Biggest comeback concert in history?

Michael Jackson - Michael Jackson annoucing his come back concerts.
@paula27661 (15811)
March 6, 2009 2:41am CST
Michael Jackson is making a come back. Ten live shows in London; VIP tickets are estimated to cost up to $2000. He kept the crowd waiting for about 2 hours last night before appearing at a press conference sans scarf or mask and announced in a deeper voice than usual what has been called the biggest comeback concert in history. His last live performance was around 8 years ago (correct me if I'm wrong).Although he is a strange man I have loved his music and I do hope his concerts are a success. What do you guys think?
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8 responses
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
6 Mar 09
I saw part of the 'That is it" announcement show on BBC yesterday. He was looking fresh and his voice sounding as good. He was enjoying the adulation and the crowd was just thrilled and rightly so. Definitely, it is supposed to be the biggest comeback ever. But will that be his last tour ever? I am not sure. Looking forward to it though. With all those controversies and hullabaloos he is one of the most charismatic personality on earth!
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
6 Mar 09
He's a very talented man. I read his childhood was tough and I wonder how much of that has contributed to his eccentricities. Hope we get to see a televised version of the shows one day!
@MaryLynn321 (2680)
• United States
15 Mar 09
I love his music too, and always have. Yes he is strange to some extent. He is older now, and I think a lot of people remember the young Jackson. He had all his plastic surgery, but his voice never has changed. Didn't he have to cancel some of his last performances due to illness? I could be wrong.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
15 Mar 09
I haven't heard about cancellations, hope not. I love his music even though I wish he didn't make all those changes to his appearance; he looked fine when he was younger, but as you said he still sounds great.
• United States
16 Mar 09
The cancellations weren't from this tour, I think they were from a few years ago. Yes he was quite handsome before all the surgeries. He definitely still has a good voice.
@balasri (26537)
• India
21 Mar 09
I am one among the millions of others earnestly looking forward to this show.He is legend no doubt.He created History.Pun intended.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
22 Mar 09
Ha!Ha! Very good! I doubt I would be able to afford the ticket! It would be an excellent concert to go to!
@sajuman (1854)
• India
1 Apr 09
I agree you..Micahel Jackson,the legend.He is the legend of music,king of pop,stars of stars.All the Mj fans are happy and same time sad.Happy because He is back with his magical music and dance,we are sad because it is his last programme.. so go micahel go...we are here... Thanks for the discussion..
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
1 Apr 09
I would love to be able to go to the concert! It sure would be something to see. Thanks for the response!
@intari (190)
• Indonesia
10 Mar 09
i love michael jackson too.he is the superstar that have really good voice. his song, lyrics and his musics very nice and unforgetable all time.very good to him if he comes back and making shows.wish he always success in his shows.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
10 Mar 09
I have enjoyed his music. I wish I could afford to go to his concert! Thanks for the response!
• United States
13 Mar 09
He's an odd ball, but he's a great artist and doing this is about time. I think a lot of his fans would want to watch him in concert.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
14 Mar 09
I know, he is a very gifted artist, I wish I could go to one of his concerts. Thanks for responding!
@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
6 Mar 09
I've no time for Michael Jackson, so I'll say nothing!
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
6 Mar 09
@ellie333 (21016)
6 Mar 09
Hi Paula, Yes I agree his music was great especially the Thriller album and many people class him as the king of pop and I am pleased he is going to be playing live again, however at that price a ticket there is no way most geniune fans could afford to go so I think a bit of a rip off really. I love live music but these concerts not just for Michael Jackson are not for the everyday person anymore but for the rich that can afford the tickets. I used to see three or four live bands a week at different venues in the London area and was affordable for the everyday person but these days other than seeing pub bands I am lucky to go to an event once every other year which is sad as music brings people together. Huggles. Ellie :D
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
6 Mar 09
You are so right,I haven't been to a concert in years, it's just too darn expensive and we are a family now so concerts are at the bottom of the list unfortunately. Michael's show sounds geared towards those who are well off and can afford the ticket,as you say.