Are We Finally Starting To Hear From The OTHER Republicans
By irisheyes
@irisheyes (4370)
United States
March 3, 2009 3:04pm CST
Seems to me that while Mr Limbaugh is urging his minions to ensure that the Obama administration fails (even though it would mean the failure of the country), those OTHER Republicans are slowly but surely being heard again. Arlen Specter, Olympia Snow, Susan Collins, Charlie Crist Arnold Swartzenager & others have let it be known one way or another that they are not adverse to working with the Obama administration.
I'd like to see this go a step farther. I'd like to see some of the eloquent moderate Republicans of the recent past come back into public life. While I'm certain that Christie Whitman and Tom Caine will have no place and find no welcome in the Limbaugh ranks, I think they would be Republicans who could work with (and within) the Obama administration and it would be good for the country.
Any feelings about this?
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7 responses
@gunney29 (2)
• United States
4 Mar 09
The Problem is that too many Republicans started acting like democrates---no way can you compromize with un-compromizing democrates...wake up ---many people believe the law of the land starts with The Constitution & Bill of Rights---as opposed to Socialism and Communistic Domination. History Has Proof that you can never spend & tax you way into prosperity.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I'd love to post a something substantive here but you've posted nothing but generalities. eg: Who are the Republicans that act like Democrats? Who are the uncompromizing Democrats? How do you know who they are if you won't even sit down and talk with them much less compromize? Do you really believe ALL Republicans are adhere to the billof rights and the constitution and ALL Democrats are ssocialists and communists? Recorded history is a long account of the human race and I've frankly found that it can prove and disprove most anything. Unfortunately, you did not provide your proof. You just made yet another generalization.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
4 Mar 09
So far Obama's cabinet has been known for their pro-abortion and far left status and you think he will lead America out of its economic troubles? Only if you are in favor of a socialist country similar to that of the former Soviet Union and China what it was under Mao. The trouble is that McCain was not far enough to the right to counterbalance and Obama did not reveal his true motives. I would rather see a Republican like Reagan who although once an actor, did not act like one when he got into office and lowered taxes.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
4 Mar 09
What I think is that Barack Obama is now the president of the United States and he is the ONLY one who can lead us out of this mess. If you had chosen a president who was farther to the right than McCain, we would now have a conservative right wing president with a conservative right wing cabinet. How the heck would that balance anything out?
I don't really get thae gist of what you are saying about communism, socialism and Mao here. How would the president working with moderate Republicans make us like those systems of government? I would think that if you wanted the government more balanced, you would approve of having some Republican representation. Do you think Republicans have to all be right wing followers of Rush Limbaugh? There are other Repuband think you will be hearing more from them in the future as they come forward to work with the new president. And they will come forward because they truly love this country and they will not join with Mr limbaugh to see it falter.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
5 Mar 09
For what it is worth, I staunchly supported Hillary Clinton until she conceded and then I chose to support Barack Obama. Race was not a factor. It was MY choice and I chose. I am completely satisfied that I voted for the right man.
As far as Obama as my God is concerned, I am a Roman Catholic and we are alowed only one God so please do not be so arrogant as to designate my God for me.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
5 Mar 09
Actually Obama is the most far left president that you have had. That is what I am getting it, to think that he is the one because of why? Is it because he is the first part black president? Is it because he is doing the opposite of Bush? Ia it because he promised you the moon? Do you really want America to turn into a country where the Federal government decides what all Americans do? I mean you are willing to give up your freedom because you think that Obama is like a god. How much of the blame of the country's ruin are you going to give to those who decided to charge things, to buy houses they could not afford? It is not just the Republicans who are to blame, it is the Democrats who blackmailed the mortgage companies to give subprime loans to people by saying if they did not give them to those poor people they were racist. So are you willing to pay the price of having more government interference in your life and if it were not Obama in power but Hillary Clinton, or someone who was not part black, would you be in agreement if the cost was what the founding Fathers of the United States never intended?
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
3 Mar 09
Hello Irisheyes,
Yes, I have feelings about RINO's. More importantly I have well-defined thoughts about RINOs. Though, it would be terribly impolite to express them publicly. Mother and Dad taught me that if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all.
I suspect that if PA and Maine don't have open primaries, then Snow and Collins will have a real primary run for their money next go 'round. And, I suspect that Spector is done. Only time will tell if there's any validity to my prediction, and again it is predicated on a closed-primary reality.
Schwarzenneger and Christ will most likely be done with public office once termed out. Schwarzenegger is already looking back to the film industry, and I fully expect Christ to transition into lobbying.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
3 Mar 09
Ladyluna, I can't speak for the other states but I live in Pennsylvania and Arlen Specter is far from done. The man has always drawn more votes from Democrats than from Republicans and this will not hurt him even a little bit. In fact, it could help him. He has been in the senate for thirty years as a Republican representing a very, very blue state. He is the only Republican in modern times who has carried Philadelphia in any national election. Trust me, Arlen can stay there pretty much as long as he wants to.
What does RINO stand for besides R for Republican?
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
3 Mar 09
Oh, now it makes sense. Thanks for the info, Taskr36.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I'm certainly not a fan of Rush Limbaugh, but it is my understanding that what he said was that he hopes Obama fails to bring the US into socialism which is different than saying he wants the nation to fail.
I can barely stomach Rush, but I can stomach lies and half-truths even less so I'm going to find a video of his speech to listen to. Both sides need to stop this game of taking things out of context to prove their lies.

@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
5 Mar 09
There should be two videos. One from January and one from March. Might even be more, those are the only two statements I know about.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I didn't mean to imply you were lying, sorry about that. I meant the media. Like I said, I haven't watched the video yet so I can't say one way or another, but I would rather find out the facts then rely on the media telling me what was said.
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@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
4 Mar 09
I'm sure he will find some Republicans to fill his ranks. He will pick the ones farthest to the left.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I think he would choose moderate Republicans, most of whom are out of office. That's why I mentioned Christie Whitman and Tom Kean (Sorry I butchered his name. Spellcheck can't help me with names). The others won't even sit down to talk and there's nothing that can be accomplished that way.
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@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
4 Mar 09
I'm clueless these days on who's who in the American political seen. I only know of the biggest players.
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@tea512 (687)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I have a feeling you are looking at a Mitt Romney as the candidate in 2012. I know it is early but he did the good thing letting McCain run, when he stepped a side it was the same thing McCain, Dole, Reagan had all done in the past. Then they got there chance, Romney being a morman which did not help in 2008, might not be as bad in 2012.

@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
4 Mar 09
tea512: no, I wasn't looking at Romney for the simple reason that I'm not that familiar with his politics although I thought he was very conservative.. That's why I didn't include him with the republicans I listed.
I have to say that it really pained me to have to see a candidate in this day and age explain his religion. I really thought we had gotten over that with JFK.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
4 Mar 09
Classycat: Any presidency that fails is certainly not good for the country and in times as difficult as these it could in my opinion be catastrophic.
Rush Limbaugh made at least two statements regarding Obama's presidency. The first in January was simply "I want him to fail". The second statement in March was the one that mentioned socialism. I wasn't aware of the second one when I posted this thread but it would not have matttered. He still made both statements.
@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I don't think that Romney being a mormon is any different than when all the hoopla came out over JFK being a Catholic.
Mormons are good moral folks who are for God and country, just like so many more of us are.
I do find it quite frustrating that people don't want to hear what Rush has said. They're only interested in what the media says, and that's what is wrong in this country - the media. They twist things and set out to ruin people - often. Shame on them!!
Rush did say that if Obama was going to bring socialism in, that he hoped THAT would fail.
Obama failing would NOT bring this nation down. We the people are the nation - not the president!!
Why is it that we think the president and the congress can and will 'take care of us'? Where is our spirit and our independence?
Good Lord help us! Americans are bright and smart and tenacious, and have come through a lot worse than what we are in.
Where's our backbone and spunk?
Take a good look at the laws and things either being bought in or the attempt to change them - and if they will make us MORE DEPENDENT on the government - CAMPAIGN AGAINST THEM with all of your might!
Do we want to become like the communist state of Russia or China? God forbid.
Ok - I'm done.
Classy Cat
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I sure hope so! I'd think the Republicans would hope so as well because the ones who have been getting all the headlines and attention haven't been making the party look so hot. I understand and respect that very conservative Republicans can't stand what they call "RINO's" but I can't see the party surviving much less getting back into power if they don't move to the left or at least accept those with more moderate positions. I've voted for Arlen Specter several times and will do so again in a heartbeat.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I'm planning on voting for him again also. I abandonned him for awhile because I thought he bullied Anita Hill but I can get over that now. If he runs in 2010, I'll vote for him. If the Republicans should get him out in a primary (unlikely, I think), he can run as an Indpendent and still win. I wouldn't mind seeing him cross over and become a Democrat but as you know Annie, he's a stuborn cuss. LOL
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
4 Mar 09
Annie, we really must be connected somehow because I also wondered what part of Left Wing had John McCain for a darling. I actually thought about voting for him for a nanosecond but it was only because I was mad about the way Howard Dean treated Hillary Clinton. During the blink of an eye that I did consider McCain, I found nothing darling.