This here is a question for all the ladies of mylot....

@Marcola (2774)
United States
March 3, 2009 1:32pm CST
Do you like hairy men? I'm talking about hairy chests and hairy legs. Is that considered a turn-on? Do you like men to have just a little bit of chest hair or an Austin Powers' hairy chest? What about men with hairy backs? Is that always a turn-off for women or do some of you like a back that looks like it needs the lawnmower treatment?
8 responses
@daneg33 (1128)
• Canada
3 Mar 09
Not like I have a choice in the matter, because my hubby is really hairy. I prefer less hair, but whatever, you just have to live with it I guess. I always say "no grass grows on a playground" ha ha ha
@Marcola (2774)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I guess you could get out the hedge clippers when he's asleep...
@daneg33 (1128)
• Canada
4 Mar 09
LOL... there's an idea....
@beijihu (13)
• China
5 Mar 09
I don't like hairy men.It is fortunate that my boyfriend isn't hairy.Especially,he doesn't have any armpit hair.And he doesn't know why.I consider it an interesting thing.However,he minds it very much.
@Marcola (2774)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Armpit hair can get rather itchy.
@jstmarfz (1498)
• United States
3 Mar 09
Lol...that's funny. I never find it attractive before and yes it was a turn off. But NOT ANYMORE!!! lol. My husband has hair on his chest, arms and legs even on his back. He was the one always want to shave it especially at his back but I keep insisting not to..know why? I find it sexy! lol...
@Marcola (2774)
• United States
4 Mar 09
Interesting. You find hairy backs sexy? That's cool.
• United States
3 Mar 09
No not a big fan of a lot of body hair,chest legs that's ok,but when it look like they are wearing a hair sweater cant go that route.
@daneg33 (1128)
• Canada
4 Mar 09
LOL... that's hilarious
• United States
3 Mar 09
I know some women find it a turn on but I definitely don't. I am not even attracted to men with a mustache (hmmm.. I hope I spelled that right) more so a beard on. I am very attracted to men with smooth legs and a chest wherein I can see all the muscles LOL. One thing though and I do not know if some women do too but I like bald men too. I find them neat.
@Marcola (2774)
• United States
4 Mar 09
Sideburns are still cool though, right? Even if they come down to the jawline.
@NIECIE21 (365)
• United States
4 Mar 09
to me, it doesn't really matter. I am more about wat is on the inside and not the outside
@Marcola (2774)
• United States
4 Mar 09
It's nice to hear that.
@Galena (9110)
3 Mar 09
I find hairiness a bit of a turn off really. I prefer men to have very little hair on their chests, to be clean shaven, and definitely find a hairy back a bit gross. with age, my man is getting hairier though, and that won't make me love him any less. but the less body hair the better.
@nikky28 (1572)
• India
8 Mar 09
I like men with hairy chests and legs as it is nice to play with lol. Hairy backs are a turn off though. I don't like men to sport a moustache or a beard. I think men with no hair at all, naturally that is, aren't really manly lol. I like men who are nicely built and wouldn't mind if they are shaved. My bf has a hairy chest and I like it. Have a nice day!