Do you want to pay as much as $1.27 more ... PER GALLON of gasoline?
By ladyluna
@ladyluna (7004)
United States
March 2, 2009 12:21pm CST
Or, how about as much as 60% more per month for your electricity bill? That means that if your electricity bill is now $100/month, you could be paying as much as $160/per month. That's an extra $720 per year just for the same electricity!
Are you already having trouble paying your bills? Well, thank you very much Mr. Obama! Folks, this isn't speculative -- it's happening right now! Hey, didn't Mr. Obama pledge no tax increases on anyone who makes less than $250,000 per year? I guess he didn't really mean that, did he?
The $1.27/gallon of gasoline and the 60% increase in residential electricity charges are compiled by research done by M.I.T., the EPA, and the Energy Information Center. Though, the caveat is that no one really knows just how much this will end up costing the consumer. The one certainty is that you and I will be expected to pay it, without redress!
Oh, and let's not forget about the cost of everything that is shipped to market. Every company that sells anything will have to pass along those increased energy costs to you. Do you remember how much the cost of groceries went up as a result of $4.00 per gallon gasoline? Have you seen those food, clothing, etc... costs drop back down? NOPE! Well, add another $1.27 per gallon to fuel costs (probably higher for diesel which fuels the trucking industry) and WHAMMO you've got ALOT HIGHER COSTS FOR ALL CONSUMABLES!!!
I'm specifically referencing Barack Obama's $646 Billion Tax on Carbon Emission/Energy Tax or the Cap & Trade plan. The way this is intended to work (per Obama's vision) is that the Federal Gov't will create a limited number of government carbon pollution permits. Every electricity manufacturer will have to bid, in an OPEN AUCTION, for carbon pollution permits. This will potentially bankrupt any number of electricity manufacturers and resellers. For example: I posted a discussion last summer after meeting with the C.O.O. of my electricity cooperative. At that time, before they even knew how fascist the requirements were going to be, they were projecting worst case scenario of a 50% increase in residential electricity charges. Now it seems that they were underestimating the potential damage, as the MIT, EPA, EIA estimates are as high as 60%.
This is Cap & Trade, as promised -- though certainly not explained to the poor bums who'll have to pay for it -- you and I!!! Obama's knocking on your door with one hand extended outward and the other wielding a great, big "I don't care about your personal economic woes" sign.
Read it and weep:
Obama's $646 Billion Cap-And-Trade Green Tax February 26, 2009
"Legislation creating this colossal carbon tax would be the biggest tax increase ever, surpassing in real dollars the 1942 law providing funds for World War II. If included in budget reconciliation bills - which cannot be filibustered - it would only require 50 votes in the U.S. Senate."
Does anybody remember Obama being 'caught' off the record at a SF campaign event where he described his intention to bankrupt the coal industry???
Well, here you go -- all part of the same economic assault on the American consumer: bankrupt coal industry despite the fact that up to 49% of US energy comes from coal:
So, it would seem that Team Obama and the knuckleheads in power in DC are under the impression that you're just fine about forking over all this extra dough. What say you?
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6 responses
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
2 Mar 09
So, does all this mean you want the one, the ONE and only true messiah of modern times, to fail? Are you just like that bigot, Rush Limbaugh? Who also wants the ONE and only true messiah of modern times to fail?
I guess we'll just all have to be proud of the SHAME the left will heap upon us. I want 0bama to fail in his energy cost increasing plans, too!
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
2 Mar 09
It is time for people to realize that 0bama is not this stupid. He sowing this economic havoc on purpose. He intends to tear America down and rebuild it the way good socialists have always believed it should be. Myself, I'm ordering more solar panels and researching solar hot water heating. I'm getting my energy usage down to almost nothing.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
2 Mar 09
Oh believe me Red, I cannot say enough prayers or wish hard enough that somehow this Cap & Trade nonsense is never allowed to take root. The implications of this tax on US business is terrifying. Even as throngs of Americans hope and pray that Obama's plans will create jobs. Not a snowball's chance in Hades of that happening if electricity companies have to close their doors because they either can't afford the polluter permits, or that there simply aren't enough permits.
To say nothing of the concept deregulated energy, as exists in Texas. The TX energy system is as free market as could exist in this dual reality. It relies on competition to keep costs down. Yet, competition relies on new players entering the field. There will be no new players if the new guy has to bid on a polluter permit in an open auction with the old dogs.
I can't even imagine the damage that this bill is going to cause. Shudder to think is all I have to say!!!
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
2 Mar 09
Well, by the time the 0bamunistas learn the truth, the damage will have been done and it will be too late to do anything about it.
These people are intent upon destroying our economy and what's left of our industry, and the fools that put them in the position to be able to do this are the one's who are going to be the most outraged when they realize that people like me were right.
There are those of us who have been trying to reason with the global warming sheeple for a long time now, and now they will see how wrong and foolish they were.
CO2 is not a pollutant, it is a necessary and integral component of life.
Carbon trading and cap and trade schemes will do nothing to change the climate, what they will do is make con artists like Gore and the rest of the liberals very rich as well as giving them unprecedented power of people.
This is all nothing more than a money and power grab on a massive scale, and the idiot morons that elected these thieves have only themselves to blame when their private little world collapses when the economic realities strike them right in the budget.
They may finally figure out that they have been lied to, but then it will be too late.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
2 Mar 09
Hello Destiny,
Geesh, in light of the fact that the missing ice caps have been found -- intact isn't it reasonable to expect this administration to surrender this Cap & Trade nonsense?
Geesh, what does "too late" really mean? I wonder ... when is it too late to undo the mess that's being made right now?
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
6 Mar 09
I'd really like to split the "Best Response" award between you and Red. Each of you provided superb information. Yours on the overall concept of the issue and Red on a pragmatic approach to avoiding the oppressive governmental interference.
Can I award you half of the award???
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
2 Mar 09
Hello Peavey,
Well, there are certainly going to be bankrupted enery producers if this plan is implemented as proposed. New guys on the block will not be able to compete in an open auction with the old dog energy producers. Of course, when the energy suppliers close their doors, so too will lots of other related, and dependent businesses.
This is a plan for true economic disaster.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
2 Mar 09
He stated during the election that He would destroy the coal industry. 53million idiots voted for him. He is doing just what he said he would do and the media told us he wouldn't. Your $13.00 tax credit is going to go a long way to cover this. What Bill Ayars could not destroy with bombs President Obama will do with his policies. He is going to ruin this country.
Rush Limbaugh has a parady on the new Democartic Fair Tax Plan....You make it and we take it.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
2 Mar 09
Hello Bobmnu,
Yes, he did say that. In fact, I linked to the audio/text of him saying it in the original discussion. Although, he supposedly was not aware that he was being recorded at the time.
And yes, Barack Obama was forthright about his intention to pursue Cap & Trade. Though, at the same time he was promising The People that 90% of Americans would get a tax cut, and that no one earning less than $250,000 per year would be subject to a tax increase. Neither of which is even remotely true. EVERY AMERICAN WILL PAY THIS NEW TAX OVER AND OVER AGAIN AT THE PUMP, AT THE STORE, AND AT HOME!
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@Ima_C_Suvaya (431)
• United States
8 Mar 09
that is why the gov't has to continue perpetuating the global warming myth. so they can tax and fine energy even more.
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