, anytime I would not be happier in my life. Luxery things to me is things you really do not need, but want to have. On the other hand, being poor is not fun either. You wish atleast that you have enought to pay your bills and for perhaps savings. And I feel everyone should atleast have that. But we also need to realize that it do not come free, we do have to work some to get it.
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• Thiruvananthapuram, India
3 Mar 09
With money in abundance , your pressing problems are terminated.Thanks.
• Malaysia
2 Mar 09
MONEY IS A WEAPON Money can either support both life values, pleasure and displeasure. It can be used to build up happiness and kills happiness. Money is a medium to inter-connect between desire and fulfillment, and its value will depend on the owner and ownership title. That is why, it is some sorts of force to drive one's desires. MONEY IS AN ENERGY Money value really does create energy to the owner with its ownership title to one owner that able to drives energetic sentiment to create new desires. The fact is undeniable to any money owner, where the value of money influenced the owner's level of inspiration and reciprocates owner's wish. MONEY AND MATERIALIZATION FACTORS Money can materialized owner's plan or wish or desire by various factors. Somes are; utilization, third party handling, network and institution. Money will firmly stay as money when it is driven by those factors.
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
3 Mar 09
Thanks very much for the very nice response from your end.With money you can challenge the world ....a patient could very well opt for expert medical treatment with lots of money to spare...the shopping fad could buy up all entertainment lover could seek out pleasures of his choice.All these and can work out real wonders !!!
@bbsr13 (4196)
• India
2 Mar 09
Hello,Sukumar! In this materialistic world money has assumed much importance.Without money you can't survive.That is why people are running day and night to gather some money for their survival.If you have no money in your pocket neither your friends nor even your wife would stand for your help.So in my opinion money brings in smile on your lips and in its absence brings tears in your eyes.thanx.
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
3 Mar 09
Undoubtedly the desire for more money has reached alarming proportions in the present day world.Almost everything is valued up in terms of money.
@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
3 Mar 09
Money cannot buy poverty. When you are poor you are not happy because you have to worry where the next meal is coming from and whether you will be living out on the street and how can you look after your children. I heard one lottery winner when being interviewed for a tv program on how instant wealth affected people. She said the money brought her security. I guess she knows that if she needed something like in a health crisis she will not go without treatment because of lack of funds, she will be able to eat well and healthy, and she can provide for herself and her husband in a modest country home that she bought. Unfortunately there were some who bought a huge house and nobody came to visit and they were rattling around in this huge place. I think if your personality does not really change that much so you might as well be happy or miserable rich as happy or miserable poor.
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• Thiruvananthapuram, India
3 Mar 09
Needs...both necessary ones and luxurious ones can easily be secured with money in hand.It is of a pivotal role in all of our existence on this universe.
• Philippines
2 Mar 09
for now i'm ashamed to say money does make my day happy... but i'm not sure if i can live a simple life i hope i can do something about this and realize more that most of the things that money can't buy can make you happy. ^_^
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• Thiruvananthapuram, India
3 Mar 09
With limited financial resources, one is reduced to the lowest ebb in any society.Thanks for the response.