Is it still one's oblogation to support one's parents financilly?

March 6, 2009 1:19am CST
I will not call it an obligation for my part. Rather, I would consider it my expression of gratitude to them for bringing me into this world. I am what I am today because of them. They may not be the perfect parents but the fact is that, I'll not be here today where it not for them.
2 responses
• Chennai, India
6 Mar 09
I'd rather call it responsibility. And they may not need financial support, yet they may need just your supportive words. Humans, especially when they grow aged need more moral support, I think.
@mensab (4200)
• Philippines
6 Mar 09
i agree with you. it does not have to be called an obligation because it sounds like very legally binding. it is culturally binding though that any son or daughter who abandons his/her parents are frowned upon and begrudged by society. however, supporting one's parents should not be tied down with obligation. it should come out of our love and gratitude for our parents. if it's obligation, then it can be measured like $100 a month. it should not be like that. it should come from our hearts and benevolence.