New to Mylot...just a chance to get to know people on here

March 3, 2009 10:37am CST
Hey everyone...Im just new to Mylot, and I thought maybe I could get an idea of who everyone is that frequents this site, and where theyre all from. Just a chance to know who's who. Im Kevin from Vancouver, Canada...28, 2 little girls, one's 2, the other is 4 months. I work as a computer salesman. I manage the sales dept of a small computer shop here. How about you guys?? Where are you from, what do you do?
1 response
• India
3 Mar 09
Hi there, I am also new to mylot, joined last week. Actually first time I found some 'introduce yourself' kind of topic on mylot. Well I am Dev from India, 21 yrs old. I am studying computer science and want to be a software engineer.