Hidden Treaasures!
By mummymo
@mummymo (23706)
March 4, 2009 7:17pm CST
Ok I am a bit nervous about starting this post as I haven't posted a discussion in a long time and have only recently managed to get back on the Lot but you got to bite the bullet some time so might as well get on with it!
At the beginning of December our car finally died - it was a sudden death but the car had been extremely ill for some time so not totally unexpected! We got a new (used but new to us) car which I love and which is a far better car than the previous one ever was. The biggest drawback was the music provision - it had a radio and a tape deck! I mean who still has tapes? Sorry p1ke it was a rhetorical question - you can put your hand down now!
A few times in the last 3 months I have offered to buy a new cd player for the car but my other half and I decided against it for a few reasons and decided for now we could live with the radio.
Saturday my other half was cleaning out the car when what did he find under the passenger seat but a 6 disc cd player connected up to the car stereo! lol It works brilliantly and is a real hidden treasure! Not bad it only took us 3 months to find it! I have an excuse as I cannot bend over to look under seats but if I still could I would have found the cd player months ago - no excuse for the other half! lol
So have you ever found any hidden treasure? Discovered something that you love but didn't know you had? I don't want to keep thinking we are the only dim wits on the planet! lol
Talk to me folks please?xxxxx

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25 responses
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
5 Mar 09
OOps SORRY SORRY SORRY! Wrong mummy! I am so used to getting dozens of notifications daily from someone else..I thought here we go again.
I am so happy to see you back. I have missed you. I thought you were gone for good. Hope you are your family are healthy. Please give my best to Weemam she is also MIA.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
5 Mar 09
I am so glad to hear from both of you and that all is well. That weemam has lost so much weight, that's about 56 lbs, she must look very different. I know when I lost 59 lbs I looked very different and felt great.OOOxxxOOO for you both.
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@mummymo (23706)
5 Mar 09
It is okay honey - you made me laugh honestly and I understand your frustration at the amount of posts some people start!
I missed you too and hated not being here but health and lack of strength stopped me being here - I am feeling much better now and loving being back! The family are doing well - a few little niggles but otherwise they are fantastic! Hope all is well with you? I see Mam responded herself and I know just how busy she is - no one could do more for their parents and family than she does and I know it takes a lot out of her. She has also been on a diet and has lost 4 stones in weight - she looks fantastic and we are all very proud of her!
Hugs xxxx

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@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Mar 09
Being a good boy I was in bed when you posted this discussion. If my arm was raised it was ask permission to go to the loo! Funny how the young and the increasingly aged have the same nocturnal habits! What a find though. I just went out and looked under my seats - a pen top and a National Trust car park ticket from Avebury from last year. No 6 cd changing, clay pigeon shooting disc players for me. Do you have six cds? LOL. I found a £10 note in my jacket the other day. That was a very exciting find. As for you being the only dim wits on the planet - what hope do have the rest of us have? Because we're all decidedly dimmer and less witted than you my darling Mummymo. XXXX
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@mummymo (23706)
5 Mar 09
Oh My , my beloved p1kefish you always know how to make me feel good about myself!
I am glad you were in bed sleeping like s good boy when this was posted as I was being a very naughty girl and up very late ( so was Scoop Dog though) Sorry there was nothing of value under your seats but on the bright side you got £10 the other day - hope you spent it on something silly and nothing sensible!
We actually do have 6 cds - Niall got me Meredith Brooks cd for Christmas as he knows she sings my favourite song - but not many more! lol We did buy 50 cds at the weekend though so we can burn the music we have on the computers and have lots of cds to listen to! xxx Love you xxxx
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@weemam (13372)
5 Mar 09
I still can't believe that he never saw it , Every time I pass he is washing and cleaning the car lol ,
Yes I found a hidden treasure (You) can't believe you were staying just across the sreet and we didn't know , You are one very special lady and thank you for now being part of our family
Mam xx
@mummymo (23706)
5 Mar 09

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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
5 Mar 09
The only thing i can think of is when I put my coat away and then the next winter I bring it out and find money i stashed in the pocket. Last year i found 20 bucks. lol It came in handy too coz i was flat broke. Boy was i happy i forgot about it. lol Hugs to my favorite twin :)

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@greeneyedlady (1439)
• Netherlands
6 Mar 09
Hi Mummymo and welcome back! I heard about you from a discussion P1kef1sh started on you so I thought I would drop by and introduce myself and say Hi, Nice to meet you and any friend of P1key's is a friend of mine! :D
Well, back to your discussion. I have found money in pockets of jackets and sweaters as I will put them away after the winter and when it gets cold again I drag them out. This is pretty rare for me though because normally when I put something in storage I clean or was it and get it all ready for wearing the next time in a few months but once in a while I am in a hurry and just hang something up thinking I'll get back to it and then of course I forget!
And I found an antique gold, pearl and diamond ring in my jewelry box one day. That was strange as I had never owned it! But then I remember that many years ago when I was broke I pawned some jewelry and when it came time to get it out a friend of mine went and paid for it and picked it up as I had moved half way around the World and when my Father was coming to visit my friend called him and ask if he would bring it to me which he did. Well when my Father got here with the jewelry I just took it and put it in my jewelry box not bothering to look at it and a couple of years later I did go through my jewelry box and opened the envelope that the jewelry had come in and voila! There was this strange ring!
Of course my friend and Father did not know what I had pawned so they would not know if it was mine or not. I did go through the trouble of calling over seas to America to the pawn shop and tell them what had happened but they told me it was mine to keep now as after all of those years they would have no idea who it belonged to!
It's a very pretty antique ring and made of Spanish gold...I don't wear it very often as I think maybe it would bring me bad luck or something but...that's what I found!
I've found a few other things but nothing like this or with this type of story!
Welcome back and again it's nice to meet you! ;)

@mummymo (23706)
6 Mar 09
It is lovely to meet you greeneyedlady - isn't p1ke amazing? I am amongst the adoring hordeswho would be lost without him - but don't tell him I said so or he wouldn't let me 'discipline' him anymore! lol
Wow that sounds like a lovely ring and how very honest of you to call the pawn store from so far away and after such a long time! You definitely sound like my kind of person - oh and if I were you and you like it I would definitely wear the ring more , it may well be your good luck charm!
Thanks for such a great contribution and I cannot wait to have some more fun around here!
Hugs xxx
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@greeneyedlady (1439)
• Netherlands
6 Mar 09
It's really nice to have those memories of loved ones isn't it? I have all of my mothers jewelry, I was an only child so I didn't have to fight anyone to get it! :D And it's nice to look at once in a while and remember fond times! ;)
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@ellen_mom (174)
• United States
6 Mar 09
Wow, even if you never wear it, it is cool to have a piece of jewelry with a story. I have my grandmother's wedding ring and my mother's high school class ring (Class of 1968) in my jewelry box.
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@lucy19851120 (261)
• China
5 Mar 09
hello,you r lucky to hidden the treature,maybe i am more lucky than you,thing was that :
one day ,when i am goin gto shop around to discover that i havn't any money in my hand bag ,then i just lok aroud with my friends and buy small litle ones goods,at last i can not insist on getting purchasing ,then i hurry to he money from cash machine tiket,please one of my friend has waited me by side ,then i quickly to take out my money,nerver find somrthing un different,but the next i recerved a call from bank that asking me whether i ahve lost something in the bank and tell to to go tot bank to check soemthing ,oh,my god ,then i think of my lost money,yes,because of the short time ,i forgot to take our my credit card,and the funny was that the people who own my card taking the lest money then take it homw ,but the next morning he come to the bank quickly and hand the money to bank,then give it to me,my god ,he has alreay taken out my cash,but after some consideration ,he returned it to me .
haha ,really lucky,but
in a few days i has lost some moeny ,i guess the money was stolen by our host,so just eaqul ,the thing should be lost at the time ,i can not hidden it ,
@mummymo (23706)
5 Mar 09
Wow Lucy - someone stole from your credit card and returned it? That is amazing - seems like their conscience pricked them - it is good to know that there are honest people out there even amongst thieves! Then to have money stolen by your host? Seems like you had a really unlucky time then Lucy - I hope that your luck improves! xxx

@icyorchid (2564)
• United States
5 Mar 09
LOL that's fantasitc!
Well, I don't think I've ever found anything like that. lol I don't think I've ever found a treasure. lol
Congrats on such a good find!
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@Darkwing (21583)
5 Mar 09
Wow... that was certainly a good find, my dear friend. You have a popmobile now, then? ha ha ha.
I can't recall ever finding such a "treasure" but if you want skitty, lol... when my son decided he would help clear out my attic so that he could take some unwanted stuff to the car boot sale, he found some Christmas presents that I'd bought no the year before, but TWO years before, and hadn't wrapped them! They were only small things but must have got lost or covered in my wrapping box that year, and put back in the loft with everything else. I didn't even notice they were missing when I gave out my presents the Christmas I bought them! ha ha ha. Don't tell Gabs... she'll get jealous of the blonde moment! he he.
Brightest Blessings, my dear friend. It's good to have you back! xx
@mummymo (23706)
5 Mar 09
LOL @Popmobile honey!
Hey that is fantastic I hope you saved some money and used them for this Christmas! lol My Gran did that once - she is always buying clothes for Niamh and sometimes puts some of them away for birthdays/christmas etc til the other year when she went into a case she keeps presents in and found 3 bags full of clothes she had bought for Niamh and forgotten about and just in the right size! lo She couldn't even keep them for the next occasion as they might not have fitted her then - she just gives her clothes when she buys them now! lol
As for Gabs I think you have a long way to go to get as 'blonde' as she is!
It is so good to see you - Hugs xxxx

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@Eskimo (2315)
6 Mar 09
Hi Mo, never had much treasure to lose, however I got a new car a couple of years back, and it only had a CD Player/radio, no cassette. Problem is I have several hundred Audio Cassettes (how sad!!
) which I like to listen to when I'm on my own, now I can't listen to them. I've now bought some on CS, but they are much more expensive than tape. - Don't know why as it is easier (and cheaper)to produce cd's than tapes.
Guess you've got the best of both worlds (even if it took several months to find your cd player.
Paws for thought!!

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@mummymo (23706)
6 Mar 09
Aaaaargghhh I typed a response that has disappeared! Typical me huh? lol
Wish I could convert your audio Cassettes onto cd for you like we can with videos to dvds but unfortunately we aren't set up for that!
Would give you our tape deck if it wouldn't leave a big hole in the dashboard!
WE burn our own cds - blank xds are really cheap and we burn the music we have on the computers!
Good to see you and that avatar of yours is a real treasure surely? xxx
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@mummymo (23706)
8 Mar 09
You really are set up well with technology aren't you honey? I am not telling the other half or he will get very jealous! lol As you say though the time it take can be extreme! AS to the legality - my view is you have paid for it already so why not convert it to another medium? Maybe not legally sound but morally so! lol
Retiring? No , not you Eskimo. Or are you like my older brother - he turns 50 later in the year and will retire the following month! Yep that must be it - retiring young! I bet you get bored and end up doing something else! lol Hugs xxxx
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
5 Mar 09
"I haven't posted a discussion in a long time "????? Are you kidding? How about as long ago as yesterday! You post more discussion each and every day than any of my other "friends"!!!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
6 Mar 09
That's pretty funny! lol. So it was there for 3 months???? Thank goodness you didn't actually go out and buy a new one! My bouts of hidden treasure finding these days seem to be limited to discovering the odd money not in one of my suit pockets or something like that! I AM in Egypt though, so it's only a matter of time before I trip over something and discover it's a pure gold sarcophagus! 

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@mummymo (23706)
6 Mar 09
Yep 3 WHOLE months James and not a clue! lol So glad I didn't buy a new cd player like I was going to - not got money to waste on duplicates! lol
Will you still speak to us when you are rich and famous? I can just imagine you discovering millions of pounds worth of treasure! Maybe even discovering a new pyramid? lol Hugs xxx
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
5 Mar 09
I know you are feeling better because I can hear the humour in your posts and I can almost see the winkle in your eye and your mouth is ever ready to let go a giggle or a chuckle. It's lovely to see and hear.
What a marvellous find! Driving along and having no music is simply unnatural to me. I'm just uncomfortable and unhappy if there is no music. So for me, finding something like that would be fabulous. Mind you, a radio is ok too because the reception is ok around here for a classical channel and various pop/rock channels too.
Well done Mo.....love you...xxx
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@mummymo (23706)
5 Mar 09
Tickle Thank you, thank you , thank you. You have no idea how much it means to know that you can tell I am feeling stronger and can 'read' my mood in here! AS well as getting stronger being here gives me so much more strenght and helps me find so many more pleasures and smiles in life!
I love music as well honey but now that I can't drive myself the radio is dangerous as the other half can nearly always find some sport commentary or sport talk show there! lol
Love you loads - and I knew you meant twinkle but sparks made me giggle there too!
Hugs and kisses xxxxx
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
5 Mar 09
The 'winkle' in her eye ickle? ROFL
Sorry, couldn't resist!

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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
5 Mar 09
Hi mummymo,
I just got to throw in my support for your fresh discussion.
It's great to read that you've got a new car that you like over your previous. That's real cool and I reckon the idea of having a new car perks you up just thinking about it (at least till the "novelty" wears off).
And a hidden treasure!! Congrats!! I haven't come across any hidden treasures myself that I can remember.
I am happy for you. So the tape problem is solved! Good thing you had not gone ahead to buy a CD player. Now you are all set to rock on "modern" CDs lol. 

@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
6 Mar 09
Hi mummymo honey, I can imagine it. I would be so excited!

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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
6 Mar 09
Hi mummymo! So great to see a a new discussion of yours dear friend. I have missed you here although I have seen you dropping off comments on responses and discussions once in awhile but it is different when I get to see your own discussion.
Wow, congratulations on finding that hidden treasure! I would love to uncover one myself but I have been looking all over my place and all over my father's place but I can't find a single treasure yet. Maybe I have to dig a little deeper. LOL!
Take care and have a great day!

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@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
5 Mar 09
Hi mummymo,
I'm just so thrilled to see you here, and posting a new discussion.
I haven't been spending much time here lately, for one reason or another. I do miss 'very special friends' like you.
Congrats on your "hidden treasure" discovery, and the acquiring of your new 'old' vehicle. It really is a good thing, that you didn't go out and purchase that new CD player.
Nothing comes to mind right now, except that there have been times when I've discovered new articles of clothing, never worn, and with the tags on them. It's always exciting, and I can be one to hang them at the back of my closet, and forget all about them.
We 'must' have a chat on MSN or Messenger sometime soon.
Take care.
Love and Hugs to you.

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@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
6 Mar 09
Awwwwwww, thanks.
I'm looking forward to talking with you too, so maybe we can arrange something for this weekend. I know we have to take into account the time difference. As for the phone, that would be wonderful, although a 'mutual friend' of ours tried to call me one time, and it didn't go through. I have a 'privacy block' on my line, and 'it' wouldn't accept the call. I'm not sure if you'd have this problem though, as each situation 'may' be different.
Big Hugs

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@mummymo (23706)
5 Mar 09
The new car is fantastic 'mom. It is just the right height to make it easy for me to get in and out of - no more bending over to get down into it! Bliss.
I have missed you loads too and still can't get over how wonderfully thoughtful you and our friend were and I still get a tear in my eye thinking of it! I look forward to speaking to you really soon - just let me know when is good for you - there is always the phone as well remember!
Hugs and lotsa luv xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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@makingpots (11915)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Bravo, sis! Starting a new discussion, returning to the lot and entering the 21st century all in one week. Lol
This one has already been mentioned, but it happens to me on an ongoing basis. I wear a lot of blazers. Wool, or short sleeve, winter and summer.... it is my secret to dressing up a pair of jeans in a pinch. I am constantly finding money in the pockets. It happens to me so much that I should not even notice, but it always thrills me. I feel lucky every time.

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@makingpots (11915)
• United States
5 Mar 09
I could easily convert, yes indeed.
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@CRSunrise (2981)
• United States
5 Mar 09
I don't know that I've found that many hidden treasures here lately. Although, around Christmas time, we needed a new ink cartidge for our printer, and we didn't really have the money to get one, and I didn't want to use a credit card to get one. I happen to be looking through one of our cabinets, and I found the kind of cartidge we needed. We didn't have to go to the store for one after all.
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@mummymo (23706)
5 Mar 09
That really is a hidden treasure CR - one that appeared just as you needed it most too - that is the best kind! Even better that it happened at Christmas time when money is usually even tighter than usual!
Nice of you to come in for a chat - can I offer you a coffee? lol xxxx
@CRSunrise (2981)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Sorry, don't drink coffee. How about a Pepsi? lol
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
5 Mar 09
The most recent treasure I've found, mummy, is you. And p1key, and James, and Loud, and Spark, and Bo, and Irish. Maybe I should consider the art/jewelry I've been doing as a hidden treasure too. It's truly a gift to be able to do it. Keeps me busy, lets me create beautiful things, and I'm hoping to be able to sell some of them soon, when it's time for the art show that I'm entering. To tell you the truth, my whole life is one big treasure, mummy. I'm so blessed with so very many gifts.....gifts of friends, of my husband, my darling cats, my art, my sweet little home, my garden, and I could go on, but you get my drift, yes?
I'm sooooo glad you're back. You were seriously missed while you were gone, and having you here again is yet another treasure, and not just for me, but for all of us. Kisses, mummy. XXXXX
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@mummymo (23706)
5 Mar 09
Oh Nova you are such an inspiration to me! Your outlook on life and your wonderful , loving, warm personality make you such a pleasure to know and I feel blessed to count you as a friend! Hugs and kisses to you too Nova - I am off to get a tissue and wipe my eyes - they are leaking! Love you xxxx
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Pass one to me, would you please? I'm doing a bit of leaking too. And I love you too. xxxxx

@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
5 Mar 09
If I can put my hand down, I'll let you spit out that bullet! LOL
I lose things all the time. I put them somewhere safe and they are gone for years.
I'm still looking for an ounce of wacky tobacky a friend sent me 11 years ago! LOL
It's like Christmas when I find something though. I've forgotten all about it and then BOO! There is is right in front of my face and I'm like a kid in a candy shop with glee!
Now if I could just misplace the hubs for awhile..............
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@mummymo (23706)
5 Mar 09
Glad your hand was cold when you put it down sparks - bet that gave Scoop a real shock! lol
I am always losing things too - but in the case of the wacky baccy are you sure you didn't just forget using it? lol
As for the hubby now there is a plan...when he has been missing for a while you will think he was a treasure and be pleased to find him again...could be the solution to all your problems and since it is hidden treasure and not buried treasure you won't een have to go to prison! lol
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
5 Mar 09
Dog..........I live in Canada where COLD air rises! LOL So the higher my hand, the colder it gets.
Mummy......I like your plan. Rather what I had in mind myself! LOL

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