Will Manchester United win all five champions this season?

March 4, 2009 10:36am CST
As a fan of Mancheser United, i would say that Manchester United will win all the five champions. To become 5 championship wouldn't easy but if mu maintain the winning spirit and keep on the winning form, mothing is impossible. So, Glory Glory Manchester United
2 responses
• India
6 Mar 09
This is the problem with manchester united this season. They are so focused on wining the five championship that they have forgot to play the entertaining football. Easlier they used to go and play 100%. Now they just scrap a win and still be happy because they are close to the five championship. I am not a manchester untied supporter. I support liverpool. Its not that i hate mancherter united ( Ihate chelsea). But when i used to watch there game, i felt like supporting them. They used to trash there opponents with an attitude just below arrogance. It was so awesome. But now i think-" No wonder why i didn't support them". So I just don't care if they win all the five championship because they have lost the sting for which they were known....ciao
• Indonesia
5 Mar 09
I was also one of the MU fans and I believe this season can win all 5 champions. Because they have the best players and for the second line the quality players is not far from the first.