Which dog breed do you prefer? Why?

Shiba Inu - This is an adult Shiba Inu.
@Astraea (175)
March 5, 2009 2:31pm CST
I love all dogs, but there's something special with different Spitz breeds, maybe it's that oh-so-lovely curled tail? Or the fact that they're hard working, loyal and majestic. If I had to choose just one dog breed, I think it would be the Shiba Inu. Shibas are so alert, come in a handy size 33-43 cm (13-17 inches), are great with children and other animals, intelligent and brave. Not to mention their cute and small dark eyes. Or their tail. Did I mention the curled tail?! Er... anyway. What's your number one dog breed? Why do you prefer that breed?
3 responses
• United States
5 Mar 09
I prefer the Saint Bernard, mostly the smooth. I've found that smooths are so much easier to groom and maintain. Saints are absolutely loving with their families, they aren't all lazy like most think. BOTH my dogs have the energy of a Rhodesian Ridgeback, they could probably run for hours if they didn't get so distracted. And of course, an energetic dog is the perfect running and hiking partner. They don't eat as much as most large breeds, but they are messy drinkers.
@Astraea (175)
• Sweden
5 Mar 09
Saint Bernards are my sisters favorite breed. I agree with you, they are not lazy at all, but they can look lazy with their dark, sleepy eyes and well... their drooling! I've got the impression that they're very loyal and nice, though? Is that true?
• United States
6 Mar 09
Very true... depending if they come from lines focused mainly on temperament. There are so many BYBs getting into Saint Bernards, that the breed is becoming more lazy and sometimes aggressive. Most Saint Bernards you see don't even resemble the breed anymore... one of my parents' dogs is the perfect example. Rambo has problems with aggression towards people, and both the other Saints never had that problem. Our first Saint, Demon, was a perfect example of how a Saint Bernard's temperament should be. He was very devoted to people, and had shown no signs of aggression once. He was also very active... as they originally needed to be for what they were bred to do... rescue.
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@bignik (272)
• Italy
5 Mar 09
Hi to all , my favourite is german sheperd , maybe because i was brought up with them , i was about 10 years old and my father gave me a present for my birthday it was a small fury ball of a dog , but as she grew she became real grand , as i got her for a present nobody could say anything at home, she was one of the best companions one could ever wish , she would never leave me alone and always be by my side , lucky enough she was not an agressive dog but very protective towards my family and me ,as time went by i did have another 3 german sheperds mostly female, but as i can remember they were almost like the first , very inteligent and very almost human, not to decline any other breed , because at the moment i have adopted 2 little mixed breeds , and one is a disaster ,patience, greetings bignik
@Astraea (175)
• Sweden
5 Mar 09
Hello bignik! German Shepards are indeed great dogs. I remember one of my sisters' dogs, Nelly, who is a German Shepherd. She is so cute. They cutest thing about her was when her ears just refused to stay erect, when she was a puppy. One ear would stand right up, and the other would drop! And I agree, they are very intelligent and quick learners.
@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
5 Mar 09
My favorite breed of dog is a Pappilon. First because they are just so furry, and also have you ever seen those ears? They are massively big. They are a small dog that can fit on your lap. I am a fan of the little dogs. Shiba Inu's are a really cute dog.
@Astraea (175)
• Sweden
5 Mar 09
My great aunt had one of those! Their fur is so soft, and like most small dogs they are very alert and happy. They have such a kind and cute expression as well.