Earning money through mylot..

March 2, 2009 3:25pm CST
Iam new to mylot, so i was wondering to know, for atleast $1 how much, should i respond to mylot? or how much should i start a new discussion? How much cents they give for each new discussion and respond?
1 response
@lilcee (2703)
• United States
2 Mar 09
Hi and welcome to mylot. Hope you have a good time here. I don't think anyone knows for sure how much they pay per post. I think it depends on how long it is and the quality of it. Just keep posting and you will see how things go. You can also upload pictures.
• India
2 Mar 09
Thank you lilcee, i will keep trying on posting and one thing you said you can also upload pictures, What does that means? Is mylot pays moneys for uploading pictures or what?
• China
3 Mar 09
hey i'm a new comer too. you said upload a pic to make money?whatever pic I upload is ok?..
• Philippines
6 Mar 09
im new comer too!! i dont know on they will started on, pls can give advise, can i earn to refferal to my friend? and if you like post a blog you will earning too...pls reply