Honesty or Respect?
By Daddy Neil
@neildc (17238)
Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
March 5, 2009 12:37am CST
We had a conversation last night at home with my wife and the kids, while we are having dinner.
Wife said, "I hate you Joan (her daughter) telling lies all the time. You have to change your attitude, or else."
Then I said, "you know what, I think I prefer our kids to be respectful rather than honest."
Why? Thought it hurts sometimes to tell the truth, but it helps when someone could be hurt if you tell the truth, so you rather lie.
But respect, I guess is what most kids is missing. Kids nowadays have no respect to their parents, to the oldies or to anybody.
It is so disappointing to see our kids grow-up without respect to their parents.
So what do you favor more, being honest or being respectful? Which has heavier value to you?
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23 responses
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
5 Mar 09
[i][/i]Hi neildc,
I will choose both, would that be fine? When I was teaching back home, I have noticed really that our younger generation is totally different in our time and much more than in our Parents' time and so on...
Cheating to them is like a lifestlye and they are not ashame when you will caught them, I mean...It's hard to explain but it seems that for them, it's an ordinary thing....
Students are very good to their teacher in front but most of the time, you will noticed how they will talk to their parents...unbelievable! So, I hope that we can maintain to instill these values to our kids, I know it's hard but once we will spend quality time with them, valuing them and at the same time, not nagging them!
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@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
6 Mar 09
It's really unbelievable che. That's maybe the reason I came up with this discussion. I don't really want to choose between the two values we learned from our parents and from the school, and we want to instill to our kids. But if we weight the things we are experiencing right now, honesty comes next to being respectful... Being respectful to parents will not be complete if we don't have respect to ourselves...
@alokn99 (5717)
• India
5 Mar 09
Frankly i see respect being incomplete without honesty. Being dishonest with your parents in a mild mannered,polite way is not being respectful in my opinion. If you truly respect someone, then we need to be honest with them and with ourselves.
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
5 Mar 09
That probably I go for respect than honesty, though respect will not be complete with being dishonest. But, if we will weigh much deeper, isn't respect seen by who should be given the respect. You will remain honest unless your lies are revealed.
@tamarafireheart (15384)
5 Mar 09
Hi Neil,
It is better to have both in kids today but that is asking the impossible, yes I agree with you I think respect should be the norm but I think that has gone as well as I have heard five years old child calling his mother a b***h because she would give him what he wanted, I was so disgusted because she didn't even say a word, I would have slaped him, it is very sad. Hugs.
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@theonerm5 (365)
• United States
6 Mar 09
This is really a tough one... Ahhh.... I think I would have to choose respect though because kids will always lie to you anyway for certain reasons.
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
6 Mar 09
Correct... Everybody lies. But even if you are a liar, if we will put that way, you can always show respect to everybody. And even respect can be falsified, right?
@chriswolf (360)
• China
5 Mar 09
In my opinioin, both are important, especially for kids to form good characteristic. No need to mention that, there must be a balance between them. But that will be the day when children could tell things right from wrong, serious from not. Yes?
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
5 Mar 09
Yes there will come a time that kids can tell what is right and what is wrong. Both are with them when they were younger, but when they grew-up as teens, they seem to be dishonest and disrespectful too. So how can we say it's balanced when you have taught them both, but they seem to be more disrespectful and dishonest now. That is why I wanted to know from you, which has heavier value, not to mention the importance because they should be both important to a person...
@2yolysempowering (114)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Well I think for one doesnt weigh heavier or the other,
I believe it should be both. Yes sometimes the truth may
hurt but I have always said to my children that it will
hurt me more to find out that what you told me as the
truth was actually a lie because then they just added the
worst disrespect that they didn't respect me enough to tell
me the truth no matter what they thought my reaction may
be. So respectfully tell me the truth in love.
Did they always tell me everything nope not even today, but
I still demand their respect and honesty and try not to be
too over bearing we are all human and have feelings. I think
sometimes our kids need to vent at us from us and about us
as parents just like we need to about parenting them-
We just have to not take so much of what they do and say ugly
or indifferent too personal and try to understand the real
underlying issue of the bruitally honest moment and dissect
it like a frog in a biology class. We must first seek to under
stand then be understood as parents of teenagers alike we have
to do more seeking to understand, and remember our own young
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@littleowl (7157)
9 Mar 09
Hi neil being honest here I would both fortuantley my children now in there 20's are normally honest with me but if not they always own up if they haven't been, respect is something that has to be earned and as a parent every child should respect them but for me it is hard to decide which is more value to me, maybe respect but honesty should follow respect and trust....littleowl
@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
I'd really like to have both. Being honest and respectful can be done at the same time. It's also good to know how a child feels about a certain situation if they are angry it's better that we know. In that way we can still communicate with the children. If they are reaching the end of the line then we just have to simply remind them that we are their parents and that we are always there for them. 

@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
9 Mar 09
I would say both are just as important & should not be compromised!~ These core values are like foundation pillars for a building which cannot be taken away!~ How can we say we respect someone when we're lying to them? If we want to be honest with someone even being straight forward & blunt, we can still convey the message in a respectful manner? So I am thinking out loud

@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
6 Mar 09
I think that they go hand-in-hand. To be honest with our parents is to show them respect and vise-versa. If your kid respects you, than yes, they may attempt to lie, but, chances are better that they will be honest. If your kid is dishonest then they are also being disrespectful.
I think that you really cannot have one without the other.
@michmich2 (432)
• United States
6 Mar 09
Tough question - I don't necessarily think that either is more important than the other - they are both very important! I think maybe if I had to choose, I would choose honesty. I agree with you that sometimes the truth can be hurtful, but I think that in general, it is still important to be honest. The only time I think that being honest might not be the best thing is if the only outcome of telling the truth would be hurting someone. However, if any good can come of being honest, even if people also get hurt, then I think honesty is the way to go. Respect is also very important and I agree that a lot of children today are lacking a sense of respect. I see it all the time and it's discouraging. I think it has a lot to do with parents being either too busy or unwilling to teach their children proper respect. These days most parents have to work and with work and school schedules, there is often not much time left in a day to really talk to your children. Hopefully, they learn good values through watching the example of their parents, but too often, that doesn't seem to be happening. Maybe the movies, tv shows, and video games of this era contribute to the disrespect and negative behavior that we see. Sorry - I'm starting to ramble. Basically, I think that honesty and respect are both very important and I'm trying to teach them both to my own children. Hopefully they'll learn from watching me and my husband, along with listening to what we tell them. I really try to take the time to instill proper values in them. Sometimes I know I fall short, but at least I know I'm trying.
@gxyywhyzy (450)
• China
6 Mar 09
As a father, i hope my kids to be respectful.Recently,my neighbour often said that their daughter has been rude to the relatives, so they were very disappointing to see her grow-up.I think respect is the most important of all virtues.
@acematthews71 (1084)
• India
6 Mar 09
" Honesty is the best policy " as the slogan is , virtually every person should be honest to others & most importantly to herself otherwise he would be having to regret later in his life for not being honest . On the other hand , respect is to be also earned & given to others so it's a virtue which needs to be inculcated in a person . Balancing both things is a fine way to live life .
@sweetgirl_k1 (3972)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Honestly, I think people need to be honest and respectful. Kids need to learn both these days. I can't stand someone to lie to me and I don't like people to be disrespectful either. I'm trying to teach my child to be honest and to respect others. He's almost 3 years old and I think you should start teaching them honesty and respect when they are young so that they continue with it throughout their life.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
6 Mar 09
Children learn best, and quickest from their Parents. If you say," I hate you Joan," to your daughter. Expect to hear those words back again, from your daughter. Best not to repeat words you would rather not hear from your Kids. A lie is a Lie, is a lie. There are no lil white lies, or harmless lies, just lies! Children will respect their parents, only if their parents respect them. If you lose your temper and call your kid names, you will get those names back from your kids. This is how they learn, and this is why its imperative that you respect your kids at all times, and treat them as you would like them to treat you. Always remember, your kids will choosing your Old Age Home! (And there's nothing you can do about that!)
@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
5 Mar 09
also the kids behaviour is depending on their parents
.yes i prefer respect too.

@mystic888soul (390)
• Philippines
6 Mar 09
I cannot choose from the given option cause for me being honest is also one kind of respecting people...that's why the two should go along..^^
@shiwangipeswani (613)
• India
5 Mar 09
Absolutelt correct u r,i agree totally to u.
if children respect us they will never hurt us intentionally.and many of the time we also tell lie na so that we may not hurt our elders so the main thing is respect for the elders which is lacking in todays kids,
so sad
@abanerji (1026)
• India
5 Mar 09
well, i am not a parent but i feel that the first quality instilled in a child should be obidience. when child learns to obey parents and elders then repect and honest come very easily.
well, you would not like to hear your child giving false statements respectfully... so, in that case, honesty and respect must be equal. when we say kids are missing respct for elders etc. then we must realise that kids are not at fault. it is the parents who are at fault. parents must keep an eye on the growing children and check them whenever they show disrespect or tell lies or they disobey parents.
even teachers at schoolmust take the responsibilty of teaching good habits to students.