Should a 13 year old get her belly button pierced?

United States
March 6, 2009 10:23am CST
I was driving home after dropping my kids off at school this morning and on the radio was a disscussion from a listener who wanted to know if she should let her daughter get her belly button pierced at 13. I don't know if I would allow my daughter to do so at that age. I would want to have a good reason. It was mentioned that the child had wanted it because it was something all her friends had which of course, like most kids...if their friends have it they want it. But is that reason enough?!? I guess it depends on the individual child itself. Some are just out getting in trouble and that could cause a bit more I am sure. Would you allow your 13 year old daughter to get her belly button pierced?
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37 responses
@moneymommy (3418)
• United States
6 Mar 09
No I would never allow any of my children to pierce or tatoo there bodys while they are under the age of 18 and living in my house. When they turn 18 if that is still what they want to do so be it. But no I would never let my kids get this done.
• United States
19 Feb 13
even though i am 4 years late i wanted to put my opinon in this so as of right no wi am 13 years old and my mom said that i could not have my belly button pierced so i went and got it pierced with my freind to avoid that u should just let her get it done
@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
6 Mar 09
Piecings and tattoos are adult activities that should be engaged in by adults. With possibly the exception of pierced ears which is tolerated well with society on its younger members. Young people say they want to be different yet try so hard to conform to their peers it is like a uniform that they adopt. The boys with the baggy pants and hoodies, and the girls with the thongs showing and the belly button piercings. They think it is an act of rebellion when it is an act of conformity.
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• United States
6 Mar 09
I would not. At 13 most kids still have to be told to take a bath. Belly button peircings can take up to 6 months to heal and they are constantly infected. Not only that but the piont of a piercing is for someone to see it and I do not think that a 13 year old should be showing off her mid-drift (unless it is swim suit season) "But my friend has one" is the worst reason on earth to do something. I have a friend with AIDS, another with a huge tatoo, and another who has been divorced 4 times, but that doesn't mean I want those things also. This is another case of parents needing to remember that they are the adults and their children are just that: children, and need to be told no every now and then.
@emilie2300 (1882)
• United States
6 Mar 09
No way I have a thirteen year old now, There is no way I will let her get her belly pierced. If that what she wants to do when she is 18 then thats her choose but not at 13 there is just no way. Thats what wrong half these teenagers get what they want. And they need to be told no. they can do that when there older but not now.
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• United States
6 Mar 09
I would not allow my 13 year old daughter to get her belly button pierced. The reason to get the belly button pierced is to look really cute for the boys. And 13 year old girls should not being doing grown up things at that age. So I don't think it's a good idea to let your child have their belly button pierced so they can show off their cute belly to the boys!
• United States
6 Mar 09
Nope , way too young !! a belly ring is something that looks sexy and I think 13 year olds should not be concerned with looking sexy . Bad idea ! Plus if you give your kid the okay to do adult things when they are 13 I would think they would get bored by the time they are 16 and who knows what they will want to do then. There is nothing wrong with waiting it gives them something to look foward to later. I would not let mine get tattooed or pierced till the age of 18 . When they are old enough I would be the one to take them to have it done. I have tattoos and I took my kids when they were about 20 years old for a tattoo . It was something they looked foward to and it was something we could do together to mark a special event .
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• United States
7 Mar 09
tatoos are a different story to me than piercings, I personally think that the only place that suits a femaile for a tatoo is on their shoulder, I think anywhere else is unattractive, so unless my daughter had a tasteful tatoo that she wanted on her shoulder I would allow it. I got my 1st tattoo when I was 15 and a half, I wanted the tatoo since I was 8 but my parents told me I had to wait till I was of legal age and had the money to get it myself, I got my initials on my right arm, My dad and I are going to go get matching tatoos on our stomach of our last name (I am 18 now) and when I have kids, if my son turns 16 and decides he wants to have the same tattoo as his dad and grand dad i would gladly let him get that tattoo, but to me i think tattoos can either be really nice or really dumb, I would allow initials or last name, but if he wanted a girlfriends name no, a smilie face no, the name of his favorite musician no. It would have to be a really good idea of a tattoo before I would let him get it
• United States
19 Nov 09
wow, thats very sad... i have a 13 year old daughter and she has her belly buttion pierced. girls are interested in guys like in 4th grade? OPEN YOU EYES. getting it done its pretty and you need to let your kids expiremt!! if they dont how will they ever learn? I trust my daughter, and she trust me. i give her freedom that she diserves. she has been through tuff stuff, and shes handled it on her own. because with out freedom and letting them have nothing and no fun. is a terrible thing to do to kids. they need to know and not be locked up. remeber when you were a kid??????!! dont mess it up for your kids. Im not saying to let them do what ever the hell they want, im saying have faith and instead of saying NO every damn second, asked questions think about it and then answer. be real parents, not the boss at work.
• United States
6 Mar 09
NO NO NO!! I would not let my thirteen year old get her belly button peirced. First let me start off by saying that I got my belly button peirced when I was 16 years old. I wanted it so bad and loved it. I still would like to have it but I haven't gotten it repeirced after being pregnant with my second child. However a 13 year old is too young. Part of getting a belly button peircing is to show off your body and a thirteen year old should not be showing off her body. Something that I don't like about the belly peircing is now I have a scar on my belly button that is very noticeable when you don't have a ring in. A thirteen year old should not be able to make a choice of having her navel scared for life at 13. Also getting your belly peirced should not be done because someone else is doing it. Let's teach our kids to be independent and to do something they want to do not somthing someone else wants to do.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
7 Mar 09
my daughter is 15 and I just took her in to have hers done. She has wanted it done for 2 years. She did not want it to "show off" her body. She wanted it done for herself. She dresses very modestly and always has. She has never ever been one to show off her belly. Even after having it done, one of my friends asked to see it. We were in my home and she blushed and hesitated before lifting her shirt enough to show it. I do agree that 13 is too young. When my girl first asked I said "NO". She did not push with the "all my friends are" story. She just on occassion questioned me when I would feel she was old enough. I knew that she really wanted it and because she did not hound me all the time, I decided to surprise her on her birthday with getting it done. As was mentioned....much depends on the kid.
• United States
10 Mar 09
Much does depend on the child. However, piercing the belly button is a show off thing no matter how you look at it. My daughter asked for one when she was fifteen. I wanted to make sure that it was something she really wanted and not the peer pressure. I told her to wait until she turned sixteen. If she still wanted it, then I would take her to get it done. She waited patiently and never spoke the words to me again. I thought she had forgotten about it. Phew.... No such luck. The first thing she asked for a year later was "Mom, when are you going to take me to get my belly button pierced". She wanted to show off, that is a definite. There is nothing wrong with being proud of your body. But the decision should be well thought out and not because their friends all have one. and defintely not at thirteen.
• United States
6 Mar 09
i would never allow my daughter to get her belly button pierced. i have a 13 and a 12 year old daughter and there is no way. i will not even consider something like that until they are 16. that is just me.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
6 Mar 09
Piercings seem to be the rage right now. As for myself, I'm quite content with the way I was created. Lets face it God does wonders with what He has to work with! That being said, I can't imagine saying no to my 13 yr old daughter if she wants to pierce her belly button, but I would draw the line at her tongue, lip, forehead, or multiple piercings in an ear. The reason being, she only has to look at herself in a mirror, but I would have to see her every time I looked in her direction.
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@Ritz100 (1169)
• Yecla, Spain
6 Mar 09
Oh yuk, absolutely not, no no no no no no and many times NO! I wanted to have my ears pearced when I was 13 and my father hit the roof, he (and my mother) insisted that I wait till I was 18. I actually got it done at 16, but my mother thought it was totally barbaric, and now that I am 48 I understand where she was coming from. In answer, again NO!
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@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
7 Mar 09
I don't think a child of thirteen is ready to really make such a decision. At that age, they want to do things mostly because a friend is doing it, or they think it will help them fit in more. If my daughter came to me at that age and asked me to let her get her belly lutton pierced, the answer would be a definate "NO". I would add that when she was older, about 19, she could make that choice if she still wanted it done.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
7 Mar 09
Now what about ear piercings? It is so common for parents to pierce their baby's ears. Is that not the same thing? Just for the record...I raised 4 girls and I did not let any of them get their ears pierced that young.
• United States
6 Mar 09
NO! My daughter is welcome to get her ears pierced up to 4 times in each ear. I've got 3 holes on the lobe and one each in the cartlidge up top, so it'd be selfish of me not to allow her to have the same piercings I have, but there is NO reason a 13 year old child needs to have her belly button pierced. After my DD is grown and gone, she can pierce any part of her body she desires. But until she turns 18, she will abide by my rules. I'll be more than welcome to listen to her make her case for something and if she presents a case, her father AKA my husband and I will discuss it and come to a decision. According to comedian Bill Engvall -- there is only one reason for a child to get her belly button pierced -- to put the chastity belt lock through it.
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@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
6 Mar 09
I definitely would not let. I have a 14 years old sister, she want to get her ear pierced when she was like 8 or 9 years old, my mother refused and I told her lots of negative things will happen if she doesn't clean it well, I was trying to scare her on purpose because I dont' see why she needed to be pretty and put on ear rings on her age. So belly button pierced? No way. I wouldn't agree at all. I am not a big fan of pierced anyway, I think one hole on each ear is pretty enough to put on pretty ear rings :-D
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@HelloMickey (1655)
• Hong Kong
6 Mar 09
I don't think so. I can't imagine why a 13 year old girl should have her belly button pierced. If friends affect childern that much, it is a good to know her friends in the first place, or if it is possible, introduce friends to her.
• United States
6 Mar 09
As you said, it would most deffinately depend on the child and what they wanted it for. A responsible child, maybe. A teen who "flaunts her stuff" to get attention for it, without a doubt, no.
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• Canada
6 Mar 09
Hrmmm... you know, my initial reaction when I read your question was no. But I sat and thought about it and, for either of my daughters, I think I would have allowed it. My younger is 15 now and I wouldn't have a big issue with it (although she isn't interested in those things). I do think it depends on each family, as you've said. I have a tattoo, for example, that I didn't get until my mid-30's. My 18 year old daughter is wanting a tattoo and, although she is technically an adult, I am strongly encouraging her to wait a little longer before she decides if she seriously wants to take that step. I've asked her to consider longer term factors such as what career she hopes to have and how tattoos might come into play with that. I've even encouraged her to consider piercing her belly button if she wants to do some type of body modification. Ultimately, piercings can be removed. I know there is still the risk of infection, certainly, but, if cared for properly and done by a professional, I think I'd be fine with that. 13 may be a bit young... but there are families that object to daughters having their ears pierced, too, when other families are piercing infant's ears. So, I agree with you, callahanb, that it's an individual decision :)
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
7 Mar 09
I'd counter with "So if I put a bullet in all your friends heads would you want one to?" . That ended using that excuse the last time my daughter tried it.
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
7 Mar 09
What do you expect? With such disturbed kids you use what's necessary.
• China
7 Mar 09
that would absolutely make the child has nothing to retort.
• United States
7 Mar 09
wow a disturbing yet brilliant response, I will most likely use that one when I have kids.
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
7 Mar 09
Well, I would not allow my daughter to get hers done at 16 so no way at 13. I think that is a decision to make as an adult and I made her wait until she was 18. I think that it is gross anyway and so I didn't want to have to see it. She is on her own now and so I don't mind that she had it done. I still don't like it. I think that the kids of these days are really going to regret the things that they have done to themselves later in life. We certainly are going to have some strange looking older people with all of these kids who have multiple piercings and tattoos all over themselves. I wonder why so many parents allow the kids to do such things. What happened to the adults having some control over the kids?
• Canada
24 Feb 11
Some parents believe their children are their equals. :)
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
7 Mar 09
My daughter was about 13 when when she first asked me to get not only her belly pierced but her lip as well. At the time, I just told her no ....too young. She accepted it but over the next 2 years brought it up a couple of times....wanting to know when I thought she'd be old enough. She turned 15 last month and I took her in to get her belly pierced. I figure it is not all that different than ear piercings. The "snake bites" ....well, she'll just have to wait. She is a beautiful girl and I hate to see her pierce and possibly scar her face. If the belly piercings were popular when I was a teen, I'd have been right there having one done. Oh mother would have said no so I'd be doing my own just as I did my ears.. Also as you said, much depends on the child. My daughter is very mature and responsible for her age. I have no doubt that she will take good care to keep it clean and all. Just because all the other kids are doing it is NOT a good reason at all. My daughter still wanted hers done after 2 years and is not one to go around showing off her belly. She wanted it for her. the only time it will be shown is when she is wearing a bathing suit.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
7 Mar 09
Hi Irish, I so agree with you. I have already had this talk with her and it won't be happening regardless of how bad she wants it. Her older sister got a small tatoo on her arm after she was 18. later on she went on to work at a bank. The tatoo can not show at so even in the summer, she has to cover up with long sleeves or a very wide bracelet.
• United States
7 Mar 09
do your daughter a favor and dont let her get her lip pierced, I am in no way telling you how to raise your daughter but having piercings or tatoos on your face makes it alot harder to get a job, just putting my 2 cents in, you can have them if you want
@falconx (221)
• Finland
7 Mar 09
Piercins are yucky, I wouldn't allow them on anyone. Why 13 year kid would like one? I'm just wondering.
• Canada
24 Feb 11
Some people believe piercings make them look more beautiful, I am one of those people, i will be turning 13 tomorrow and my mother is taking me to get my belly-button pierced. Don't want to show it off and none of my friends are getting it, i'm doing it for myself. I have been wanting on ever since i was 10-11 and I am finally getting it done.
• Philippines
19 Feb 13
My answer is a big NO. I will not allow her to do that even if she gets older. I was raised by my parents to become a decent looking person so I will not tolerate my own kid to have that thing on her bellybutton. Aside from the fact that the piercing will not look good, allowing her to have that is like allowing her to do everything she wants even if it will cause danger to her. I will never tolerate my kid. I don't want her to be a spoiled brat.