If God just is, why can't the world/universe just be as well?
By ulalume
@ulalume (713)
United States
March 3, 2009 6:34pm CST
I have been considering the common evolution vs. creationism debate, and I have been wondering. Why do religious people, when asked where did God come from, just accept that God just is (meaning: he does not come from anything but still exists); yet a simple belief like evolution is so illogical? Not that I believe either of these, however it seems almost hypocritical to think it is illogical to believe in evolution; but logical to believe in an unproven god.
That aside, do you think the earth/universe could just "exist" as God? Could this be a simple explanation to everything? In my mind, it seems to be the most sensible answer. Evolution goes on and on and is completely hypothetical (origin evolution, not microevolution). Religious creationism is equally as hypothetical, but rationalized by faith and belief in god.
How do you feel about this idea I propose?
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21 responses
@freethinkingagent (2501)
4 Mar 09
I do not find evolution illogical at all. But I do believe in a God. and infinite is not hard to understand if you move yourself outside of time space. Meaning God is not part of the universe he is outside the universe, Time/Space only exist in the physical universe. So if you were able to go outside the physical you would see the universe as if it had just been created and you could see the end as well like a line drawn on a peace of paper. The bible, at least a large section was never meant to be taken literal, but at the same time it is not wrong if you read it with all the learning one should have to interpret. The bible is not anti evolution, and if you go back to the original source where the bible borrows much of its text you will see a very different story, a story that doesn't hide as much information as the bible does.
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
4 Mar 09
Well, the Earth's existence isn't "just is", as you put it. It formed from debris from the big bang. The universe, as the big bang theory postulates, has always existed in some form or fashion.
Assuming the existence of God "just is", is hypocritical if you believe the universe can't have existed the same way. Most who believe such a thing think something must have come before it all, but when questioned as to what came before God, they get flustered and assert that God always has been. All of this is simply conjecture, though, because you can't prove the existence of God.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
4 Mar 09
Your post makes no sense. You start with the assumption that there is a God, and you presume he is the "alpha and omega" without any evidence besides your own opinion to back it up. Just because it's written in a book doesn't mean it's true. Show me there is a god, then prove to me he is the god that created everything. Maybe then I will take your post seriously.
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@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
4 Mar 09
Your basic premise is flawed. The process of evolution is far from hypothetical, it is a well substantiated fact. This universe is, in all probability. only one of many. The earth had a beginning and it will have an end. The universe is another story altogether.
When you start talking about god you need to define your terms better. What god are you talking about? There are many concepts of what god is and for any discussion you need to define which concept you wish to discuss.

@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
4 Mar 09
If evolution is a myth than life on this planet is a myth. Welcome to an imaginary world of your own making.
Seriously, if evolution is a myth than chemistry, geology. biology, genomics and a host of other sciences are also a myth. You are ignoring the accumulated knowledge of the entire scientific community and embracing ignorance if you think evolution is a myth.

@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
5 Mar 09
All thought is energy, and once generated it goes on forever. Humankind is a complex mesh, woven in a complicated pattern, stretching world wide, and yes, we are all part of a web of interacting thought. You can see now, how thoughts of Love can Energize the Universe, and help to make the world a better place.
@ulalume (713)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Is hatred energy? How does it fit into this picture? I am more of a misanthrope myself, would I fit into this ideal concept? Simplicity is often the best solution. Especially when you consider that so many things can not truly be known. People complex things so much which inadvertantly lead to wars and continued hatred between people for stupid reasons, yet a simple lifestyle based on these few fundamental things have found so many people peace and happiness. It is quite amazing, actually. I examine the simplicity of beliefs like Hinduism and Satanism, and see how no wars have been fought in their name; yet so many people are willing to fight for their God in a more organized religion like Christianity or Islam. I think these religions are so about consuming people into a massive flock that they lose sight of the simple things that really are able to give a life value and meaning. The simple relationship of love I have with my girlfriend has given me more meaning than the many years I walked in Christianity.
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@ronharold (555)
• Philippines
4 Mar 09
I believe in God. I believe in His words. And I believe that he created all things. Do you believe that God can speak? Believe it, I can hear Him.
The bible says:
"As you do not know that path of the wind,
or know how the spirit enters the body being formed in a
mother's womb,
so you cannot understand the work of God.
the Maker of all things."
-Ecclesiastes 11:5
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@ulalume (713)
• United States
4 Mar 09
But belief and faith only go so far. Scientifically speaking, no God has been proven to exist and therefore can not be thanked for creating the world. You can quote scripture all you want and have it drilled into your mind, but until it is a proven fact it is meaningless in a debate such as this.
@irishfury187 (375)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I just keep an open mind to it all, there are so many different religions with many different beliefs (aliens, big bang, god, evolution) who are we as mortals to declare that any one of these is the real deal? we werent around when it happened, we never met god, we've never been abducted by aliens, there are no monkey/people walking around although there are people totally covered by hair and the belief of bigfoot. (not sure if that is proof of evolution) All I can say is people worry about the beginning too much, we'll know the beginning when we reach our end, so why not enjoy life until then? (sounded quite poetic, I promise I just made that up)
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@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
• United States
7 Mar 09
Yea but what if at the end,your stuck at the bottum of a burning pit for eternity feeling nothg but pain? lmao.... Just that thought right there makes me wish they would hurry up and find out wich Is right already so I know who i need to follow or what to do to stop that from happening...lol
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
29 Mar 09
I think that G-d used evolution to create the world. It took Him his 9 days , not ours. In other words, His day is way longer than 24 hours. I have always put both of these ideas together.Me, it doesn't matter to me any way.,
@omairabdullah (21)
• India
4 Mar 09
Evolution is not a belief, it is a 'scientific' theory that people say they accept as valid though its proofs are sketchy at best(imho).
On the other hand, belief in God is exactly that - a belief. Which is why it is called faith.
I don't see that could be hypocritical.
Humans have the ability to ask more questions than we can ever hope to answer.
There are a lot of things that we can never fully understand.
@ulalume (713)
• United States
5 Mar 09
If one believes in evolution, it inadvertantly becomes a belief. You just reworded things. You make absolutely no sense, haha. Whether it is scientific or religious, they are both beliefs. Science is generally proven (except, basically, origin science which is almost exclusively unproven theories).
@shewolf52002 (1214)
• United States
4 Mar 09
Belief in God and creation is a personal decision that people make. They dont need it proven to them on paper or through arbitrary tests. Christians believe in God because of their individual experiences of him. When you believe that is the end of the story, the questions of evolution do not enter into the equation what so ever. The reason people who believe do not rationalize it out as you have suggested is because it is a heart issue not a head issue. Whatever the experience, mine being deep depression that God helped me out of, you begin to love God and see how the universe speaks to his existence. Scientist are now beginning to talk about how the universe must have had some form of intelligent design, but yet that is all kept quiet. Hope I didnt ramble too much.
@ulalume (713)
• United States
4 Mar 09
Thanks for speaking honestly, usually I am finding that religious people try to cover up their faith in a crude attempt to make it seem logical (scientifically). Still, not rationalizing this seems fairly foolish to me. Your entire being is hanging on the thread that god may or may not exist. The thread is shortened because you are choosing one specific god over the millions of gods in existance. The heart has a lot of meaning to a person, but it can also be a deciever. Take for example many people who feel they are in love, and the relationship does not work out. Their heart said "I am in love!", but the reality of things is that they are not. There was a time I attributed god to helping me with my depression, as well. But, he did not. This was a period of weakness and of desire for something higher than me to make me feel as if I was worth any existance. In this sense, I think the idea of god is just the ultimate placebo.
And as far as scientists are concerned, yes some of them are coming out about intelligent design; however most of them who do are, in fact, Christian scientists. This may be one reason it is kept on the "down low" (though, ironically, most people know about intelligent design, at least on a basic level).
@journey314207 (171)
• United States
4 Mar 09
In my opinion, if you believe in science you reach to the point you can ask if it's really true that there was a GOD.
Sometimes you can ask where is the air and water came from but in science there was an explanation on that and we considered that science is right but if you think deeply you can really ask how this two element form.
Even you are a greatest scientist there is a certain point you can't answer the question in your mind co'z we really know that there was GOD behind all of this. GOD purpose to us can't measure whoever genius people you are.
@ulalume (713)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Science does not disprove god, nor does it prove him. It explains the physical characteristics of the earth and universe, as well as its inhabitants. Without science we would not understand basic concepts such as gravity, nor would be understand how vital exercise is daily to keep our hearts and minds well. I only believe in the work of science (and likewise, scientists) because they usually don't just make theories (like origin evolution), but test every hypothesis with a well organized experiment (often blind or double blind). If you need to contribute all of these intricacies to a god, than do as you wish. I do not think an intricate world, necessarily, needs to be created. Everything seems so intricate and well put together just because each of us humans are so small in comparison to the larger scope of things.
@Sky347 (33)
• United States
5 Mar 09
I think people are missing the big picture. God created evolution. Everything that exists comes from God. God created it all in 7 days, but a day for God could be thousands of years for us. He was the catalyst and he 's letting it all evolve.
God created the laws that govern the universe- Science. Whether you worship by the Light of "God" or the Energy of the "Universe" they really are both one and the same just by different names.
For example, take the book The Secret, where one is supposed to believe they will receive the good and supposedly they do because they called upon it through the universe's energy. Yet, in prayer to God the principle is the same. Believe and have faith and ye shall receive.
People are so obsessed with labeling everything. Are you religious or a creationist believer? Does it, in the end, truly matter what you call it? The rules are the same. Be Good, Enjoy life, forgive, and especially, "Do unto others as you will have them do unto you."

@ulalume (713)
• United States
5 Mar 09
The even bigger picture is that even God is not proven, despite the fact so many people believe in him. You seem like a reasonable believer in God, but still the fact remains: faith does not equal to proof. This is assuming you are talking about the God of a religion like Christianity or Islam.
I do agree with you though that people are hell bent on labelling everything, and that some things deserve to be a little more simple because they are generally the same (just by a different name). Even looking at the division within Christianity (catholics, baptists, non-denominational, etc.), people are actively breeding unnecessary diversity (and with it, prejudism).
And concerning the golden rule, philosophically it is fundamentally flawed. I even had the chance to discuss it with some very interesting people at school, and while on a basic level it appears to be a nice thing; deep down it can technically breed harm when truly acted on.
@ulalume (713)
• United States
29 Mar 09
It would also be called the end of pointless debates about the past, present, and future. That is the unfortunate truth. Much of science is not really "debated" after things are proven, why? Because they are proven. This is why science is superior, even if it has its flaws occasionally. I am no science "lover" by any means, but I just enjoy knowing something as true because it was tested and experienced and proven beyond personal testimony.
@shebeck (114)
• Jamaica
4 Mar 09
God is not about evolution. God is before the beginning of time and He will be after the end (He is Alpha, Omega, meaning the beginning and the end). God is the creator of the Universe, the creator of us human beings and nature itself. Wether you or anyone believe this to be true or not is neither here nor there with me, it is a fact and the evidence that we seek is really right around us anyway. Happy hunting.

@shebeck (114)
• Jamaica
5 Mar 09
Fact is defined as something that actually exists, or something having objective reality that can be verified according to an established standard of evaluation.
Fact may be argued under authority of a specific pedagogy, such as scientific facts or historic facts.
My friend the Bible is where you find the facts, the established standard and the historic facts. There is nothing scientific about God.
Whether everyone, no one or some people follow God, it does not eleminate the fact that God does exist.
That is all I have to say, have a great day.

@dismalgrin (2604)
• United States
4 Mar 09
Although I totally concur with what you are saying, I don't feel that the begining of the earth or life really holds any meaning to where we are today. So, basicly I say, 'who cares' how it all started, the point is that it started. Now, what can we do to take care of what we have?
@ulalume (713)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I agree with you on that as well. Does it really matter? Not at all. I just like stirring a debate occasionally and seeing what other people think. Its not as if I could come in here and proove with any evidence that this idea is true, but I just like to see the response when "science" says the world just "existed" from the religious who think "god" just "existed." Its just an interesting topic for me all around.
@Ritchelle (3790)
• Philippines
4 Mar 09
all i know is that people have certain beliefs because it is what makes sense for them and keeps everything "together" for them. since not everyone is the same other people's beliefs may be ridiculous to others.
however, being exposed to a catholic school when i was in the primary years, i was told that time on earth is basically minute compared to what time is by the Supreme Being. the bible says the earth was created in seven days when in man's time and version, the evolution, it was millions of years.
so much so that chaotic as the world is now, who knows, we maybe just a minute presence in a minute process that still has to see its fruitful, beautiful end.
@ulalume (713)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Understanding why a person believes something doesn't prove the existance of what they believe in (or non-existance). That is, unfortunately, the problem with every belief that is solely faith based. I think the primary reason I posted this discussion is to show that science and religion are practically one in the same (at least in terms of origin science, which is almost entirely based on unproven theories). I also think that the problem with religion and science is that they both seem to turn each other off. Ask a religious person to question the existance of god, and you may be slapped (haha). Ask a scientist to be open to the possibility of a higher being, he may also slap you. Science and religion just breed ignorance and close-mindedness. I grew up in a Christian school, so I can relate with how you see the world (though I grew out of it, really). In church they drill you that the world came from God in a seven day process. In Christian school they drill you that God is real and the same deal. It is stuff like this that just makes people ridiculous and overly caught up in beliefs, which may have value to them personally; but completely destroys human to human contact when that person becomes so biased and believes anyone who does not believe in god is a fool. This is what I have encountered in my journey to try and figure out this life in some way for myself.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
5 Mar 09
I wish I could explain how God is, but since He was before time began there's no way to know how it happened or if it happened. As far as man is concerned God has always been. Both evolutionist and creationist believe everything else has had a beginning, we just differ on how it happened. I'm on the creationist side of the issue. I believe everything in our world has to have come into being by the actions of an intelligent creator. To me the other theories just don't make any sense. I know this doesn't answer your question, but I'm not sure your question can ever be answer sufficiently.
@willy6 (498)
• Jamaica
4 Mar 09
There are things about God noone will fully understand, but all I know that God is real and he is from the beginning and he created the entire universe. There is prove and evidence of his existence, and I have no doubt about God. He has manifest himself to me throught Jesus and his holy spirit, and I felt his power in my life. So whatever Scientist tried to say there is no prove of their finding and there is no fact about what there are saying. But my prove is the bible, whatever others want to believe its their opinion. But one thing I am sure of God is real.
@kurokaz3 (3)
• Indonesia
4 Mar 09
How to exploide about a god?We must know how to explantion more religion in wolrd about a God.We believe god so close and we can't change that.you must believe each religion support a community to pray to god.Can'y we walk together for a better world?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 Mar 09
God is really someone.God has the sum of all knowledge. He is very very smart. That is why few UNDERSTAND! Don't count on religion having all your answers as well. Just like all the physics that add up to make this balanced world work, the people factor adds up too. It's all a test of intelligence.