If Snake bites????? Friends.. Be aware..

March 5, 2009 7:39am CST
I am really worried that, my fellow Indians are dying the most due to Snake bites. In India, nearly 35,000 to 50,000 peoples are dying because of snake bites. The Shock + Surprise news is that many peoples are dying in 'shock', even they had bitten by non-poisonous snake. In America, yearly 8,000 peoples are getting bite from snakes. But the greatest fact here is only 6 to 10 peoples are dying in a year (comparing 35 - 50,000 deaths in India). So, A Great Hats off for USA, as immediate treatment is possible there all around... It is possible to save Indians as well, if he gets first aid immediately. It is must that we should not let the people to sleep who had received a bite from snake Okay friends.. a fact about Cobra snake..If any other snakes bite us, the poison mix with our blood, passes through the heart, & finally reaches brain and gives death. but, if Cobra bites, the venom reaches the brain immediately. That is why King Cobras are always so dangerous. Finally, i wish to give a little information on our body reaction, if snake bites.. 1. We can find 2 dots on the area, where snake had biten 2. Blood will be keep on coming. 3. Severe Pain wil be there. 4. Eye looses steadyness. So, Friends.. Be careful with snake..
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6 responses
6 Mar 09
oh my goodness.. this is so horrible to hear that 35 to 50000 peoples are dying because of snake bites. In india, first aid is not given quickly. so this is the reason we cannot prevent deaths. so sad news.
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• India
6 Mar 09
yes.. its a sad news.. 35,000 to 50,000 deaths are occurring due to snake bites..
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
5 Mar 09
This is a great surprise to me. 50.000 deaths through snake bites is horrendous. We have snakes in Australia as well... but very few deaths. The number is similar to the USA. I think there are several factors in your country... 1) The large population 2) The living conditions 3) The involvement of snakes in your culture Are you not the ones trying to charm snakes with a flute? Very dangerous occupation. lol
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• India
5 Mar 09
West will never tire of imagining India as a country of snake charmers!!! I am always amused by this statement being made once too often. Only those who visit India, and those who have had Indian friends, if at all, one can get a fair idea of what our country is. It is true that when the population gets out of hand, health care,jobs,living conditions everything gets out of hand. Last year, I had an experience of traveling by car in one of our states. The driver took a short through some village. In fact I was very happy to note that the roads had improved. Being city dwellers we have little idea about what the government is doing in the villages.There was a traffic jam due to which our truck had to take a detour. The reason was some one was bitten by a snake and mobile medical help was rushed to the spot. I could see the government, medical van attending to the woman bitten by a snake. Of ten it is not medical help reaching in time, but the non-availability of potent anti-snake venom serum with the government health care units! Coming back to the snake-bite related deaths example, what I can see as a case in point is the penchant of our people to try some quack medicine before they even seek medical help. If they approach health care rather late in the day how could one blame the government of not providing adequate health care.
• India
6 Mar 09
Well.. Aussie. I must agree with you.. I can understand your comments.. Its a sad truth that, here government is not giving much importance for these things and awareness too not much like you have in Australia.. This must be changed.. and i hope.. it will be changed.. By the way, thanks for your response.. Have a nice time!
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@williamjisir (22819)
• China
13 Sep 09
Hello raghul. It is very helpful information to us readers. I thank you so much for the discussion. I remember decades ago when I was young, our school invited a person who was very good at curing snake bites to give a lecture for teachers and students in our school. We learned something from him and then we bought some herbs from him after the lecture. Snakes are dangerous creatures to us humans. I remember there was one night when I was walking in the dark and all of a sudden I heard a snake roaring towards my direction. I had no idea what kind of snake it was. Even now I have no idea about it. I was so scared and did not move on, but quicky turned backwards and left the place. I was so lucky not to be bitten by it. Otherwise the result was imaginable. It is an experience that I will never forget when I was working in a mountain school.
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
12 Mar 09
Hi Raghu, I agree with you, snake bite is a common problem especially with South Indian states like, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Normally snakes won’t bite except for their safety. . Actually the nature has given this ability for their safety so that they can escape from their enemies. In Kerala, Snakes are treated like GOD. You can see many temples there for Snakes and people strongly believe in Snake GODs.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
19 Aug 09
Hi Alice, In Kerala I have seen that many cases of snake biting and even many deaths. My Aunt (paternal unless wife) is treating for snake bite (Ayurvedic) and on that I way I know many people who got bite from snake. Most of the people are unknowingly stepped on the snake as they (snakes) are in search of the prey in night (in villages there is not much light outside in night and there are lot of trees and bushes, so the night travel is difficult and create these kind of problems).
• India
20 Mar 09
Hi my dear... for your information, i crossed a snake very closely yesterday morning. it crossed the road when i was traveling with my bike.seeing the snake, i stopped my bike suddenly.the distance between me and snake will be within just 3 or 4 mtrs. i felt like snake was scared on me() when i braked near to it. even i was little shocked for a second. Seeing snakes in my area is not a big thing. because, i know that snakes exists in my area which has a forest like look as well which is suitable for snakes to stay. but lastly i saw snake atleast 2 or 3 years ago.. and then, only now i am watching the snake close.. so i was little shock too.. and i think i forget to breadth at that 2 or 3 seconds.. i am wondering of this thing... I started discussions about snake and snake had crossed me now. I am thinking for what reason it would have crossed me... seeing this discussion in Mylot! and u had well said that, snake bites us only in case if they feel they are in danger or danger for their lives. actually it fears humans. But only Indian snakes are this type. Cobra's we see in discovery channels are so dangerous. there are lot of thing left to talk about those snakes.. King Cobras, Anacondas, pythons, mamba, etc., lot of snakes are there to study about it.. Anyway my dear, i am glad with your reply. Have a nice time!
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• India
6 Mar 09
hmm interesting thans for sharin w/ us here on mylot happy lottin and have a nice day!
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• India
6 Mar 09
well.. thanks for participating in the discussion, crazyjogger..
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• India
13 Aug 09
Yes it's a horrible thought....I have alot of cobras where I live, sometimes I see one a week!!! Many have come in to my garden, and one tried to get in the house!! Unbelievable. Thankfully I have three dogs and as soon as they get a whiff of a snake they'll bark the place down!! They go mad and have a very distinctive 'snake alert' bark, but occasionally the cobra has got past them, as the dogs were inside the house sleeping. Manya time I have caught the cobras (not with my bare hands) but helped edge it into a box and then we tape the box up and release it somewhere far off. Our neighbors kill them outright!
• India
15 Aug 09
My God.. Cobra? The king of snakes? How dangerous those snakes are.. That was really scary to hear from you, sis. But its great to hear from you that you have 3 dogs, which will definitely protect his master. Cobra came inside the home anyway, thats dangerous and really a shocking news. Even i lived in a same circumstance like you before 3 years. Even Pythons came there 2times and its unbelievable that a big python had lived near my home for a very long time, where i walk that way everyday. when those land was digged, a big python came very slowly and too many mini pythons which are 10 to 15 inches in size. As it is non venomous, i planned to catch it and hand over to the zoo. before i reach the spot from my home balcony, they killed that big snake with bulldozer tearing into pieces. I catched one mini snake with me and i kept that python with me for 3 days. then i gave to a college student who asked me very much. Then later he said me that he left the snake in forest again as he dint know how to care and it seemed sick. I was little disappointed that he dint asked me before leaving. anyway, i had "nice 3 days" with that mini python. Its a nice time!
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• India
17 Aug 09
but you must note one thing here dear sis. the size of the snake is maximum 12 to 15 inches. and weighs only 100gms or less I hope.Thats the reason i had with me.
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• India
16 Aug 09
3 days with a mini python....all I can say is that boys will be boys...haha.....I wonder if he still remembers you??