What do you love about your cat?
By paula27661
@paula27661 (15811)
March 3, 2009 10:31pm CST
I have two cats and I think they are the most beautiful, enigmatic, proud animals and I love them. Their names are Friday and Rosie. I love felines, always have and I always will. Do you have a cat that you adore? What do you love about your feline friend? Do tell, please...
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18 responses
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
28 Jul 09
I am a cat lover through and through! I love my dog too of course but my cats are something special! Thanks rajiib!

@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
27 Jul 09
My tabby, I love because of her unconditional love. When I walk in the door from a hard day at work, she greets me with a soothing purr and takes an affectional trip around my ankles. I like coming home to my little friend.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
28 Jul 09
They can be so loving can't they? To think that some say that cats aren't affectionate! So untrue! Thanks for the response Angelgirl! 

@ericajoyce (1746)
• Philippines
27 Mar 09
Hello paula27661. I do have three cats. Their names are: Hershey, Ali and Stri-ped. The one thing that I love about them is that they are sweet, funny and very playful. I enjoy having them around.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
27 Mar 09
I like the name Stri-ped, cats are beautiful, I love them! Thanks for responding! 

@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
4 Mar 09
Well I have a 11yr old all white long hair domestic.. His name is (wait for it) Kitty. LOL!! because he is so adorable and looks like a kitty still. I love him and he is the love me pet me hold me type. But he has to be perfectly clean and so do you before you touch him.. In order to make sure your clean he will clean you himself and if you don't let him you end up being bitten and wrestled with. LOL!! He is quite a character and bundle of love,.

@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
4 Mar 09
yep they do..My kitty is the king of the castle and even reside king over the puppers who is way bigger than him.. It's really funny when he starts picking on and harassing the poor puppers.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
4 Mar 09
My Friday is 12 and still kitten like too. They have their own personalities don't they? Thanks for responding!
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@MaryLynn321 (2680)
• United States
4 Mar 09
We have a lot of outside cats on the farm. We have one called Top Cat, Mommy Kitty. They are precious and very loving, they are good parents, and raise wonderful offspring. I love how cuddly they can be.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
4 Mar 09
Very cuddly creatures, cats. Another reason why I love them! 

@kiwibee (240)
• New Zealand
4 Mar 09
I love the grace and artistry of cats. When I go outside and my cat is lying on the concrete path, he will lie, and roll, and stretch himself out full length and I'm sure he knows I think he looks absolutely beautiful! Cats enjoy their bodies so much. And sometimes when I look at his antics, I really *feel* them myself and it's like I am a cat too. I can just feel what it feels like to do what my cat does!
I also totally admire his agility. He can easily jump to a very high ledge, with almost nothing to land on. He is not young. He is not skinny. But he is so FIT! Again, I can't help but be envious of his beauty!
He is also very cute and full of character, but I thought I would come in on another angle that the others who have posted :-)
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
4 Mar 09
They are very beautiful animals aren't they? They are sophisticated and proud and don't they have amazing eyes? I love them!
@ktroth (378)
• United States
4 Mar 09
People always tell us that they don't like cats in general but that they like ours. He is not your typical feline. He loves people...runs to the door when the doorbell rings...rubs up against perfect strangers and even paws on their legs. He's the sweetest cat. He has a naughty streak, which is why my husband doesn't like him. But it gives him character! I just love him. He was a gift for our kids, but he's really more my cat because he always comes to me. He's great with the kids though....lets them carry him around without complaint. Love that cat!
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
5 Mar 09
Sounds like my Rosie, she's very dog like for a cat and she'll put with almost anything my 7 year does to her, she's a sweetheart! Thanks for responding! 

@lyonslady (61)
• United States
6 Mar 09
My husband and I have two cats both are males...Our oldest is 7years old...He is a Blue Persian with beautiful big round copper eyes. He is a pure bread and his name is Harley Dink Headsniffer(LOL)...Harley because when he purrs it is so loud that it reminds you of a Harley Davidson revving up...Dink(do not know just comes out of our mouths...LOL) And Headsniffer because he loves to smell the top of your head when he first greets you...it is very odd but he does it to us every day when we come home and when someone visits us...LOL....He is very loving and has never caused us any problems...When people first see him they either think he is the most beautiful cat they have ever seen or they say "that's a face only a mother could love" He has a Very Flat Face unlike the average cat which is pointy. Our other cat is a solid black cat, we just got him this past Oct. 08 he is not even a year old yet. His name is Aramis Legolas Lyons....Aramis is from the one of the 3 Musketeers(the one who served God) not a real person its from the story...Legolas is from the movie Lord of the Rings...He was the main elf in the movie and moved like a cat which is the way Aramis moves and Lyons is out last name. He is a mess...he is neutered but he attacks everything...including our 2 dogs and Harley...if it moves he attacks it....LOL...At night he calms down and loves to lay on our lap and purrs very very loudly....But they are our babies and we love them as if they were our boys....I might add their pictures here on mylot soon...
Hope you like my share of our 2 fur dudes.....God bless
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
7 Mar 09
My, you guys have put a lot of thought into naming your cats! I love the names and their meanings. We have two cats also and it's funny you mentioned your all black one is the naughty one, because Friday is our all black one and he is very naughty compared to the other cat. He is 12 and neutered but it doesn't make any difference; he often swipes the dog who is three times his size and he bites and scratches strangers and mine is the only lap he'll sit on. Must be something about black cats! I appreciate your response! 

@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
4 Mar 09
I love how funny and cute my cat is and how it seems like he is listening to me when I speak to him!
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
4 Mar 09
One of mine actually "talks" to me. She really does, she tilts her head and acknowledges us when we walk past her. 

@stagewhisper (901)
• United States
4 Mar 09
Most of the time, my cat Albert is a gruff old kitten (he's turning 14 this April). He's very tough and independent, and while he'll let you pet or brush him, he won't often sit in your lap. He's also very intelligent, and will come when he's called, though he gives you that look that tells you he only does it for his own reasons.
But what I really love about him is what happens when I feel ill. When I get sick, I tend to spend a lot of time in bed or on the couch sleeping. When that happens, Albert will always come over, hop up, and curl up behind my legs, purring. It's such a sweet gesture from an otherwise grumpy kitty that makes me love him even more.

@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
5 Mar 09
My male cat is not very popular with my daughter and her friends as he tends to be grumpy too, he can bite and scratch when he is in a mood, but he loves to sit on my lap only and although he has bitten me before he is usually pretty good with me.
Animals seem to somehow know when you are sick. Thanks for the response! 

@jd107nette (1454)
• Philippines
5 Mar 09
I have two as well...
I'm not really that fond of them, unlike my younger sister who's day wouldn't be complete less she hugs them...
But what I like about them is that, they are quiet and very flexible... there was one time, my cat took on a small snake and I was really proud of her.. hehe...
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
5 Mar 09
Hero cat! I love cats, they are the best pets, although I think you either love them or hate them. My mother in law used to hate cats and my sister has a couple but she doesn't like them very much at all, all she does is feed them and get them to the vet if they need to go. Me, well I treat them like babies! Thanks for the response! 

@kellycat (48)
• United States
4 Mar 09
Where do I begin! I currently have 7 cats. I have 3 that I bottle feed from just weeks old. Piglet is the first that I ever bottle fed. She is 13 years old and the most loving affectionate cat i have ever had.
she was a stray and was brought into the vets that I worked at along with her sister. I was the receptionist and I took them and fed them. Piglet was the only one who survived. She went everywhere with me. I would bring her to work and she sat on the desk in a basket until she was too big for it and we put her in a cage in the lobby, of course the cage was never closed. Clients would hear her cry as she sat in the basket on my desk and if I was to busy on the phone etc they would come around and pick her up and feed her, her bottle was always there. Many kids learned how to feed her. She grew into her name piglet real fast, she would lie on her back in my hand and I balanced the bottle and her in one hand as she fed and i worked. When she got older and she barley fit in my hand anymore she learned to balance the bottle on all 4 feet and feed herself. To this day she wants to cuddle like a baby and spends alot of her time on her back asleep!
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
5 Mar 09
I wish I could keep 7 cats! My limit is 2 plus a dog otherwise I will be getting a divorce!(LOL)
I've had one of mine since he was 6 weeks old, they do get very attached to you if you are their main carer. I rescued another who was a stray and she is also very attached to me. Piglet sounds lovely and smart! I don't know too many cats that can bottle feed themselves, amazing! You are a true cat lover! Thanks you for a great response! 

@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
4 Mar 09
Ok, as much as I complain about Lightening's cord addiction, I have to say she's a great cat. She's not actually mine though. She's my adopted familiar. My husband got her when he got out of the Army, and was his "cat". She's a beautiful siamese tabby mix. (Her picture is located on the cat interest I belong to-I think I put up her witchy picture).
I love the way she comes in with me to meditation, workings, and so forth. She tends to always be underfoot, and will move to wherever I am at. If I'm taking a bath she loves to perch herself right on the edge of the tub and sit until I'm done. She curls up at my feet in bed, rests at my feet when I'm on the computer, and if I'm on the couch/chair she'll nestle up around my shoulders.
I think my husband is a bit jealous that she's become "Mommy's cat", but I told him it's just because I feed her lol.
She's also terribly protective. She'll run to the door if someone is coming past it. She sits at alert just before her daddy comes home from work guarding the door. She's the first to perk up if there is a noise at night. If the children are upset she's trying to comfort them in her mommy kitty way. She also puts up with a great deal from the little ones. She's my son's (2 1/2) pillow, and my daughter (6 months) chew toy. She literally came up one day and nestled herself against the baby so the baby could teeth on the end of her tail!
She's a good cat generally speaking.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
24 Dec 11
Friday? What an interesting name for a cat. I do not have any cats right now. We have a pomeranian who is spoiled enough. Back when I first married my husband he owned a cat we had to have put to sleep. Cats are great creatures. Raised quite a few when I was growing up. I love the thing that they like to usually snuggle next to you all the time.
@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
4 Mar 09
Mine is curled up here on my lap snoozing while I'm responding to this..
I like it when he does something nice and unexpected..I was seated on a low stool earlier today,and had bent over to pick up the TV remote control-then I felt his paws on my back as he climbed up me and snuggled his head into my cheek from his position on my shoulder! Another time,I was on Webcam with my G/F,and he jumped up onto my shoulders and lay down on them,draped around my neck so that She could see Him! He only did it that one time...

@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I have two cats as well..very highly pampered ones no less, Pyewacket (my inspiration for my user name and yes a black cat)---and his "cousin" Kissy a tiger-striped cat. I've had cats since I was five years old so my love for cats goes way, way back. With Pyewacket, I swear I've had a lot of luck in my life--both like to cuddle up with me in bed as I sleep, and as I write this both are on my bed snoozing..ah, the life of a cat...no worries, no thinking about bills, problems in life, just snooze, sleep, eat and play..I think in my next lifetime I want to come back as a pampered kitty like my two..LOL
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
4 Mar 09
I often envy the life of my cats. Mine are here with me now. My cat Friday looks very much like Pyewacket all black, beautiful and very smart. I've had cats all my life and I always will, I think. They make me happy.